/** * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ typedef enum YGFlexDirection { YGFlexDirectionColumn, YGFlexDirectionColumnReverse, YGFlexDirectionRow, YGFlexDirectionRowReverse, YGFlexDirectionCount, } YGFlexDirection; typedef enum YGMeasureMode { YGMeasureModeUndefined, YGMeasureModeExactly, YGMeasureModeAtMost, YGMeasureModeCount, } YGMeasureMode; typedef enum YGPrintOptions { YGPrintOptionsLayout = 1, YGPrintOptionsStyle = 2, YGPrintOptionsChildren = 4, YGPrintOptionsCount, } YGPrintOptions; typedef enum YGEdge { YGEdgeLeft, YGEdgeTop, YGEdgeRight, YGEdgeBottom, YGEdgeStart, YGEdgeEnd, YGEdgeHorizontal, YGEdgeVertical, YGEdgeAll, YGEdgeCount, } YGEdge; typedef enum YGPositionType { YGPositionTypeRelative, YGPositionTypeAbsolute, YGPositionTypeCount, } YGPositionType; typedef enum YGDimension { YGDimensionWidth, YGDimensionHeight, YGDimensionCount, } YGDimension; typedef enum YGJustify { YGJustifyFlexStart, YGJustifyCenter, YGJustifyFlexEnd, YGJustifySpaceBetween, YGJustifySpaceAround, YGJustifyCount, } YGJustify; typedef enum YGDirection { YGDirectionInherit, YGDirectionLTR, YGDirectionRTL, YGDirectionCount, } YGDirection; typedef enum YGLogLevel { YGLogLevelError, YGLogLevelWarn, YGLogLevelInfo, YGLogLevelDebug, YGLogLevelVerbose, YGLogLevelCount, } YGLogLevel; typedef enum YGWrap { YGWrapNoWrap, YGWrapWrap, YGWrapCount, } YGWrap; typedef enum YGOverflow { YGOverflowVisible, YGOverflowHidden, YGOverflowScroll, YGOverflowCount, } YGOverflow; typedef enum YGExperimentalFeature { YGExperimentalFeatureRounding, YGExperimentalFeatureWebFlexBasis, YGExperimentalFeatureCount, } YGExperimentalFeature; typedef enum YGAlign { YGAlignAuto, YGAlignFlexStart, YGAlignCenter, YGAlignFlexEnd, YGAlignStretch, YGAlignCount, } YGAlign;