--- id: share title: Share layout: docs category: APIs permalink: docs/share.html next: statusbarios previous: settings --- ### Methods - [`share`](docs/share.html#share) - [`sharedAction`](docs/share.html#sharedaction) - [`dismissedAction`](docs/share.html#dismissedaction) --- # Reference ## Methods ### `share()` ```javascript static share(content, options) ``` Open a dialog to share text content. In iOS, Returns a Promise which will be invoked an object containing `action`, `activityType`. If the user dismissed the dialog, the Promise will still be resolved with action being `Share.dismissedAction` and all the other keys being undefined. In Android, Returns a Promise which always be resolved with action being `Share.sharedAction`. ### Content - `message` - a message to share - `title` - title of the message #### iOS - `url` - an URL to share At least one of URL and message is required. ### Options #### iOS - `subject` - a subject to share via email - `excludedActivityTypes` - `tintColor` #### Android - `dialogTitle` --- ### `sharedAction()` ```javascript static sharedAction() ``` The content was successfully shared. --- ### `dismissedAction()` ```javascript static dismissedAction() ``` The dialog has been dismissed. @platform ios