language: objective-c cache: directories: - node_modules before_install: - brew update install: - brew reinstall flow watchman xctool - npm config set spin=false - npm install script: - | if [ "$TEST_TYPE" = objc ] then ./scripts/ elif [ "$TEST_TYPE" = js ] then flow check && npm test elif [ "$TEST_TYPE" = build_website ] then cd website npm install ./ if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = false ] && [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" = master ]; then # Automatically publish the website echo "machine login reactjs-bot password $GITHUB_TOKEN" >~/.netrc ./ else # Make sure the website builds without error node server/generate.js fi elif [ "$TEST_TYPE" = e2e ] then ./scripts/ else echo "Unknown test type: $TEST_TYPE" exit 1 fi env: matrix: - TEST_TYPE=objc - TEST_TYPE=js - TEST_TYPE=build_website - TEST_TYPE=e2e global: - secure: "HlmG8M2DmBUSBh6KH1yVIe/8gR4iibg4WfcHq1x/xYQxGbvleq7NOo04V6eFHnl9cvZCu+PKH0841WLnGR7c4BBf47GVu/o16nXzggPumHKy++lDzxFPlJ1faMDfjg/5vjbAxRUe7D3y98hQSeGHH4tedc8LvTaFLVu7iiGqvjU=" branches: only: - master