 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
 * @providesModule DatePickerIOS
 * @flow
 * This is a controlled component version of RCTDatePickerIOS
'use strict';

const NativeMethodsMixin = require('react/lib/NativeMethodsMixin');
const PropTypes = require('react/lib/ReactPropTypes');
const React = require('React');
const StyleSheet = require('StyleSheet');
const View = require('View');

const requireNativeComponent = require('requireNativeComponent');

type DefaultProps = {
  mode: 'date' | 'time' | 'datetime',

type Event = Object;

 * Use `DatePickerIOS` to render a date/time picker (selector) on iOS.  This is
 * a controlled component, so you must hook in to the `onDateChange` callback
 * and update the `date` prop in order for the component to update, otherwise
 * the user's change will be reverted immediately to reflect `props.date` as the
 * source of truth.
const DatePickerIOS = React.createClass({
  // TOOD: Put a better type for _picker
  _picker: (undefined: ?$FlowFixMe),

  mixins: [NativeMethodsMixin],

  propTypes: {
     * The currently selected date.
    date: PropTypes.instanceOf(Date).isRequired,

     * Date change handler.
     * This is called when the user changes the date or time in the UI.
     * The first and only argument is a Date object representing the new
     * date and time.
    onDateChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,

     * Maximum date.
     * Restricts the range of possible date/time values.
    maximumDate: PropTypes.instanceOf(Date),

     * Minimum date.
     * Restricts the range of possible date/time values.
    minimumDate: PropTypes.instanceOf(Date),

     * The date picker mode.
    mode: PropTypes.oneOf(['date', 'time', 'datetime']),

     * The interval at which minutes can be selected.
    minuteInterval: PropTypes.oneOf([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30]),

     * Timezone offset in minutes.
     * By default, the date picker will use the device's timezone. With this
     * parameter, it is possible to force a certain timezone offset. For
     * instance, to show times in Pacific Standard Time, pass -7 * 60.
    timeZoneOffsetInMinutes: PropTypes.number,

  getDefaultProps: function(): DefaultProps {
    return {
      mode: 'datetime',

  _onChange: function(event: Event) {
    const nativeTimeStamp = event.nativeEvent.timestamp;
    this.props.onDateChange && this.props.onDateChange(
      new Date(nativeTimeStamp)
    this.props.onChange && this.props.onChange(event);

    // We expect the onChange* handlers to be in charge of updating our `date`
    // prop. That way they can also disallow/undo/mutate the selection of
    // certain values. In other words, the embedder of this component should
    // be the source of truth, not the native component.
    const propsTimeStamp = this.props.date.getTime();
    if (this._picker && nativeTimeStamp !== propsTimeStamp) {
        date: propsTimeStamp,

  render: function() {
    const props = this.props;
    return (
      <View style={props.style}>
          ref={ picker => { this._picker = picker; } }
            props.maximumDate ? props.maximumDate.getTime() : undefined
            props.minimumDate ? props.minimumDate.getTime() : undefined

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  datePickerIOS: {
    height: 216,

const RCTDatePickerIOS = requireNativeComponent('RCTDatePicker', {
  propTypes: {
    date: PropTypes.number,
    minimumDate: PropTypes.number,
    maximumDate: PropTypes.number,
    onDateChange: () => null,
    onChange: PropTypes.func,

module.exports = DatePickerIOS;