/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ #import "RCTScrollView.h" #import #import "RCTConvert.h" #import "RCTEventDispatcher.h" #import "RCTLog.h" #import "RCTUIManager.h" #import "RCTUtils.h" #import "UIView+Private.h" #import "UIView+React.h" CGFloat const ZINDEX_DEFAULT = 0; CGFloat const ZINDEX_STICKY_HEADER = 50; @interface RCTScrollEvent : NSObject - (instancetype)initWithType:(RCTScrollEventType)type reactTag:(NSNumber *)reactTag scrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView userData:(NSDictionary *)userData NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; @end @implementation RCTScrollEvent { RCTScrollEventType _type; UIScrollView *_scrollView; NSDictionary *_userData; } @synthesize viewTag = _viewTag; - (instancetype)initWithType:(RCTScrollEventType)type reactTag:(NSNumber *)reactTag scrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView userData:(NSDictionary *)userData { RCTAssertParam(reactTag); if ((self = [super init])) { _type = type; _viewTag = reactTag; _scrollView = scrollView; _userData = userData; } return self; } RCT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(-init) - (uint16_t)coalescingKey { return 0; } - (NSDictionary *)body { NSDictionary *body = @{ @"contentOffset": @{ @"x": @(_scrollView.contentOffset.x), @"y": @(_scrollView.contentOffset.y) }, @"contentInset": @{ @"top": @(_scrollView.contentInset.top), @"left": @(_scrollView.contentInset.left), @"bottom": @(_scrollView.contentInset.bottom), @"right": @(_scrollView.contentInset.right) }, @"contentSize": @{ @"width": @(_scrollView.contentSize.width), @"height": @(_scrollView.contentSize.height) }, @"layoutMeasurement": @{ @"width": @(_scrollView.frame.size.width), @"height": @(_scrollView.frame.size.height) }, @"zoomScale": @(_scrollView.zoomScale ?: 1), }; if (_userData) { NSMutableDictionary *mutableBody = [body mutableCopy]; [mutableBody addEntriesFromDictionary:_userData]; body = mutableBody; } return body; } - (NSString *)eventName { static NSString *events[] = { @"scrollBeginDrag", @"scroll", @"scrollEndDrag", @"momentumScrollBegin", @"momentumScrollEnd", @"scrollAnimationEnd", }; return events[_type]; } - (BOOL)canCoalesce { return YES; } - (RCTScrollEvent *)coalesceWithEvent:(RCTScrollEvent *)newEvent { NSArray *updatedChildFrames = [_userData[@"updatedChildFrames"] arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:newEvent->_userData[@"updatedChildFrames"]]; if (updatedChildFrames) { NSMutableDictionary *userData = [newEvent->_userData mutableCopy]; userData[@"updatedChildFrames"] = updatedChildFrames; newEvent->_userData = userData; } return newEvent; } + (NSString *)moduleDotMethod { return @"RCTEventEmitter.receiveEvent"; } @end /** * Include a custom scroll view subclass because we want to limit certain * default UIKit behaviors such as textFields automatically scrolling * scroll views that contain them and support sticky headers. */ @interface RCTCustomScrollView : UIScrollView @property (nonatomic, copy) NSIndexSet *stickyHeaderIndices; @property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL centerContent; @end @implementation RCTCustomScrollView - (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame { if ((self = [super initWithFrame:frame])) { [self.panGestureRecognizer addTarget:self action:@selector(handleCustomPan:)]; } return self; } - (UIView *)contentView { return ((RCTScrollView *)self.superview).contentView; } /** * @return Whether or not the scroll view interaction should be blocked because * JS was found to be the responder. */ - (BOOL)_shouldDisableScrollInteraction { // Since this may be called on every pan, we need to make sure to only climb // the hierarchy on rare occasions. UIView *JSResponder = [RCTUIManager JSResponder]; if (JSResponder && JSResponder != self.superview) { BOOL superviewHasResponder = [self isDescendantOfView:JSResponder]; return superviewHasResponder; } return NO; } - (void)handleCustomPan:(__unused UIPanGestureRecognizer *)sender { if ([self _shouldDisableScrollInteraction]) { self.panGestureRecognizer.enabled = NO; self.panGestureRecognizer.enabled = YES; // TODO: If mid bounce, animate the scroll view to a non-bounced position // while disabling (but only if `stopScrollInteractionIfJSHasResponder` was // called *during* a `pan`. Currently, it will just snap into place which // is not so bad either. // Another approach: // self.scrollEnabled = NO; // self.scrollEnabled = YES; } } - (void)scrollRectToVisible:(__unused CGRect)rect animated:(__unused BOOL)animated { // noop } /** * Returning `YES` cancels touches for the "inner" `view` and causes a scroll. * Returning `NO` causes touches to be directed to that inner view and prevents * the scroll view from scrolling. * * `YES` -> Allows scrolling. * `NO` -> Doesn't allow scrolling. * * By default this returns NO for all views that are UIControls and YES for * everything else. What that does is allows scroll views to scroll even when a * touch started inside of a `UIControl` (`UIButton` etc). For React scroll * views, we want the default to be the same behavior as `UIControl`s so we * return `YES` by default. But there's one case where we want to block the * scrolling no matter what: When JS believes it has its own responder lock on * a view that is *above* the scroll view in the hierarchy. So we abuse this * `touchesShouldCancelInContentView` API in order to stop the scroll view from * scrolling in this case. * * We are not aware of *any* other solution to the problem because alternative * approaches require that we disable the scrollview *before* touches begin or * move. This approach (`touchesShouldCancelInContentView`) works even if the * JS responder is set after touches start/move because * `touchesShouldCancelInContentView` is called as soon as the scroll view has * been touched and dragged *just* far enough to decide to begin the "drag" * movement of the scroll interaction. Returning `NO`, will cause the drag * operation to fail. * * `touchesShouldCancelInContentView` will stop the *initialization* of a * scroll pan gesture and most of the time this is sufficient. On rare * occasion, the scroll gesture would have already initialized right before JS * notifies native of the JS responder being set. In order to recover from that * timing issue we have a fallback that kills any ongoing pan gesture that * occurs when native is notified of a JS responder. * * Note: Explicitly returning `YES`, instead of relying on the default fixes * (at least) one bug where if you have a UIControl inside a UIScrollView and * tap on the UIControl and then start dragging (to scroll), it won't scroll. * Chat with andras for more details. * * In order to have this called, you must have delaysContentTouches set to NO * (which is the not the `UIKit` default). */ - (BOOL)touchesShouldCancelInContentView:(__unused UIView *)view { //TODO: shouldn't this call super if _shouldDisableScrollInteraction returns NO? return ![self _shouldDisableScrollInteraction]; } /* * Automatically centers the content such that if the content is smaller than the * ScrollView, we force it to be centered, but when you zoom or the content otherwise * becomes larger than the ScrollView, there is no padding around the content but it * can still fill the whole view. */ - (void)setContentOffset:(CGPoint)contentOffset { UIView *contentView = [self contentView]; if (contentView && _centerContent) { CGSize subviewSize = contentView.frame.size; CGSize scrollViewSize = self.bounds.size; if (subviewSize.width < scrollViewSize.width) { contentOffset.x = -(scrollViewSize.width - subviewSize.width) / 2.0; } if (subviewSize.height < scrollViewSize.height) { contentOffset.y = -(scrollViewSize.height - subviewSize.height) / 2.0; } } [super setContentOffset:contentOffset]; } - (void)dockClosestSectionHeader { UIView *contentView = [self contentView]; CGFloat scrollTop = self.bounds.origin.y + self.contentInset.top; // Find the section headers that need to be docked __block UIView *previousHeader = nil; __block UIView *currentHeader = nil; __block UIView *nextHeader = nil; NSUInteger subviewCount = contentView.reactSubviews.count; [_stickyHeaderIndices enumerateIndexesWithOptions:0 usingBlock: ^(NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) { if (idx >= subviewCount) { RCTLogError(@"Sticky header index %zd was outside the range {0, %zd}", idx, subviewCount); return; } UIView *header = contentView.reactSubviews[idx]; // If nextHeader not yet found, search for docked headers if (!nextHeader) { CGFloat height = header.bounds.size.height; CGFloat top = header.center.y - height * header.layer.anchorPoint.y; if (top > scrollTop) { nextHeader = header; } else { previousHeader = currentHeader; currentHeader = header; } } // Reset transforms for header views header.