# Building React Native for Android This guide contains instructions for building the Android code and running the sample apps. ## Supported Operating Systems This setup has only been tested on Mac OS so far. ## Prerequisites Assuming you have the [Android SDK](https://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/index.html) installed, run `android` to open the Android SDK Manager. Make sure you have the following installed: - Android SDK version 22 (compileSdkVersion in [`build.gradle`](build.gradle)) - SDK build tools version 22.0.1 (buildToolsVersion in [`build.gradle`](build.gradle)) - Android Support Repository 17 (for Android Support Library) - Android NDK (download & extraction instructions [here](http://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads/index.html)) Point Gradle to your Android SDK: either have `$ANDROID_SDK` and `$ANDROID_NDK` defined, or create a `local.properties` file in the root of your `react-native` checkout with the following contents: sdk.dir=absolute_path_to_android_sdk ndk.dir=absolute_path_to_android_ndk Example: sdk.dir=/Users/your_unix_name/android-sdk-macosx ndk.dir=/Users/your_unix_name/android-ndk/android-ndk-r10e ## Run `npm install` This is needed to fetch the dependencies for the packager. ```bash cd react-native npm install ``` ## Building from the command line To build the framework code: ```bash cd react-native ./gradlew :ReactAndroid:assembleDebug ``` To install a snapshot version of the framework code in your local Maven repo: ```bash ./gradlew :ReactAndroid:installArchives ``` ## Running the examples To run the UIExplorer app: ```bash cd react-native ./gradlew :Examples:UIExplorer:android:app:installDebug # Start the packager in a separate shell: # Make sure you ran npm install ./packager/packager.sh # Open UIExplorer in your emulator, Menu button -> Reload JS should work ``` You can run any other sample app the same way, e.g.: ```bash ./gradlew :Examples:Movies:android:app:installDebug ``` ## Building from Android Studio You'll need to do one additional step until we release the React Native Gradle plugin to Maven central. This is because Android Studio has its own local Maven repo: mkdir -p /Applications/Android\ Studio.app/Contents/gradle/m2repository/com/facebook/react cp -r ~/.m2/repository/com/facebook/react/gradleplugin /Applications/Android\ Studio.app/Contents/gradle/m2repository/com/facebook/react/ Now, open Android Studio, click _Import Non-Android Studio project_ and find your `react-native` repo. In the configurations dropdown, _app_ should be selected. Click _Run_. ## Installing the React Native .aar in your local Maven repo In some cases, for example when working on the `react-native-cli` it's useful to publish a snapshot version of React Native into your local Maven repo. This way, Gradle can pick it up when building projects that have a Maven dependency on React Native. Run: ```bash cd react-native-android ./gradlew :ReactAndroid:installArchives ``` ## Troubleshooting Gradle build fails in `ndk-build`. See the section about `local.properties` file above. Gradle build fails "Could not find any version that matches com.facebook.react:gradleplugin:...". See the section about the React Native Gradle plugin above. Packager throws an error saying a module is not found. Try running `npm install` in the root of the repo.