/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * @providesModule ReactNativeART */ 'use strict'; var Color = require('art/core/color'); var Path = require('ARTSerializablePath'); var Transform = require('art/core/transform'); var React = require('React'); var ReactNativeViewAttributes = require('ReactNativeViewAttributes'); var createReactNativeComponentClass = require('react/lib/createReactNativeComponentClass'); var merge = require('merge'); // Diff Helpers function arrayDiffer(a, b) { if (a == null || b == null) { return true; } if (a.length !== b.length) { return true; } for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) { return true; } } return false; } function fontAndLinesDiffer(a, b) { if (a === b) { return false; } if (a.font !== b.font) { if (a.font === null) { return true; } if (b.font === null) { return true; } if ( a.font.fontFamily !== b.font.fontFamily || a.font.fontSize !== b.font.fontSize || a.font.fontWeight !== b.font.fontWeight || a.font.fontStyle !== b.font.fontStyle ) { return true; } } return arrayDiffer(a.lines, b.lines); } // Native Attributes var SurfaceViewAttributes = merge(ReactNativeViewAttributes.UIView, { // This should contain pixel information such as width, height and // resolution to know what kind of buffer needs to be allocated. // Currently we rely on UIViews and style to figure that out. }); var NodeAttributes = { transform: { diff: arrayDiffer }, opacity: true, }; var GroupAttributes = merge(NodeAttributes, { clipping: { diff: arrayDiffer } }); var RenderableAttributes = merge(NodeAttributes, { fill: { diff: arrayDiffer }, stroke: { diff: arrayDiffer }, strokeWidth: true, strokeCap: true, strokeJoin: true, strokeDash: { diff: arrayDiffer }, }); var ShapeAttributes = merge(RenderableAttributes, { d: { diff: arrayDiffer }, }); var TextAttributes = merge(RenderableAttributes, { alignment: true, frame: { diff: fontAndLinesDiffer }, path: { diff: arrayDiffer } }); // Native Components var NativeSurfaceView = createReactNativeComponentClass({ validAttributes: SurfaceViewAttributes, uiViewClassName: 'ARTSurfaceView', }); var NativeGroup = createReactNativeComponentClass({ validAttributes: GroupAttributes, uiViewClassName: 'ARTGroup', }); var NativeShape = createReactNativeComponentClass({ validAttributes: ShapeAttributes, uiViewClassName: 'ARTShape', }); var NativeText = createReactNativeComponentClass({ validAttributes: TextAttributes, uiViewClassName: 'ARTText', }); // Utilities function childrenAsString(children) { if (!children) { return ''; } if (typeof children === 'string') { return children; } if (children.length) { return children.join('\n'); } return ''; } // Surface - Root node of all ART class Surface extends React.Component { render() { var props = this.props; var w = extractNumber(props.width, 0); var h = extractNumber(props.height, 0); return ( {this.props.children} ); } } // Node Props // TODO: The desktop version of ART has title and cursor. We should have // accessibility support here too even though hovering doesn't work. function extractNumber(value, defaultValue) { if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } return +value; } var pooledTransform = new Transform(); function extractTransform(props) { var scaleX = props.scaleX != null ? props.scaleX : props.scale != null ? props.scale : 1; var scaleY = props.scaleY != null ? props.scaleY : props.scale != null ? props.scale : 1; pooledTransform .transformTo(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) .move(props.x || 0, props.y || 0) .rotate(props.rotation || 0, props.originX, props.originY) .scale(scaleX, scaleY, props.originX, props.originY); if (props.transform != null) { pooledTransform.transform(props.transform); } return [ pooledTransform.xx, pooledTransform.yx, pooledTransform.xy, pooledTransform.yy, pooledTransform.x, pooledTransform.y, ]; } function extractOpacity(props) { // TODO: visible === false should also have no hit detection if (props.visible === false) { return 0; } if (props.opacity == null) { return 1; } return +props.opacity; } // Groups // Note: ART has a notion