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity; header.layer.zPosition = ZINDEX_DEFAULT; }]; // If no docked header, bail out if (!currentHeader) { return; } // Adjust current header to hug the top of the screen CGFloat currentFrameHeight = currentHeader.bounds.size.height; CGFloat currentFrameTop = currentHeader.center.y - currentFrameHeight * currentHeader.layer.anchorPoint.y; CGFloat yOffset = scrollTop - currentFrameTop; if (nextHeader) { // The next header nudges the current header out of the way when it reaches // the top of the screen CGFloat nextFrameHeight = nextHeader.bounds.size.height; CGFloat nextFrameTop = nextHeader.center.y - nextFrameHeight * nextHeader.layer.anchorPoint.y; CGFloat overlap = currentFrameHeight - (nextFrameTop - scrollTop); yOffset -= MAX(0, overlap); } currentHeader.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0, yOffset); currentHeader.layer.zPosition = ZINDEX_STICKY_HEADER; if (previousHeader) { // The previous header sits right above the currentHeader's initial position // so it scrolls away nicely once the currentHeader has locked into place CGFloat previousFrameHeight = previousHeader.bounds.size.height; CGFloat targetCenter = currentFrameTop - previousFrameHeight * (1.0 - previousHeader.layer.anchorPoint.y); yOffset = targetCenter - previousHeader.center.y; previousHeader.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0, yOffset); previousHeader.layer.zPosition = ZINDEX_STICKY_HEADER; } } - (UIView *)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { __block UIView *hitView; [_stickyHeaderIndices enumerateIndexesWithOptions:0 usingBlock:^(NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) { UIView *stickyHeader = [self contentView].reactSubviews[idx]; CGPoint convertedPoint = [stickyHeader convertPoint:point fromView:self]; hitView = [stickyHeader hitTest:convertedPoint withEvent:event]; *stop = (hitView != nil); }]; return hitView ?: [super hitTest:point withEvent:event]; } @end @interface RCTScrollView (Private) - (NSArray *)calculateChildFramesData; @end @implementation RCTScrollView { RCTEventDispatcher *_eventDispatcher; RCTCustomScrollView *_scrollView; UIView *_contentView; NSTimeInterval _lastScrollDispatchTime; NSMutableArray *_cachedChildFrames; BOOL _allowNextScrollNoMatterWhat; CGRect _lastClippedToRect; } @synthesize nativeMainScrollDelegate = _nativeMainScrollDelegate; - (instancetype)initWithEventDispatcher:(RCTEventDispatcher *)eventDispatcher { RCTAssertParam(eventDispatcher); if ((self = [super initWithFrame:CGRectZero])) { _eventDispatcher = eventDispatcher; _scrollView = [[RCTCustomScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero]; _scrollView.delegate = self; _scrollView.delaysContentTouches = NO; _automaticallyAdjustContentInsets = YES; _contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsZero; _contentSize = CGSizeZero; _lastClippedToRect = CGRectNull; _scrollEventThrottle = 0.0; _lastScrollDispatchTime = CACurrentMediaTime(); _cachedChildFrames = [NSMutableArray new]; [self addSubview:_scrollView]; } return self; } RCT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(-initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame) RCT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(-initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder) - (void)setRemoveClippedSubviews:(__unused BOOL)removeClippedSubviews { // Does nothing } - (void)insertReactSubview:(UIView *)view atIndex:(__unused NSInteger)atIndex { RCTAssert(_contentView == nil, @"RCTScrollView may only contain a single subview"); _contentView = view; [_scrollView addSubview:view]; } - (void)removeReactSubview:(UIView *)subview { RCTAssert(_contentView == subview, @"Attempted to remove non-existent subview"); _contentView = nil; [subview removeFromSuperview]; } - (NSArray *)reactSubviews { return _contentView ? @[_contentView] : @[]; } - (BOOL)centerContent { return _scrollView.centerContent; } - (void)setCenterContent:(BOOL)centerContent { _scrollView.centerContent = centerContent; } - (NSIndexSet *)stickyHeaderIndices { return _scrollView.stickyHeaderIndices; } - (void)setStickyHeaderIndices:(NSIndexSet *)headerIndices { RCTAssert(_scrollView.contentSize.width <= self.frame.size.width, @"sticky headers are not supported with horizontal scrolled views"); _scrollView.stickyHeaderIndices = headerIndices; } - (void)setClipsToBounds:(BOOL)clipsToBounds { [super