/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * @providesModule MapView * @flow */ 'use strict'; const EdgeInsetsPropType = require('EdgeInsetsPropType'); const Image = require('Image'); const NativeMethodsMixin = require('NativeMethodsMixin'); const Platform = require('Platform'); const RCTMapConfig = require('UIManager').RCTMap; const RCTMapConstants = RCTMapConfig && RCTMapConfig.Constants; const React = require('React'); const StyleSheet = require('StyleSheet'); const View = require('View'); const processColor = require('processColor'); const resolveAssetSource = require('resolveAssetSource'); const requireNativeComponent = require('requireNativeComponent'); type Event = Object; type MapRegion = { latitude: number; longitude: number; latitudeDelta?: number; longitudeDelta?: number; }; const MapView = React.createClass({ mixins: [NativeMethodsMixin], propTypes: { ...View.propTypes, /** * Used to style and layout the `MapView`. See `StyleSheet.js` and * `ViewStylePropTypes.js` for more info. */ style: View.propTypes.style, /** * If `true` the app will ask for the user's location and focus on it. * Default value is `false`. * * **NOTE**: You need to add NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key in * Info.plist to enable geolocation, otherwise it is going * to *fail silently*! */ showsUserLocation: React.PropTypes.bool, /** * If `false` points of interest won't be displayed on the map. * Default value is `true`. * @platform ios */ showsPointsOfInterest: React.PropTypes.bool, /** * If `false` compass won't be displayed on the map. * Default value is `true`. * @platform ios */ showsCompass: React.PropTypes.bool, /** * If `false` the user won't be able to pinch/zoom the map. * Default value is `true`. */ zoomEnabled: React.PropTypes.bool, /** * When this property is set to `true` and a valid camera is associated with * the map, the camera’s heading angle is used to rotate the plane of the * map around its center point. When this property is set to `false`, the * camera’s heading angle is ignored and the map is always oriented so * that true north is situated at the top of the map view */ rotateEnabled: React.PropTypes.bool, /** * When this property is set to `true` and a valid camera is associated * with the map, the camera’s pitch angle is used to tilt the plane * of the map. When this property is set to `false`, the camera’s pitch * angle is ignored and the map is always displayed as if the user * is looking straight down onto it. */ pitchEnabled: React.PropTypes.bool, /** * If `false` the user won't be able to change the map region being displayed. * Default value is `true`. */ scrollEnabled: React.PropTypes.bool, /** * The map type to be displayed. * * - standard: standard road map (default) * - satellite: satellite view * - hybrid: satellite view with roads and points of interest overlaid * * @platform ios */ mapType: React.PropTypes.oneOf([ 'standard', 'satellite', 'hybrid', ]), /** * The region to be displayed by the map. * * The region is defined by the center coordinates and the span of * coordinates to display. */ region: React.PropTypes.shape({ /** * Coordinates for the center of the map. */ latitude: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired, longitude: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired, /** * Distance between the minimum and the maximum latitude/longitude * to be displayed. */ latitudeDelta: React.PropTypes.number, longitudeDelta: React.PropTypes.number, }), /** * Map annotations with title/subtitle. * @platform ios */ annotations: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.shape({ /** * The location of the annotation. */ latitude: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired, longitude: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired, /** * Whether the pin drop should be animated or not */ animateDrop: React.PropTypes.bool, /** * Annotation title/subtile. */ title: React.PropTypes.string, subtitle: React.PropTypes.string, /** * Callout views. */ leftCalloutView: React.PropTypes.element, rightCalloutView: React.PropTypes.element, detailCalloutView: React.PropTypes.element, /** * The pin color. This can be any valid color string, or you can use one * of the predefined PinColors constants. Applies to both standard pins * and custom pin images. * * Note that on iOS 8 and earlier, only the standard PinColor constants * are supported for regular pins. For custom pin images, any tintColor * value is supported on all iOS versions. */ tintColor: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([ React.PropTypes.string, React.PropTypes.number ]), /** * Custom pin image. This must be a static image resource inside the app. */ image: Image.propTypes.source, /** * Custom pin view. If set, this replaces the pin or custom pin image. */ view: React.PropTypes.element, /** * annotation id */ id: React.PropTypes.string, /** * Deprecated. Use the left/right/detailsCalloutView props instead. */ hasLeftCallout: React.PropTypes.bool, hasRightCallout: React.PropTypes.bool, onLeftCalloutPress: React.PropTypes.func, onRightCalloutPress: React.PropTypes.func, })), /** * Map overlays * @platform ios */ overlays: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.shape({ /** * Polyline coordinates */ coordinates: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.shape({ latitude: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired, longitude: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired })), /** * Line attributes */ lineWidth: React.PropTypes.number, strokeColor: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([ React.PropTypes.string, React.PropTypes.number ]), fillColor: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([ React.PropTypes.string, React.PropTypes.number ]), /** * Overlay id */ id: React.PropTypes.string })), /** * Maximum size of area that can be displayed. * @platform ios */ maxDelta: React.PropTypes.number, /** * Minimum size of area that can be displayed. * @platform ios */ minDelta: React.PropTypes.number, /** * Insets for the map's legal label, originally at bottom left of the map. * See `EdgeInsetsPropType.js` for more information. * @platform ios */ legalLabelInsets: EdgeInsetsPropType, /** * Callback that is called continuously when the user is dragging the map. */ onRegionChange: React.PropTypes.func, /** * Callback that is called once, when the user is done moving the map. */ onRegionChangeComplete: React.PropTypes.func, /** * Callback that is called once, when the user taps an annotation. */ onAnnotationPress: React.PropTypes.func, /** * @platform android */ active: React.PropTypes.bool, }, render: function() { let children = [], {annotations, overlays} = this.props; annotations = annotations && annotations.map((annotation: Object, index: number) => { let { id, image, tintColor, view, leftCalloutView, rightCalloutView, detailCalloutView, } = annotation; if (!view && image && tintColor) { view = ; image = undefined; } if (view) { if (image) { console.warn('`image` and `view` both set on annotation. Image will be ignored.'); } var viewIndex = children.length; children.push(React.cloneElement(view, { style: [styles.annotationView, view.props.style || {}] })); } if (leftCalloutView) { var leftCalloutViewIndex = children.length; children.push(React.cloneElement(leftCalloutView, { style: [styles.calloutView, leftCalloutView.props.style || {}] })); } if (rightCalloutView) { var rightCalloutViewIndex = children.length; children.push(React.cloneElement(rightCalloutView, { style: [styles.calloutView, rightCalloutView.props.style || {}] })); } if (detailCalloutView) { var detailCalloutViewIndex = children.length; children.push(React.cloneElement(detailCalloutView, { style: [styles.calloutView, detailCalloutView.props.style || {}] })); } if (__DEV__) { ['hasLeftCallout', 'onLeftCalloutPress'].forEach(key => { if (annotation[key]) { console.warn('`' + key + '` is deprecated. Use leftCalloutView instead.'); } }); ['hasRightCallout', 'onRightCalloutPress'].forEach(key => { if (annotation[key]) { console.warn('`' + key + '` is deprecated. Use rightCalloutView instead.'); } }); } return { ...annotation, tintColor: tintColor && processColor(tintColor), image: image && resolveAssetSource(image), viewIndex, leftCalloutViewIndex, rightCalloutViewIndex, detailCalloutViewIndex, view: undefined, leftCalloutView: undefined, rightCalloutView: undefined, detailCalloutView: undefined, id: id || String(index), }; }); overlays = overlays && overlays.map((overlay: Object, index: number) => { let {id, fillColor, strokeColor} = overlay; return { ...overlay, strokeColor: strokeColor && processColor(strokeColor), fillColor: fillColor && processColor(fillColor), id: id || String(index), }; }); // TODO: these should be separate events, to reduce bridge traffic if (annotations) { var onPress = (event: Event) => { if (!annotations) { return; } if (event.nativeEvent.action === 'annotation-click') { this.props.onAnnotationPress && this.props.onAnnotationPress(event.nativeEvent.annotation); } else if (event.nativeEvent.action === 'callout-click') { // Find the annotation with the id that was pressed for (let i = 0, l = annotations.length; i < l; i++) { let annotation = annotations[i]; if (annotation.id === event.nativeEvent.annotationId) { // Pass the right function if (event.nativeEvent.side === 'left') { annotation.onLeftCalloutPress && annotation.onLeftCalloutPress(event.nativeEvent); } else if (event.nativeEvent.side === 'right') { annotation.onRightCalloutPress && annotation.onRightCalloutPress(event.nativeEvent); } break; } } } }; } // TODO: these should be separate events, to reduce bridge traffic if (this.props.onRegionChange || this.props.onRegionChangeComplete) { var onChange = (event: Event) => { if (event.nativeEvent.continuous) { this.props.onRegionChange && this.props.onRegionChange(event.nativeEvent.region); } else { this.props.onRegionChangeComplete && this.props.onRegionChangeComplete(event.nativeEvent.region); } }; } return ( ); }, }); const styles = StyleSheet.create({ annotationView: { position: 'absolute', backgroundColor: 'transparent', }, calloutView: { position: 'absolute', backgroundColor: 'white', }, }); /** * Standard iOS MapView pin color constants, to be used with the * `annotation.tintColor` property. On iOS 8 and earlier these are the * only supported values when using regular pins. On iOS 9 and later * you are not obliged to use these, but they are useful for matching * the standard iOS look and feel. */ const PinColors = RCTMapConstants && RCTMapConstants.PinColors; MapView.PinColors = PinColors && { RED: PinColors.RED, GREEN: PinColors.GREEN, PURPLE: PinColors.PURPLE, }; const RCTMap = requireNativeComponent('RCTMap', MapView, { nativeOnly: {onChange: true, onPress: true} }); module.exports = MapView;