import groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic def runPipeline() { try { ansiColor('xterm') { runStages(); } } catch(err) { echo "Error: ${err}" currentBuild.result = "FAILED" } } def pullDockerImage(imageName) { def result = sh(script: "docker pull ${imageName}", returnStatus: true) if (result != 0) { throw new Exception("Failed to pull image[${imageName}]") } } def buildDockerfile(dockerfilePath = "Dockerfile", imageName) { def buildCmd = "docker build -f ${dockerfilePath} -t ${imageName} ." echo "${buildCmd}" def result = sh(script: buildCmd, returnStatus: true) if (result != 0) { throw new Exception("Failed to build image[${imageName}] from '${dockerfilePath}'") } } def runCmdOnDockerImage(imageName, cmd, run_opts = '') { def result = sh(script: "docker run ${run_opts} -i ${imageName} sh -c '${cmd}'", returnStatus: true) if(result != 0) { throw new Exception("Failed to run cmd[${cmd}] on image[${imageName}]") } } def calculateGithubInfo() { return [ branch: env.BRANCH_NAME, sha: sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse HEAD').trim(), tag: null, isPR: "${env.CHANGE_URL}".contains('/pull/') ] } def getParallelInstrumentationTests(testDir, parallelCount, imageName) { def integrationTests = [:] def testCount = sh(script: "ls ${testDir} | wc -l", returnStdout: true).trim().toInteger() def testPerParallel = testCount.intdiv(parallelCount) + 1 for (def x = 0; (x*testPerParallel) < testCount; x++) { def offset = x integrationTests["android integration tests: ${offset}"] = { run: { runCmdOnDockerImage(imageName, "bash /app/ContainerShip/scripts/ --offset=${offset} --count=${testPerParallel}", '--privileged --rm') } } } return integrationTests } def runStages() { def buildInfo = [ image: [ name: "facebook/react-native", tag: null ], scm: [ branch: null, sha: null, tag: null, isPR: false ] ] node { def jsDockerBuild, androidDockerBuild def jsTag, androidTag, jsImageName, androidImageName, parallelInstrumentationTests try { stage('Setup') { parallel( 'pull images': { pullDockerImage('containership/android-base:latest') } ) } stage('Build') { checkout scm def githubInfo = calculateGithubInfo() buildInfo.scm.branch = githubInfo.branch buildInfo.scm.sha = githubInfo.sha buildInfo.scm.tag = githubInfo.tag buildInfo.scm.isPR = githubInfo.isPR buildInfo.image.tag = "${buildInfo.scm.sha}-${env.BUILD_TAG.replace(" ", "-").replace("/", "-").replace("%2F", "-")}" jsTag = "${buildInfo.image.tag}" androidTag = "${buildInfo.image.tag}" jsImageName = "${}-js:${jsTag}" androidImageName = "${}-android:${androidTag}" parallelInstrumentationTests = getParallelInstrumentationTests('./ReactAndroid/src/androidTest/java/com/facebook/react/tests', 1, androidImageName) parallel( 'javascript build': { jsDockerBuild ="${jsImageName}", "-f ContainerShip/Dockerfile.javascript .") }, 'android build': { androidDockerBuild ="${androidImageName}", "-f ContainerShip/ .") } ) } stage('Tests JS') { try { parallel( 'javascript flow': { runCmdOnDockerImage(jsImageName, 'yarn run flow -- check', '--rm') }, 'javascript tests': { runCmdOnDockerImage(jsImageName, 'yarn test --maxWorkers=4', '--rm') }, 'documentation tests': { runCmdOnDockerImage(jsImageName, 'cd website && yarn test', '--rm') }, 'documentation generation': { runCmdOnDockerImage(jsImageName, 'cd website && node ./server/generate.js', '--rm') } ) } catch(e) { currentBuild.result = "FAILED" echo "Test JS Stage Error: ${e}" } } stage('Tests Android') { try { parallel( 'android unit tests': { runCmdOnDockerImage(androidImageName, 'bash /app/ContainerShip/scripts/', '--privileged --rm') }, 'android e2e tests': { // temporarily disable e2e tests, they have a high transient failure rate // runCmdOnDockerImage(androidImageName, 'bash /app/ContainerShip/scripts/ --android --js', '--rm') echo "Android E2E tests have been temporarily disabled" } ) } catch(e) { currentBuild.result = "FAILED" echo "Tests Android Stage Error: ${e}" } } stage('Tests Android Instrumentation') { // run all tests in parallel try { parallel(parallelInstrumentationTests) } catch(e) { currentBuild.result = "FAILED" echo "Tests Android Instrumentation Stage Error: ${e}" } } stage('Cleanup') { cleanupImage(jsDockerBuild) cleanupImage(androidDockerBuild) } } catch(err) { cleanupImage(jsDockerBuild) cleanupImage(androidDockerBuild) throw err } } } def isMasterBranch() { return env.GIT_BRANCH == 'master' } def gitCommit() { return sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse HEAD').trim() } def cleanupImage(image) { if (image) { try { sh "docker ps -a | awk '{ print \$1,\$2 }' | grep ${} | awk '{print \$1 }' | xargs -I {} docker rm {}" sh "docker rmi -f ${}" } catch(e) { echo "Error cleaning up ${}" echo "${e}" } } } runPipeline()