/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ const fs = require('fs-extra'); const path = require('path'); const xcode = require('xcode'); const log = require('npmlog'); const groupFilesByType = require('../groupFilesByType'); const getPlist = require('./getPlist'); const writePlist = require('./writePlist'); const difference = require('lodash').difference; /** * Unlinks assets from iOS project. Removes references for fonts from `Info.plist` * fonts provided by application and from `Resources` group */ module.exports = function unlinkAssetsIOS(files, projectConfig) { const project = xcode.project(projectConfig.pbxprojPath).parseSync(); const assets = groupFilesByType(files); const plist = getPlist(project, projectConfig.sourceDir); if (!plist) { return log.error( 'ERRPLIST', 'Could not locate Info.plist file. Check if your project has \'INFOPLIST_FILE\' set properly' ); } if (!project.pbxGroupByName('Resources')) { return log.error( 'ERRGROUP', 'Group \'Resources\' does not exist in your Xcode project. There is nothing to unlink.' ); } const removeResourceFile = function (f) { (f || []) .map(asset => project.removeResourceFile( path.relative(projectConfig.sourceDir, asset), { target: project.getFirstTarget().uuid } ) ) .map(file => file.basename); }; removeResourceFile(assets.image); const fonts = removeResourceFile(assets.font); plist.UIAppFonts = difference(plist.UIAppFonts || [], fonts); fs.writeFileSync( projectConfig.pbxprojPath, project.writeSync() ); writePlist(project, projectConfig.sourceDir, plist); };