/** * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ type _SourceMap = { version: number, file?: string, sources: Array, names: Array, mappings: string, sourcesContent?: Array, }; // based on babylon v6.13.1 type BabylonOptions = { allowImportExportEverywhere?: boolean, allowReturnOutsideFunction?: boolean, allowSuperOutsideMethod?: boolean, sourceType?: 'script' | 'module', sourceFilename?: 'string', plugins?: Array< 'jsx' | 'flow' | 'doExpressions' | 'objectRestSpread' | 'decorators' | 'classProperties' | 'exportExtensions' | 'asyncGenerators' | 'functionBind' | 'functionSent' | 'dynamicImport' >, }; // based on babel-generator v6.18.0 type GeneratorOptions = { auxiliaryCommentBefore?: string, auxiliaryCommentAfter?: string, shouldPrintComment?: (comment: string) => boolean, retainLines?: boolean, retainFunctionParens?: boolean, comments?: boolean, compact?: boolean | 'auto', minified?: boolean, concise?: boolean, quotes?: 'single' | 'double', filename?: string, sourceMaps?: boolean, sourceMapTarget?: string, sourceRoot?: string, sourceFileName?: string, }; type InlinePlugin = [string | {} | () => {}, any]; // based on https://babeljs.io/docs/usage/options/ -- 2016-11-11 type __TransformOptions = { filename?: string, filenameRelative?: string, presets?: Array, plugins?: Array, parserOpts?: BabylonOptions, generatorOpts?: GeneratorOptions, highlightCode?: boolean, only?: string | RegExp | Array, ignore?: string | RegExp | Array, auxiliaryCommentBefore?: boolean, auxiliaryCommentAfter?: boolean, sourceMaps?: boolean, inputSourceMap?: ?Object, sourceMapTarget?: string, sourceFileName?: string, sourceRoot?: string, moduleRoot?: string, moduleIds?: boolean, moduleId?: string, getModuleId?: (moduleName: string) => string, resolveModuleSource?: (source: string, filename: string) => string, code?: boolean, babelrc?: boolean, ast?: boolean, compact?: boolean | 'auto', minified?: boolean, comments?: boolean, shouldPrintComment?: (comment: string) => boolean, retainLines?: boolean, extends?: string, }; type _TransformOptions = __TransformOptions & {env?: {[key: string]: __TransformOptions}}; declare class _Ast {}; type TransformResult = { ast: _Ast, code: ?string, map: ?_SourceMap, }; type VisitFn = (path: Object, state: State) => any; declare module 'babel-core' { declare type SourceMap = _SourceMap; declare type Ast = _Ast; declare type TransformOptions = _TransformOptions; declare function transform( code: string, options?: _TransformOptions, ): TransformResult; declare function traverse( ast: _Ast, visitor: {[key: string]: VisitFn | {enter?: VisitFn, exit?: VisitFn}}, scope?: ?Object, state?: State, parentPath?: ?Object, ): void; declare var types: {[key: string]: Function}; declare function transformFromAst( ast: _Ast, code?: ?string, babelOptions?: _TransformOptions, ): TransformResult; } declare module 'babel-generator' { declare function exports( ast: _Ast, options?: GeneratorOptions, ): TransformResult; }