/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format */ 'use strict'; /** * Given an object `toIterator` will return the itrator for that object. If the * object has a `Symbol.iterator` method we just call that. Otherwise we * implement the ES6 `Array` and `String` Iterator. */ /** * Constants */ const KIND_KEY = 'key'; const KIND_VALUE = 'value'; const KIND_KEY_VAL = 'key+value'; /*global Symbol: true*/ const ITERATOR_SYMBOL = typeof Symbol === 'function' ? Symbol.iterator : '@@iterator'; const toIterator = (function() { if ( !(Array.prototype[ITERATOR_SYMBOL] && String.prototype[ITERATOR_SYMBOL]) ) { // IIFE to avoid creating classes for no reason because of hoisting. return (function() { class ArrayIterator { // CreateArrayIterator Abstract Operation constructor(array, kind) { if (!Array.isArray(array)) { throw new TypeError('Object is not an Array'); } this._iteratedObject = array; this._kind = kind; this._nextIndex = 0; } // %ArrayIteratorPrototype%.next() next() { if (!this instanceof ArrayIterator) { throw new TypeError('Object is not an ArrayIterator'); } if (this._iteratedObject == null) { return createIterResultObject(undefined, true); } const array = this._iteratedObject; const len = this._iteratedObject.length; const index = this._nextIndex; const kind = this._kind; if (index >= len) { this._iteratedObject = undefined; return createIterResultObject(undefined, true); } this._nextIndex = index + 1; if (kind === KIND_KEY) { return createIterResultObject(index, false); } else if (kind === KIND_VALUE) { return createIterResultObject(array[index], false); } else if (kind === KIND_KEY_VAL) { return createIterResultObject([index, array[index]], false); } } // %ArrayIteratorPrototype%[@@iterator]() '@@iterator'() { return this; } } class StringIterator { // CreateStringIterator Abstract Operation constructor(string) { if (typeof string !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Object is not a string'); } this._iteratedString = string; this._nextIndex = 0; } // %StringIteratorPrototype%.next() next() { if (!this instanceof StringIterator) { throw new TypeError('Object is not a StringIterator'); } if (this._iteratedString == null) { return createIterResultObject(undefined, true); } const index = this._nextIndex; const s = this._iteratedString; const len = s.length; if (index >= len) { this._iteratedString = undefined; return createIterResultObject(undefined, true); } let ret; const first = s.charCodeAt(index); if (first < 0xd800 || first > 0xdbff || index + 1 === len) { ret = s[index]; } else { const second = s.charCodeAt(index + 1); if (second < 0xdc00 || second > 0xdfff) { ret = s[index]; } else { ret = s[index] + s[index + 1]; } } this._nextIndex = index + ret.length; return createIterResultObject(ret, false); } // %StringIteratorPrototype%[@@ITERATOR_SYMBOL]() '@@iterator'() { return this; } } // 7.4.7 createIterResultObject(value, done) function createIterResultObject(value, done) { return {value: value, done: done}; } return function(object, kind) { if (typeof object === 'string') { return new StringIterator(object); } else if (Array.isArray(object)) { return new ArrayIterator(object, kind || KIND_VALUE); } else { return object[ITERATOR_SYMBOL](); } }; })(); } else { return function(object) { return object[ITERATOR_SYMBOL](); }; } })(); /** * Export constants */ Object.assign(toIterator, { KIND_KEY, KIND_VALUE, KIND_KEY_VAL, ITERATOR_SYMBOL, }); module.exports = toIterator;