of width and height on Group but AFAIK it's a noop in // ReactART. class Group extends React.Component { render() { var props = this.props; return ( {this.props.children} ); } } class ClippingRectangle extends React.Component { render() { var props = this.props; var x = extractNumber(props.x, 0); var y = extractNumber(props.y, 0); var w = extractNumber(props.width, 0); var h = extractNumber(props.height, 0); var clipping = [x, y, w, h]; // The current clipping API requires x and y to be ignored in the transform var propsExcludingXAndY = merge(props); delete propsExcludingXAndY.x; delete propsExcludingXAndY.y; return ( {this.props.children} ); } } // Renderables var SOLID_COLOR = 0; var LINEAR_GRADIENT = 1; var RADIAL_GRADIENT = 2; var PATTERN = 3; function insertColorIntoArray(color, targetArray, atIndex) { var c = new Color(color); targetArray[atIndex + 0] = c.red / 255; targetArray[atIndex + 1] = c.green / 255; targetArray[atIndex + 2] = c.blue / 255; targetArray[atIndex + 3] = c.alpha; } function insertColorsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, atIndex) { var i = 0; if ('length' in stops) { while (i < stops.length) { insertColorIntoArray(stops[i], targetArray, atIndex + i * 4); i++; } } else { for (var offset in stops) { insertColorIntoArray(stops[offset], targetArray, atIndex + i * 4); i++; } } return atIndex + i * 4; } function insertOffsetsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, atIndex, multi, reverse) { var offsetNumber; var i = 0; if ('length' in stops) { while (i < stops.length) { offsetNumber = i / (stops.length - 1) * multi; targetArray[atIndex + i] = reverse ? 1 - offsetNumber : offsetNumber; i++; } } else { for (var offsetString in stops) { offsetNumber = (+offsetString) * multi; targetArray[atIndex + i] = reverse ? 1 - offsetNumber : offsetNumber; i++; } } return atIndex + i; } function insertColorStopsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, atIndex) { var lastIndex = insertColorsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, atIndex); insertOffsetsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, lastIndex, 1, false); } function insertDoubleColorStopsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, atIndex) { var lastIndex = insertColorsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, atIndex); lastIndex = insertColorsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, lastIndex); lastIndex = insertOffsetsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, lastIndex, 0.5, false); insertOffsetsIntoArray(stops, targetArray, lastIndex, 0.5, true); } function applyBoundingBoxToBrushData(brushData, props) { var type = brushData[0]; var width = +props.width; var height = +props.height; if (type === LINEAR_GRADIENT) { brushData[1] *= width; brushData[2] *= height; brushData[3] *= width; brushData[4] *= height; } else if (type === RADIAL_GRADIENT) { brushData[1] *= width; brushData[2] *= height; brushData[3] *= width; brushData[4] *= height; brushData[5] *= width; brushData[6] *= height; } else if (type === PATTERN) { // todo } } function extractBrush(colorOrBrush, props) { if (colorOrBrush == null) { return null; } if (colorOrBrush._brush) { if (colorOrBrush._bb) { // The legacy API for Gradients allow for the bounding box to be used // as a convenience for specifying gradient positions. This should be // deprecated. It's not properly implemented in canvas mode. ReactART // doesn't handle update to the bounding box correctly. That's why we // mutate this so that if it's reused, we reuse the same resolved box. applyBoundingBoxToBrushData(colorOrBrush._brush, props); colorOrBrush._bb = false; } return colorOrBrush._brush; } var c = new Color(colorOrBrush); return [SOLID_COLOR, c.red / 255, c.green / 255, c.blue / 255, c.alpha]; } function extractColor(color) { if (color == null) { return null; } var c = new Color(color); return [c.red / 255, c.green / 255, c.blue / 255, c.alpha]; } function extractStrokeCap(strokeCap) { switch (strokeCap) { case 'butt': return 0; case 'square': return 2; default: return 1; // round } } function