 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

#pragma once

#include <fabric/scrollview/primitives.h>
#include <fabric/view/ViewProps.h>

namespace facebook {
namespace react {

// TODO (T28334063): Consider for codegen.
class ScrollViewProps final:
  public ViewProps {

  ScrollViewProps() = default;
  ScrollViewProps(const ScrollViewProps &sourceProps, const RawProps &rawProps);

#pragma mark - Props

  const bool alwaysBounceHorizontal {true};
  const bool alwaysBounceVertical {true};
  const bool bounces {true};
  const bool bouncesZoom {true};
  const bool canCancelContentTouches {true};
  const bool centerContent {false};
  const bool automaticallyAdjustContentInsets  {false};
  const Float decelerationRate {0.998};
  const bool directionalLockEnabled {false};
  const ScrollViewIndicatorStyle indicatorStyle {ScrollViewIndicatorStyle::Default};
  const ScrollViewKeyboardDismissMode keyboardDismissMode {ScrollViewKeyboardDismissMode::None};
  const Float maximumZoomScale {1.0};
  const Float minimumZoomScale {1.0};
  const bool scrollEnabled {true};
  const bool pagingEnabled {false};
  const bool pinchGestureEnabled {true};
  const bool scrollsToTop {true};
  const bool showsHorizontalScrollIndicator {true};
  const bool showsVerticalScrollIndicator {true};
  const Float scrollEventThrottle {0};
  const Float zoomScale {1.0};
  const EdgeInsets contentInset {};
  const EdgeInsets scrollIndicatorInsets {};
  const int snapToInterval {0};
  const ScrollViewSnapToAlignment snapToAlignment {ScrollViewSnapToAlignment::Start};

#pragma mark - DebugStringConvertible

  SharedDebugStringConvertibleList getDebugProps() const override;

} // namespace react
} // namespace facebook