setClipsToBounds:clipsToBounds]; [_scrollView setClipsToBounds:clipsToBounds]; } - (void)dealloc { _scrollView.delegate = nil; } - (void)layoutSubviews { [super layoutSubviews]; RCTAssert(self.subviews.count == 1, @"we should only have exactly one subview"); RCTAssert([self.subviews lastObject] == _scrollView, @"our only subview should be a scrollview"); CGPoint originalOffset = _scrollView.contentOffset; _scrollView.frame = self.bounds; _scrollView.contentOffset = originalOffset; [RCTView autoAdjustInsetsForView:self withScrollView:_scrollView updateOffset:YES]; [self updateClippedSubviews]; } - (void)updateClippedSubviews { // Find a suitable view to use for clipping UIView *clipView = [self react_findClipView]; if (!clipView) { return; } static const CGFloat leeway = 50.0; const CGSize contentSize = _scrollView.contentSize; const CGRect bounds = _scrollView.bounds; const BOOL scrollsHorizontally = contentSize.width > bounds.size.width; const BOOL scrollsVertically = contentSize.height > bounds.size.height; const BOOL shouldClipAgain = CGRectIsNull(_lastClippedToRect) || (scrollsHorizontally && (bounds.size.width < leeway || fabs(_lastClippedToRect.origin.x - bounds.origin.x) >= leeway)) || (scrollsVertically && (bounds.size.height < leeway || fabs(_lastClippedToRect.origin.y - bounds.origin.y) >= leeway)); if (shouldClipAgain) { const CGRect clipRect = CGRectInset(clipView.bounds, -leeway, -leeway); [self react_updateClippedSubviewsWithClipRect:clipRect relativeToView:clipView]; _lastClippedToRect = bounds; } } - (void)setContentInset:(UIEdgeInsets)contentInset { CGPoint contentOffset = _scrollView.contentOffset; _contentInset = contentInset; [RCTView autoAdjustInsetsForView:self withScrollView:_scrollView updateOffset:NO]; _scrollView.contentOffset = contentOffset; } - (void)scrollToOffset:(CGPoint)offset { [self scrollToOffset:offset animated:YES]; } - (void)scrollToOffset:(CGPoint)offset animated:(BOOL)animated { if (!CGPointEqualToPoint(_scrollView.contentOffset, offset)) { [_scrollView setContentOffset:offset animated:animated]; } } - (void)zoomToRect:(CGRect)rect animated:(BOOL)animated { [_scrollView zoomToRect:rect animated:animated]; } #pragma mark - ScrollView delegate #define RCT_SCROLL_EVENT_HANDLER(delegateMethod, eventName) \ - (void)delegateMethod:(UIScrollView *)scrollView \ { \ [_eventDispatcher sendScrollEventWithType:eventName reactTag:self.reactTag scrollView:scrollView userData:nil]; \ if ([_nativeMainScrollDelegate respondsToSelector:_cmd]) { \ [_nativeMainScrollDelegate delegateMethod:scrollView]; \ } \ } #define RCT_FORWARD_SCROLL_EVENT(call) \ if ([_nativeMainScrollDelegate respondsToSelector:_cmd]) { \ [_nativeMainScrollDelegate call]; \ } RCT_SCROLL_EVENT_HANDLER(scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation, RCTScrollEventTypeEndDeceleration) RCT_SCROLL_EVENT_HANDLER(scrollViewWillBeginDecelerating, RCTScrollEventTypeStartDeceleration) RCT_SCROLL_EVENT_HANDLER(scrollViewDidEndDecelerating, RCTScrollEventTypeEndDeceleration) RCT_SCROLL_EVENT_HANDLER(scrollViewDidZoom, RCTScrollEventTypeMove) - (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView { [_scrollView dockClosestSectionHeader]; [self updateClippedSubviews]; NSTimeInterval now = CACurrentMediaTime(); /** * TODO: this logic looks wrong, and it may be because it is. Currently, if _scrollEventThrottle * is set to zero (the default), the "didScroll" event is only sent once per scroll, instead of repeatedly * while scrolling as expected. However, if you "fix" that bug, ScrollView will generate repeated * warnings, and behave strangely (ListView works fine however), so don't fix it unless you fix that too! */ if (_allowNextScrollNoMatterWhat || (_scrollEventThrottle > 0 && _scrollEventThrottle < (now - _lastScrollDispatchTime))) { // Calculate changed frames NSArray *childFrames = [self calculateChildFramesData]; // Dispatch event [_eventDispatcher sendScrollEventWithType:RCTScrollEventTypeMove reactTag:self.reactTag scrollView:scrollView userData:@{@"updatedChildFrames": childFrames}]; // Update dispatch time _lastScrollDispatchTime = now; _allowNextScrollNoMatterWhat = NO; } RCT_FORWARD_SCROLL_EVENT(scrollViewDidScroll:scrollView); } - (NSArray *)calculateChildFramesData { NSMutableArray *updatedChildFrames = [NSMutableArray new]; [[_contentView reactSubviews] enumerateObjectsUsingBlock: ^(UIView *subview, NSUInteger idx, __unused BOOL *stop) { // Check