/** * Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ 'use strict'; /*eslint no-console-disallow: "off"*/ const spawn = require('child_process').spawn; const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const http = require('http'); const urlLib = require('url'); const SourceMapConsumer = require('source-map').SourceMapConsumer; // url: string // onSuccess: function (SourceMapConsumer) // onFailure: function (string) function getSourceMapForUrl(url, onFailure, onSuccess) { if (!url) { onFailure('must provide a URL'); return; } if (url === 'assets://default_bundle') { onFailure('Don\'t know how to symbolicate in-app bundle, please load from server'); return; } const parsedUrl = urlLib.parse(url); const options = { host: 'localhost', port: parsedUrl.port, path: parsedUrl.pathname.replace(/\.bundle$/, '.map') + parsedUrl.search, }; http.get(options, (res) => { res.setEncoding('utf8'); let sawEnd = false; let resBody = ''; res.on('data', (chunk) => { resBody += chunk; }).on('end', () => { sawEnd = true; onSuccess(new SourceMapConsumer(resBody)); }).on('close', (err) => { if (!sawEnd) { onFailure('Connection terminated prematurely because of: ' + err.code + ' for url: ' + url); } }); }).on('error', (err) => { onFailure('Could not get response from: ' + url + ', error: ' + err.message); }); } // capture: capture object // onSuccess: function (Map of url -> SourceMapConsumer) // onFailure: function (string) function getSourceMapsForCapture(capture, onFailure, onSuccess) { const urls = new Set(); const sourcemaps = new Map(); for (const id in capture.refs) { const ref = capture.refs[id]; if ((ref.type === 'ScriptExecutable' || ref.type === 'EvalExecutable' || ref.type === 'ProgramExecutable' || ref.type === 'FunctionExecutable') && ref.value.url) { urls.add(ref.value.url); } } urls.forEach((url) => { getSourceMapForUrl(url, onFailure, (sourcemap) => { sourcemaps.set(url, sourcemap); urls.delete(url); if (urls.size === 0) { onSuccess(sourcemaps); } }); }); if (urls.size === 0) { console.warn('No source information found in capture'); onSuccess(sourcemaps); } } // capture: capture object // onSuccess: function (capture object) // onFailure: function (string) function symbolicateHeapCaptureFunctions(capture, onFailure, onSuccess) { getSourceMapsForCapture(capture, onFailure, (sourcemaps) => { for (const id in capture.refs) { const ref = capture.refs[id]; if (ref.type === 'ScriptExecutable' || ref.type === 'EvalExecutable' || ref.type === 'ProgramExecutable' || ref.type === 'FunctionExecutable') { const sourcemap = sourcemaps.get(ref.value.url); if (sourcemap) { const original = sourcemap.originalPositionFor({ line: ref.value.line, column: ref.value.col, }); if (original.name) { ref.value.name = original.name; } else if (!ref.value.name) { ref.value.name = path.posix.basename(original.source) + ':' + original.line; } ref.value.url = original.source; ref.value.line = original.line; ref.value.col = original.column; } } } onSuccess(capture); }); } module.exports = function(req, res, next) { if (req.url !== '/jscheapcaptureupload') { next(); return; } console.log('symbolicating Heap Capture'); symbolicateHeapCaptureFunctions(JSON.parse(req.rawBody), (err) => { console.error('Error when symbolicating: ' + err); }, (capture) => { res.end(); const preload = path.join(__dirname, 'heapCapture/preLoadedCapture.js'); fs.writeFileSync(preload, 'var preLoadedCapture = '); fs.appendFileSync(preload, JSON.stringify(capture)); fs.appendFileSync(preload, ';'); const captureDir = path.join(__dirname, 'heapCapture/captures'); if (!fs.existsSync(captureDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(captureDir); } console.log('Packaging Trace'); var captureHtml = captureDir + '/capture_' + Date.now() + '.html'; var capture = fs.createWriteStream(captureHtml); var inliner = spawn( 'inliner', ['--nocompress', 'heapCapture.html'], { cwd: path.join(__dirname, '/heapCapture/'), stdio: [ process.stdin, 'pipe', process.stderr ], }); inliner.stdout.pipe(capture); inliner.on('error', (err) => { console.error('Error processing heap capture: ' + err.message); console.error('make sure you have installed inliner with \'npm install inliner -g\''); }); inliner.on('exit', (code, signal) => { if (code === 0) { console.log('Heap capture written to: ' + captureHtml); } else { console.error('Error processing heap capture, inliner returned code: ' + code); } }); } ); };