/** * Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved. * * @providesModule NavigationLegacyNavigatorRouteStack * @flow */ 'use strict'; const invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant'); import type { NavigationState, NavigationParentState, } from 'NavigationTypeDefinition'; type IterationCallback = (route: any, index: number, key: string) => void; function isRouteEmpty(route: any): boolean { return (route === undefined || route === null || route === '') || false; } function areRouteNodesEqual( one: Array, two: Array, ): boolean { if (one === two) { return true; } if (one.length !== two.length) { return false; } for (let ii = 0, jj = one.length; ii < jj; ii++) { if (one[ii] !== two[ii]) { return false; } } return true; } let _nextRouteNodeID = 0; /** * Private struct class that holds the key for a route. */ class RouteNode { key: string; route: any; constructor(route: any) { // Key value gets bigger incrementally. Developer can compare the // keys of two routes then know which route is added to the stack // earlier. const key = String(_nextRouteNodeID++); if (__DEV__ ) { // Ensure the immutability of the node. Object.defineProperty(this, 'key' , { enumerable: true, configurable: false, writable: false, value: key, }); Object.defineProperty(this, 'route' , { enumerable: true, configurable: false, writable: false, value: route, }); } else { this.key = key; this.route = route; } } toNavigationState(): NavigationState { const state: NavigationState = this; return state; } } let _nextRouteStackID = 0; /** * The data structure that holds a list of routes and the focused index * of the routes. This data structure is implemented as immutable data * and mutation (e.g. push, pop...etc) will yields a new instance. */ class RouteStack { _index: number; _key: string; _routeNodes: Array; constructor(index: number, routes: Array) { invariant( routes.length > 0, 'routes must not be an empty array' ); invariant( index > -1 && index <= routes.length - 1, 'index out of bound' ); let routeNodes; if (routes[0] instanceof RouteNode) { // The array is already an array of . routeNodes = routes; } else { // Wrap the route with . routeNodes = routes.map((route) => { invariant(!isRouteEmpty(route), 'route must not be mepty'); return new RouteNode(route); }); } this._routeNodes = routeNodes; this._index = index; this._key = String(_nextRouteStackID++); } /* $FlowFixMe - get/set properties not yet supported */ get size(): number { return this._routeNodes.length; } /* $FlowFixMe - get/set properties not yet supported */ get index(): number { return this._index; } // Export as... toArray(): Array { return this._routeNodes.map(node => node.route); } toNavigationState(): NavigationParentState { return { index: this._index, key: this._key, children: this._routeNodes.map(node => node.toNavigationState()), }; } get(index: number): any { if (index < 0 || index > this._routeNodes.length - 1) { return null; } return this._routeNodes[index].route; } /** * Returns the key associated with the route. * When a route is added to a stack, the stack creates a key for this route. * The key will persist until the initial stack and its derived stack * no longer contains this route. */ keyOf(route: any): ?string { if (isRouteEmpty(route)) { return null; } const index = this.indexOf(route); return index > -1 ? this._routeNodes[index].key : null; } indexOf(route: any): number { if (isRouteEmpty(route)) { return -1; } for (let ii = 0, jj = this._routeNodes.length; ii < jj; ii++) { let node = this._routeNodes[ii]; if (node.route === route) { return ii; } } return -1; } slice(begin: ?number, end: ?number): RouteStack { // check `begin` and `end` first to keep @flow happy. const routeNodes = (end === undefined || end === null) ? this._routeNodes.slice(begin || 0) : this._routeNodes.slice(begin || 0, end || 0); const index = Math.min(this._index, routeNodes.length - 1); return this._update(index, routeNodes); } /** * Returns a new stack with the provided route appended, * starting at this stack size. */ push(route: any): RouteStack { invariant( !isRouteEmpty(route), 'Must supply route to push' ); invariant(this.indexOf(route) === -1, 'route must be unique'); // When pushing, removes the rest of the routes past the current index. const routeNodes = this._routeNodes.slice(0, this._index + 1); routeNodes.push(new RouteNode(route)); return this._update(routeNodes.length - 1, routeNodes); } /** * Returns a new stack a size ones less than this stack, * excluding the last index in this stack. */ pop(): RouteStack { invariant( this._routeNodes.length > 1, 'should not pop routeNodes stack to empty' ); // When popping, removes the rest of the routes past the current index. const routeNodes = this._routeNodes.slice(0, this._index); return this._update(routeNodes.length - 1, routeNodes); } jumpToIndex(index: number): RouteStack { invariant( index > -1 && index < this._routeNodes.length, 'jumpToIndex: index out of bound' ); return this._update(index, this._routeNodes); } /** * Replace a route in the navigation stack. * * `index` specifies the route in the stack that should be replaced. * If it's negative, it counts from the back. */ replaceAtIndex(index: number, route: any): RouteStack { invariant( !isRouteEmpty(route), 'Must supply route to replace' ); if (this.get(index) === route) { return this; } invariant(this.indexOf(route) === -1, 'route must be unique'); if (index < 0) { index += this._routeNodes.length; } invariant( index > -1 && index < this._routeNodes.length, 'replaceAtIndex: index out of bound' ); const routeNodes = this._routeNodes.slice(0); routeNodes[index] = new RouteNode(route); return this._update(index, routeNodes); } // Iterations forEach(callback: IterationCallback, context: ?Object): void { this._routeNodes.forEach((node, index) => { callback.call(context, node.route, index, node.key); }); } mapToArray(callback: IterationCallback, context: ?Object): Array { return this._routeNodes.map((node, index) => { return callback.call(context, node.route, index, node.key); }); } _update(index: number, routeNodes: Array): RouteStack { if ( this._index === index && areRouteNodesEqual(this._routeNodes, routeNodes) ) { return this; } return new RouteStack(index, routeNodes); } } module.exports = RouteStack;