/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ 'use strict'; require('../packager/babelRegisterOnly')([ /private-cli\/src/, /local-cli/ ]); var bundle = require('../private-cli/src/bundle/bundle'); var childProcess = require('child_process'); var Config = require('../private-cli/src/util/Config'); var defaultConfig = require('./default.config'); var fs = require('fs'); var generate = require('../private-cli/src/generate/generate'); var library = require('../private-cli/src/library/library'); var path = require('path'); var Promise = require('promise'); var runAndroid = require('../private-cli/src/runAndroid/runAndroid'); var server = require('../private-cli/src/server/server'); var TerminalAdapter = require('yeoman-environment/lib/adapter.js'); var yeoman = require('yeoman-environment'); var upgrade = require('../private-cli/src/upgrade/upgrade'); var documentedCommands = { 'start': [server, 'starts the webserver'], 'bundle': [bundle, 'builds the javascript bundle for offline use'], 'new-library': [library, 'generates a native library bridge'], 'android': [generateWrapper, 'generates an Android project for your app'], 'run-android': [runAndroid, 'builds your app and starts it on a connected Android emulator or device'], 'upgrade': [upgrade, 'upgrade your app\'s template files to the latest version; run this after ' + 'updating the react-native version in your package.json and running npm install'] }; var undocumentedCommands = { 'init': [printInitWarning, ''], }; var commands = Object.assign({}, documentedCommands, undocumentedCommands); /** * Parses the command line and runs a command of the CLI. */ function run() { var args = process.argv.slice(2); if (args.length === 0) { printUsage(); } const setupEnvScript = /^win/.test(process.platform) ? 'setup_env.bat' : 'setup_env.sh'; childProcess.execFileSync(path.join(__dirname, setupEnvScript)); var command = commands[args[0]]; if (!command) { console.error('Command `%s` unrecognized', args[0]); printUsage(); return; } command[0](args, Config.get(__dirname, defaultConfig)).done(); } function generateWrapper(args, config) { return generate([ '--platform', 'android', '--project-path', process.cwd(), '--project-name', JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync('package.json', 'utf8') ).name ], config); } function printUsage() { console.log([ 'Usage: react-native ', '', 'Commands:' ].concat(Object.keys(documentedCommands).map(function(name) { return ' - ' + name + ': ' + documentedCommands[name][1]; })).join('\n')); process.exit(1); } // The user should never get here because projects are inited by // using `react-native-cli` from outside a project directory. function printInitWarning() { return Promise.resolve().then(function() { console.log([ 'Looks like React Native project already exists in the current', 'folder. Run this command from a different folder or remove node_modules/react-native' ].join('\n')); process.exit(1); }); } class CreateSuppressingTerminalAdapter extends TerminalAdapter { constructor() { super(); // suppres 'create' output generated by yeoman this.log.create = function() {}; } } /** * Creates the template for a React Native project given the provided * parameters: * - projectDir: templates will be copied here. * - argsOrName: project name or full list of custom arguments to pass to the * generator. */ function init(projectDir, argsOrName) { console.log('Setting up new React Native app in ' + projectDir); var env = yeoman.createEnv( undefined, undefined, new CreateSuppressingTerminalAdapter() ); env.register( require.resolve(path.join(__dirname, 'generator')), 'react:app' ); // argv is for instance // ['node', 'react-native', 'init', 'AwesomeApp', '--verbose'] // args should be ['AwesomeApp', '--verbose'] var args = Array.isArray(argsOrName) ? argsOrName : [argsOrName].concat(process.argv.slice(4)); var generator = env.create('react:app', {args: args}); generator.destinationRoot(projectDir); generator.run(); } if (require.main === module) { run(); } module.exports = { run: run, init: init, };