if new or changed CGRect newFrame = subview.frame; BOOL frameChanged = NO; if (_cachedChildFrames.count <= idx) { frameChanged = YES; [_cachedChildFrames addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGRect:newFrame]]; } else if (!CGRectEqualToRect(newFrame, [_cachedChildFrames[idx] CGRectValue])) { frameChanged = YES; _cachedChildFrames[idx] = [NSValue valueWithCGRect:newFrame]; } // Create JS frame object if (frameChanged) { [updatedChildFrames addObject: @{ @"index": @(idx), @"x": @(newFrame.origin.x), @"y": @(newFrame.origin.y), @"width": @(newFrame.size.width), @"height": @(newFrame.size.height), }]; } }]; return updatedChildFrames; } - (void)scrollViewWillBeginDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView { _allowNextScrollNoMatterWhat = YES; // Ensure next scroll event is recorded, regardless of throttle [_eventDispatcher sendScrollEventWithType:RCTScrollEventTypeStart reactTag:self.reactTag scrollView:scrollView userData:nil]; RCT_FORWARD_SCROLL_EVENT(scrollViewWillBeginDragging:scrollView); } - (void)scrollViewWillEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView withVelocity:(CGPoint)velocity targetContentOffset:(inout CGPoint *)targetContentOffset { NSDictionary *userData = @{ @"velocity": @{ @"x": @(velocity.x), @"y": @(velocity.y) }, @"targetContentOffset": @{ @"x": @(targetContentOffset->x), @"y": @(targetContentOffset->y) } }; [_eventDispatcher sendScrollEventWithType:RCTScrollEventTypeEnd reactTag:self.reactTag scrollView:scrollView userData:userData]; RCT_FORWARD_SCROLL_EVENT(scrollViewWillEndDragging:scrollView withVelocity:velocity targetContentOffset:targetContentOffset); } - (void)scrollViewDidEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView willDecelerate:(BOOL)decelerate { RCT_FORWARD_SCROLL_EVENT(scrollViewDidEndDragging:scrollView willDecelerate:decelerate); } - (void)scrollViewWillBeginZooming:(UIScrollView *)scrollView withView:(UIView *)view { [_eventDispatcher sendScrollEventWithType:RCTScrollEventTypeStart reactTag:self.reactTag scrollView:scrollView userData:nil]; RCT_FORWARD_SCROLL_EVENT(scrollViewWillBeginZooming:scrollView withView:view); } - (void)scrollViewDidEndZooming:(UIScrollView *)scrollView withView:(UIView *)view atScale:(CGFloat)scale { [_eventDispatcher sendScrollEventWithType:RCTScrollEventTypeEnd reactTag:self.reactTag scrollView:scrollView userData:nil]; RCT_FORWARD_SCROLL_EVENT(scrollViewDidEndZooming:scrollView withView:view atScale:scale); } - (BOOL)scrollViewShouldScrollToTop:(UIScrollView *)scrollView { if ([_nativeMainScrollDelegate respondsToSelector:_cmd]) { return [_nativeMainScrollDelegate scrollViewShouldScrollToTop:scrollView]; } return YES; } - (UIView *)viewForZoomingInScrollView:(__unused UIScrollView *)scrollView { return _contentView; } #pragma mark - Setters - (CGSize)_calculateViewportSize { CGSize viewportSize = self.bounds.size; if (_automaticallyAdjustContentInsets) { UIEdgeInsets contentInsets = [RCTView contentInsetsForView:self]; viewportSize = CGSizeMake(self.bounds.size.width - contentInsets.left - contentInsets.right, self.bounds.size.height - contentInsets.top - contentInsets.bottom); } return viewportSize; } - (CGPoint)calculateOffsetForContentSize:(CGSize)newContentSize { CGPoint oldOffset = _scrollView.contentOffset; CGPoint newOffset = oldOffset; CGSize oldContentSize = _scrollView.contentSize; CGSize viewportSize = [self _calculateViewportSize]; BOOL fitsinViewportY = oldContentSize.height <= viewportSize.height && newContentSize.height <= viewportSize.height; if (newContentSize.height < oldContentSize.height && !fitsinViewportY) { CGFloat offsetHeight = oldOffset.y + viewportSize.height; if (oldOffset.y < 0) { // overscrolled on top, leave offset alone } else if (offsetHeight > oldContentSize.height) { // overscrolled on the bottom, preserve overscroll amount newOffset.y = MAX(0, oldOffset.y - (oldContentSize.height - newContentSize.height)); } else if (offsetHeight > newContentSize.height) { // offset falls outside of bounds, scroll back to end of list newOffset.y = MAX(0, newContentSize.height - viewportSize.height); } } BOOL fitsinViewportX = oldContentSize.width <= viewportSize.width && newContentSize.width <= viewportSize.width; if (newContentSize.width < oldContentSize.width && !fitsinViewportX) { CGFloat offsetHeight = oldOffset.x + viewportSize.width; if (oldOffset.x < 0) { // overscrolled at the