/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * The easing functions come from the the jQuery UI project. * See http://api.jqueryui.com/easings/ * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors, https://jquery.org/ * Copyright (c) 2008 George McGinley Smith * Copyright (c) 2001 Robert Penner * * @providesModule AnimationUtils * @flow */ 'use strict'; type EasingFunction = (t: number) => number; var defaults = { linear: function(t: number): number { return t; }, easeInQuad: function(t: number): number { return t * t; }, easeOutQuad: function(t: number): number { return -t * (t - 2); }, easeInOutQuad: function(t: number): number { t = t * 2; if (t < 1) { return 0.5 * t * t; } return -((t - 1) * (t - 3) - 1) / 2; }, easeInCubic: function(t: number): number { return t * t * t; }, easeOutCubic: function(t: number): number { t -= 1; return t * t * t + 1; }, easeInOutCubic: function(t: number): number { t *= 2; if (t < 1) { return 0.5 * t * t * t; } t -= 2; return (t * t * t + 2) / 2; }, easeInQuart: function(t: number): number { return t * t * t * t; }, easeOutQuart: function(t: number): number { t -= 1; return -(t * t * t * t - 1); }, easeInOutQuart: function(t: number): number { t *= 2; if (t < 1) { return 0.5 * t * t * t * t; } t -= 2; return -(t * t * t * t - 2) / 2; }, easeInQuint: function(t: number): number { return t * t * t * t * t; }, easeOutQuint: function(t: number): number { t -= 1; return t * t * t * t * t + 1; }, easeInOutQuint: function(t: number): number { t *= 2; if (t < 1) { return (t * t * t * t * t) / 2; } t -= 2; return (t * t * t * t * t + 2) / 2; }, easeInSine: function(t: number): number { return -Math.cos(t * (Math.PI / 2)) + 1; }, easeOutSine: function(t: number): number { return Math.sin(t * (Math.PI / 2)); }, easeInOutSine: function(t: number): number { return -(Math.cos(Math.PI * t) - 1) / 2; }, easeInExpo: function(t: number): number { return (t === 0) ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)); }, easeOutExpo: function(t: number): number { return (t === 1) ? 1 : (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t) + 1); }, easeInOutExpo: function(t: number): number { if (t === 0) { return 0; } if (t === 1) { return 1; } t *= 2; if (t < 1) { return 0.5 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)); } return (-Math.pow(2, -10 * (t - 1)) + 2) / 2; }, easeInCirc: function(t: number): number { return -(Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1); }, easeOutCirc: function(t: number): number { t -= 1; return Math.sqrt(1 - t * t); }, easeInOutCirc: function(t: number): number { t *= 2; if (t < 1) { return -(Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1) / 2; } t -= 2; return (Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) + 1) / 2; }, easeInElastic: function(t: number): number { var s = 1.70158; var p = 0.3; if (t === 0) { return 0; } if (t === 1) { return 1; } var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(1); t -= 1; return -(Math.pow(2, 10 * t) * Math.sin((t * 1 - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)); }, easeOutElastic: function(t: number): number { var s = 1.70158; var p = 0.3; if (t === 0) { return 0; } if (t === 1) { return 1; } var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(1); return Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t * 1 - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) + 1; }, easeInOutElastic: function(t: number): number { var s = 1.70158; var p = 0.3 * 1.5; if (t === 0) { return 0; } t *= 2; if (t === 2) { return 1; } var s = p / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(1); if (t < 1) { t -= 1; return -(Math.pow(2, 10 * t) * Math.sin((t * 1 - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p)) / 2; } t -= 1; return Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t * 1 - s) * (2 * Math.PI) / p) / 2 + 1; }, easeInBack: function(t: number): number { var s = 1.70158; return t * t * ((s + 1) * t - s); }, easeOutBack: function(t: number): number { var s = 1.70158; t -= 1; return (t * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 1); }, easeInOutBack: function(t: number): number { var s = 1.70158 * 1.525; t *= 2; if (t < 1) { return (t * t * ((s + 1) * t - s)) / 2; } t -= 2; return (t * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 2) / 2; }, easeInBounce: function(t: number): number { return 1 - this.easeOutBounce(1 - t); }, easeOutBounce: function(t: number): number { if (t < (1 / 2.75)) { return 7.5625 * t * t; } else if (t < (2 / 2.75)) { t -= 1.5 / 2.75; return 7.5625 * t * t + 0.75; } else if (t < (2.5 / 2.75)) { t -= 2.25 / 2.75; return 7.5625 * t * t + 0.9375; } else { t -= 2.625 / 2.75; return 7.5625 * t * t + 0.984375; } }, easeInOutBounce: function(t: number): number { if (t < 0.5) { return this.easeInBounce(t * 2) / 2; } return this.easeOutBounce(t * 2 - 1) / 2 + 0.5; }, }; var ticksPerSecond = 60; var lastUsedTag = 0; module.exports = { /** * Returns a new unique animation tag. */ allocateTag: function(): number { return ++lastUsedTag; }, /** * Returns the values of the easing function at discrete ticks (60 per second). */ evaluateEasingFunction: function(duration: number, easing: string | EasingFunction): Array<number> { if (typeof easing === 'string') { easing = defaults[easing] || defaults.easeOutQuad; } var tickCount = Math.round(duration * ticksPerSecond / 1000); var samples = []; if (tickCount > 0) { for (var i = 0; i <= tickCount; i++) { samples.push(easing.call(defaults, i / tickCount)); } } return samples; }, Defaults: defaults, };