extractStrokeJoin(strokeJoin) { switch (strokeJoin) { case 'miter': return 0; case 'bevel': return 2; default: return 1; // round } } // Shape // Note: ART has a notion of width and height on Shape but AFAIK it's a noop in // ReactART. class Shape extends React.Component { render() { var props = this.props; var path = props.d || childrenAsString(props.children); var d = new Path(path).toJSON(); return ( ); } } // Text var cachedFontObjectsFromString = {}; var fontFamilyPrefix = /^[\s"']*/; var fontFamilySuffix = /[\s"']*$/; function extractSingleFontFamily(fontFamilyString) { // ART on the web allows for multiple font-families to be specified. // For compatibility, we extract the first font-family, hoping // we'll get a match. return fontFamilyString.split(',')[0] .replace(fontFamilyPrefix, '') .replace(fontFamilySuffix, ''); } function parseFontString(font) { if (cachedFontObjectsFromString.hasOwnProperty(font)) { return cachedFontObjectsFromString[font]; } var regexp = /^\s*((?:(?:normal|bold|italic)\s+)*)(?:(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)[ptexm\%]*(?:\s*\/.*?)?\s+)?\s*\"?([^\"]*)/i; var match = regexp.exec(font); if (!match) { return null; } var fontFamily = extractSingleFontFamily(match[3]); var fontSize = +match[2] || 12; var isBold = /bold/.exec(match[1]); var isItalic = /italic/.exec(match[1]); cachedFontObjectsFromString[font] = { fontFamily: fontFamily, fontSize: fontSize, fontWeight: isBold ? 'bold' : 'normal', fontStyle: isItalic ? 'italic' : 'normal', }; return cachedFontObjectsFromString[font]; } function extractFont(font) { if (font == null) { return null; } if (typeof font === 'string') { return parseFontString(font); } var fontFamily = extractSingleFontFamily(font.fontFamily); var fontSize = +font.fontSize || 12; return { // Normalize fontFamily: fontFamily, fontSize: fontSize, fontWeight: font.fontWeight, fontStyle: font.fontStyle, }; } var newLine = /\n/g; function extractFontAndLines(font, text) { return { font: extractFont(font), lines: text.split(newLine) }; } function extractAlignment(alignment) { switch (alignment) { case 'right': return 1; case 'center': return 2; default: return 0; } } class Text extends React.Component { render() { var props = this.props; var textPath = props.path ? new Path(props.path).toJSON() : null; var textFrame = extractFontAndLines( props.font, childrenAsString(props.children) ); return ( ); } } // Declarative fill type objects - API design not finalized function LinearGradient(stops, x1, y1, x2, y2) { var type = LINEAR_GRADIENT; if (arguments.length < 5) { var angle = ((x1 == null) ? 270 : x1) * Math.PI / 180; var x = Math.cos(angle); var y = -Math.sin(angle); var l = (Math.abs(x) + Math.abs(y)) / 2; x *= l; y *= l; x1 = 0.5 - x; x2 = 0.5 + x; y1 = 0.5 - y; y2 = 0.5 + y; this._bb = true; } else { this._bb = false; } var brushData = [type, +x1, +y1, +x2, +y2]; insertColorStopsIntoArray(stops, brushData, 5); this._brush = brushData; } function RadialGradient(stops, fx, fy, rx, ry, cx, cy) { if (ry == null) { ry = rx; } if (cx == null) { cx = fx; } if (cy == null) { cy = fy; } if (fx == null) { // As a convenience we allow the whole radial gradient to cover the // bounding box. We should consider dropping this API. fx = fy = rx = ry = cx = cy = 0.5; this._bb = true; } else { this._bb = false; } // The ART API expects the radial gradient to be repeated at the edges. // To simulate this we render the gradient twice as large and add double // color stops. Ideally this API would become more restrictive so that this // extra work isn't needed. var brushData = [RADIAL_GRADIENT, +fx, +fy, +rx * 2, +ry * 2, +cx, +cy]; insertDoubleColorStopsIntoArray(stops, brushData, 7); this._brush = brushData; } function Pattern(url, width, height, left, top) { this._brush = [PATTERN, url, +left || 0, +top || 0, +width, +height]; } var ReactART = { LinearGradient: LinearGradient, RadialGradient: RadialGradient, Pattern: Pattern, Transform: Transform, Path: Path, Surface: Surface, Group: Group, ClippingRectangle: ClippingRectangle, Shape: Shape, Text: Text, }; module.exports = ReactART;