const chai = require('chai'); const expect = chai.expect; const sinon = require('sinon'); const mock = require('mock-require'); const log = require('npmlog'); const path = require('path'); const link = require('../src/link'); log.level = 'silent'; describe('link', () => { beforeEach(() => { delete require.cache[require.resolve('../src/link')]; }); it('should reject when run in a folder without package.json', (done) => { const config = { getProjectConfig: () => { throw new Error('No package.json found'); }, }; link(config).catch(() => done()); }); it('should accept a name of a dependency to link', (done) => { const config = { getProjectConfig: () => ({ assets: [] }), getDependencyConfig: sinon.stub().returns({ assets: [], commands: {} }), }; link(config, ['react-native-gradient']).then(() => { expect( config.getDependencyConfig.calledWith('react-native-gradient') ); done(); }); }); it('should read dependencies from package.json when name not provided', (done) => { const config = { getProjectConfig: () => ({ assets: [] }), getDependencyConfig: sinon.stub().returns({ assets: [], commands: {} }), }; mock( path.join(process.cwd(), 'package.json'), { dependencies: { 'react-native-test': '*', }, } ); link(config, []).then(() => { expect( config.getDependencyConfig.calledWith('react-native-test') ); done(); }); }); it('should register native module when android/ios projects are present', (done) => { const registerNativeModule = sinon.stub(); const dependencyConfig = {android: {}, ios: {}, assets: [], commands: {}}; const config = { getProjectConfig: () => ({android: {}, ios: {}, assets: []}), getDependencyConfig: sinon.stub().returns(dependencyConfig), }; mock( '../src/android/isInstalled.js', sinon.stub().returns(false) ); mock( '../src/android/registerNativeModule.js', registerNativeModule ); mock( '../src/ios/isInstalled.js', sinon.stub().returns(false) ); mock( '../src/ios/registerNativeModule.js', registerNativeModule ); const link = require('../src/link'); link(config, ['react-native-blur']).then(() => { expect(registerNativeModule.calledTwice); done(); }); }); it('should not register modules when they are already installed', (done) => { const registerNativeModule = sinon.stub(); const dependencyConfig = {ios: {}, android: {}, assets: [], commands: {}}; const config = { getProjectConfig: () => ({ ios: {}, android: {}, assets: [] }), getDependencyConfig: sinon.stub().returns(dependencyConfig), }; mock( '../src/ios/isInstalled.js', sinon.stub().returns(true) ); mock( '../src/android/isInstalled.js', sinon.stub().returns(true) ); mock( '../src/ios/registerNativeModule.js', registerNativeModule ); mock( '../src/android/registerNativeModule.js', registerNativeModule ); const link = require('../src/link'); link(config, ['react-native-blur']).then(() => { expect(registerNativeModule.callCount).to.equal(0); done(); }); }); it('should run prelink and postlink commands at the appropriate times', (done) => { const registerNativeModule = sinon.stub(); const prelink = sinon.stub().yieldsAsync(); const postlink = sinon.stub().yieldsAsync(); mock( '../src/ios/registerNativeModule.js', registerNativeModule ); mock( '../src/ios/isInstalled.js', sinon.stub().returns(false) ); const config = { getProjectConfig: () => ({ ios: {}, assets: [] }), getDependencyConfig: sinon.stub().returns({ ios: {}, assets: [], commands: { prelink, postlink }, }), }; const link = require('../src/link'); link(config, ['react-native-blur']).then(() => { expect(prelink.calledBefore(registerNativeModule)); expect(postlink.calledAfter(registerNativeModule)); done(); }); }); it('should copy assets from both project and dependencies projects', (done) => { const dependencyAssets = ['Fonts/Font.ttf']; const dependencyConfig = {assets: dependencyAssets, commands: {}}; const projectAssets = ['Fonts/FontC.ttf']; const copyAssets = sinon.stub(); mock( '../src/ios/copyAssets.js', copyAssets ); const config = { getProjectConfig: () => ({ ios: {}, assets: projectAssets }), getDependencyConfig: sinon.stub().returns(dependencyConfig), }; const link = require('../src/link'); link(config, ['react-native-blur']).then(() => { expect(copyAssets.calledOnce); expect(copyAssets.getCall(0).args[0]).to.deep.equals( projectAssets.concat(dependencyAssets) ); done(); }); }); afterEach(() => { mock.stopAll(); }); });