beginning, leave offset alone } else if (offsetHeight > oldContentSize.width && newContentSize.width > viewportSize.width) { // overscrolled at the end, preserve overscroll amount as much as possible newOffset.x = MAX(0, oldOffset.x - (oldContentSize.width - newContentSize.width)); } else if (offsetHeight > newContentSize.width) { // offset falls outside of bounds, scroll back to end newOffset.x = MAX(0, newContentSize.width - viewportSize.width); } } // all other cases, offset doesn't change return newOffset; } /** * Once you set the `contentSize`, to a nonzero value, it is assumed to be * managed by you, and we'll never automatically compute the size for you, * unless you manually reset it back to {0, 0} */ - (CGSize)contentSize { if (!CGSizeEqualToSize(_contentSize, CGSizeZero)) { return _contentSize; } else if (!_contentView) { return CGSizeZero; } else { CGSize singleSubviewSize = _contentView.frame.size; CGPoint singleSubviewPosition = _contentView.frame.origin; return (CGSize){ singleSubviewSize.width + singleSubviewPosition.x, singleSubviewSize.height + singleSubviewPosition.y }; } } - (void)reactBridgeDidFinishTransaction { CGSize contentSize = self.contentSize; if (!CGSizeEqualToSize(_scrollView.contentSize, contentSize)) { // When contentSize is set manually, ScrollView internals will reset // contentOffset to {0, 0}. Since we potentially set contentSize whenever // anything in the ScrollView updates, we workaround this issue by manually // adjusting contentOffset whenever this happens CGPoint newOffset = [self calculateOffsetForContentSize:contentSize]; _scrollView.contentSize = contentSize; _scrollView.contentOffset = newOffset; } [_scrollView dockClosestSectionHeader]; } // Note: setting several properties of UIScrollView has the effect of // resetting its contentOffset to {0, 0}. To prevent this, we generate // setters here that will record the contentOffset beforehand, and // restore it after the property has been set. #define RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setter, type) \ - (void)setter:(type)value \ { \ CGPoint contentOffset = _scrollView.contentOffset; \ [_scrollView setter:value]; \ _scrollView.contentOffset = contentOffset; \ } RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setAlwaysBounceHorizontal, BOOL) RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setAlwaysBounceVertical, BOOL) RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setBounces, BOOL) RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setBouncesZoom, BOOL) RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setCanCancelContentTouches, BOOL) RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setDecelerationRate, CGFloat) RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setDirectionalLockEnabled, BOOL) RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setKeyboardDismissMode, UIScrollViewKeyboardDismissMode) RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setMaximumZoomScale, CGFloat) RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setMinimumZoomScale, CGFloat) RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setPagingEnabled, BOOL) RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setScrollEnabled, BOOL) RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setScrollsToTop, BOOL) RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setShowsHorizontalScrollIndicator, BOOL) RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setShowsVerticalScrollIndicator, BOOL) RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setZoomScale, CGFloat); RCT_SET_AND_PRESERVE_OFFSET(setScrollIndicatorInsets, UIEdgeInsets); #pragma mark - Forward methods and properties to underlying UIScrollView - (BOOL)respondsToSelector:(SEL)aSelector { return [super respondsToSelector:aSelector] || [_scrollView respondsToSelector:aSelector]; } - (void)setValue:(id)value forUndefinedKey:(NSString *)key { [_scrollView setValue:value forKey:key]; } - (id)valueForUndefinedKey:(NSString *)key { return [_scrollView valueForKey:key]; } @end @implementation RCTEventDispatcher (RCTScrollView) - (void)sendScrollEventWithType:(RCTScrollEventType)type reactTag:(NSNumber *)reactTag scrollView:(UIScrollView *)scrollView userData:(NSDictionary *)userData { RCTScrollEvent *scrollEvent = [[RCTScrollEvent alloc] initWithType:type reactTag:reactTag scrollView:scrollView userData:userData]; [self sendEvent:scrollEvent]; } @end