/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * @flow * * This file implements a multi-device proxy for the Chrome debugging protocol. Each device connects * to the proxy over a single websocket connection that is able to multiplex messages to multiple * Javascript VMs. An inspector instance running in Chrome can connect to a specific VM via this * proxy. * * The connection to from device to the proxy uses a simple JSON-based protocol with the basic * structure { event: '', payload: { ... }}. All events are send without acknowledgment * except the 'getPages' event where the device responds with the available pages. Most events will * be wrapped inspector events going to a specific 'page' on the device. * * See below for a diagram of how the devices, inspector(s) and proxy interact. * +--------+ * | Device | +------------+ * | #1 | +---------+ |Chrome | * | | | | Chrome debugging +------------+ * +--+--+ | Custom | | protocol |Inspector | * |VM|VM| |------+------->| Proxy |<----------+------| | * +--+--+--+ | | | | | | * | | | | +------------+ * +--------+ | +---------+ | |Inspector | * | Device |------+ +------| | * | #2 | | | * | | +------------+ * +--+ | * |VM| | * +--+-----+ */ 'use strict'; const flatMapArray = require('fbjs/lib/flatMapArray'); const http = require('http'); const nullthrows = require('fbjs/lib/nullthrows'); const querystring = require('querystring'); const parseUrl = require('url').parse; const WebSocket = require('ws'); const debug = require('debug')('RNP:InspectorProxy'); const launchChrome = require('./launchChrome'); type DevicePage = { id: string, title: string, }; type Page = { id: string, title: string, description: string, devtoolsFrontendUrl: string, webSocketDebuggerUrl: string, deviceId: string, deviceName: string, }; type Message = { event?: Name, payload?: Payload, }; type WrappedEvent = Message<'wrappedEvent', { pageId?: string, wrappedEvent?: string, }>; type ConnectEvent = Message<'connect', { pageId?: string, }>; type DisconnectEvent = Message<'disconnect', { pageId?: string, }>; type OpenEvent = Message<'open', { pageId?: string, }>; type GetPages = Message<'getPages', ?Array>; type Event = WrappedEvent | ConnectEvent | DisconnectEvent | GetPages; type Address = { address: string, port: number, }; const DEVICE_TIMEOUT = 5000; // FIXME: This is the url we want to use as it more closely matches the actual protocol we use. // However, it's broken in Chrome 54+ due to it using 'KeyboardEvent.keyIdentifier'. // const DEVTOOLS_URL_BASE = 'https://chrome-devtools-frontend.appspot.com/serve_rev/@178469/devtools.html?ws='; const DEVTOOLS_URL_BASE = 'https://chrome-devtools-frontend.appspot.com/serve_file/@60cd6e859b9f557d2312f5bf532f6aec5f284980/inspector.html?ws='; class Device { name: string; _id: string; _socket: WebSocket; _handlers: Map void>; _connections: Map; constructor(id: string, name: string, socket: WebSocket) { this.name = name; this._id = id; this._socket = socket; this._handlers = new Map(); this._connections = new Map(); this._socket.on('message', this._onMessage.bind(this)); this._socket.on('close', this._onDeviceDisconnected.bind(this)); } getPages(): Promise> { return this._callMethod('getPages'); } connect(pageId: string, socket: WebSocket) { socket.on('message', (message: string) => { if (!this._connections.has(pageId)) { // Not connected, silently ignoring return; } // TODO: This should be handled way earlier, preferably in the inspector itself. // That is how it works it newer versions but it requires installing hooks. if (message.indexOf('Network.loadResourceForFrontend') !== -1) { this._loadResourceForFrontend(socket, JSON.parse(message)); return; } this._send({ event: 'wrappedEvent', payload: { pageId, wrappedEvent: message, }, }); }); socket.on('close', () => { if (this._connections.has(pageId)) { this._send({event: 'disconnect', payload: {pageId: pageId}}); this._removeConnection(pageId); } }); this._connections.set(pageId, socket); this._send({event: 'connect', payload: {pageId: pageId}}); } _callMethod(name: 'getPages'): Promise { const promise = new Promise((fulfill, reject) => { const timerId = setTimeout(() => { this._handlers.delete(name); reject(new Error('Timeout waiting for device')); }, DEVICE_TIMEOUT); this._handlers.set(name, (...args) => { clearTimeout(timerId); fulfill(...args); }); }); this._send({event: name}); return promise; } _send(message: Event) { debug('-> device', this._id, message); this._socket.send(JSON.stringify(message)); } _onMessage(json: string) { debug('<- device', this._id, json); const message = JSON.parse(json); const handler = this._handlers.get(message.event); if (handler) { this._handlers.delete(message.event); handler(message.payload); return; } if (message.event === 'wrappedEvent') { this._handleWrappedEvent(message); } else if (message.event === 'disconnect') { this._handleDisconnect(message); } else if (message.event === 'open') { this._handleOpen(message); } } _handleWrappedEvent(event: WrappedEvent) { const payload = nullthrows(event.payload); const socket = this._connections.get(nullthrows(payload.pageId)); if (!socket) { console.error('Invalid pageId from device:', payload.pageId); return; } socket.send(payload.wrappedEvent); } _handleDisconnect(event: DisconnectEvent) { const payload = nullthrows(event.payload); const pageId = nullthrows(payload.pageId); this._removeConnection(pageId); } _handleOpen(event: OpenEvent) { const payload = nullthrows(event.payload); const pageId = nullthrows(payload.pageId); const url = DEVTOOLS_URL_BASE + makeInspectorPageUrl(this._id, pageId); launchChrome(url); } _removeConnection(pageId: string) { const socket = this._connections.get(pageId); if (socket) { this._connections.delete(pageId); socket.close(); } } _onDeviceDisconnected() { for (const pageId of this._connections.keys()) { this._removeConnection(pageId); } } _loadResourceForFrontend(socket: WebSocket, event: Object) { const id: number = nullthrows(event.id); const url: string = nullthrows(nullthrows(event.params).url); debug('loadResourceForFrontend:', url); http.get(this._normalizeUrl(url), (response) => { // $FlowFixMe callback is optional response.setTimeout(0); let data = ''; response.on('data', (chunk) => { data += chunk; }); response.on('end', () => { socket.send(JSON.stringify({ id: id, result: { statusCode: response.statusCode, content: data, responseHeaders: response.headers, }, })); }); response.on('error', (error) => { console.error('Failed to get resource', error); }); }); } _normalizeUrl(url: string): string { return url.replace('', 'http://localhost') .replace('', 'http://localhost'); } } class InspectorProxy { _devices: Map; _devicesCounter: number; constructor() { this._devices = new Map(); this._devicesCounter = 0; } attachToServer(server: http.Server, pathPrefix: string) { this._createPageHandler(server, pathPrefix + '/page'); this._createDeviceHandler(server, pathPrefix + '/device'); this._createPagesListHandler(server, pathPrefix + '/'); this._createPagesJsonHandler(server, pathPrefix + '/json'); } _makePage(server: Address, deviceId: string, deviceName: string, devicePage: DevicePage): Page { const wsUrl = makeInspectorPageUrl(deviceId, devicePage.id); return { id: `${deviceId}-${devicePage.id}`, title: devicePage.title, description: '', devtoolsFrontendUrl: DEVTOOLS_URL_BASE + wsUrl, webSocketDebuggerUrl: `ws://${wsUrl}`, deviceId, deviceName, }; } _getPages(localAddress: Address): Promise> { const promises = Array.from(this._devices.entries(), ([deviceId, device]) => { return device.getPages().then((devicePages) => { return devicePages.map(this._makePage.bind(this, localAddress, deviceId, device.name)); }); }); const flatMap = (arr) => flatMapArray(arr, (x) => x); return Promise.all(promises).then(flatMap); } processRequest(req: any, res: any, next: any) { // TODO: Might wanna actually do the handling here console.log(req.url); const endpoints = [ '/inspector/', '/inspector/page', '/inspector/device', '/inspector/json', ]; if (endpoints.indexOf(req.url) === -1) { next(); } } _createDeviceHandler(server: http.Server, path: string) { const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ server, path, }); wss.on('connection', (socket: WebSocket) => { try { const query = parseUrl(socket.upgradeReq.url, true).query || {}; const deviceName = query.name || 'Unknown'; debug('Got device connection:', deviceName); const deviceId = String(this._devicesCounter++); const device = new Device(deviceId, deviceName, socket); this._devices.set(deviceId, device); socket.on('close', () => { this._devices.delete(deviceId); }); } catch (e) { console.error(e); socket.close(1011, e.message); } }); } _createPageHandler(server: http.Server, path: string) { const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ server, path, }); wss.on('connection', (socket: WebSocket) => { try { const url = parseUrl(socket.upgradeReq.url, false); const { device, page } = querystring.parse( querystring.unescape(nullthrows(url.query))); if (device === undefined || page === undefined) { throw Error('Must provide device and page'); } const deviceObject = this._devices.get(device); if (!deviceObject) { throw Error('Unknown device: ' + device); } deviceObject.connect(page, socket); } catch (e) { console.error(e); socket.close(1011, e.message); } }); } _createPagesJsonHandler(server: http.Server, path: string) { server.on('request', (request: http.IncomingMessage, response: http.ServerResponse) => { if (request.url === path) { this._getPages(server.address()).then((result: Array) => { response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}); response.end(JSON.stringify(result)); }, (error: Error) => { response.writeHead(500); response.end('Internal error: ' + error.toString()); }); } }); } _createPagesListHandler(server: http.Server, path: string) { server.on('request', (request: http.IncomingMessage, response: http.ServerResponse) => { if (request.url === path) { this._getPages(server.address()).then((result: Array) => { response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); response.end(buildPagesHtml(result)); }, (error: Error) => { response.writeHead(500); response.end('Internal error: ' + error.toString()); }); } }); } } function buildPagesHtml(pages: Array): string { const pagesHtml = pages.map((page) => { return escapeHtml`
  • ${page.deviceName} / ${page.title}
  • `; }).join('\n'); return ` Pages


    `; } function escapeHtml(pieces: Array, ...substitutions: Array): string { let result = pieces[0]; for (let i = 0; i < substitutions.length; ++i) { result += substitutions[i].replace(/[<&"'>]/g, escapeHtmlSpecialChar) + pieces[i + 1]; } return result; } function escapeHtmlSpecialChar(char: string): string { return ( char === '&' ? '&' : char === '"' ? '"' : char === "'" ? ''' : char === '<' ? '<' : char === '>' ? '>' : char ); } function makeInspectorPageUrl(deviceId: string, pageId: string): string { // The inspector frontend doesn't handle urlencoded params so we // manually urlencode it and decode it on the other side in _createPageHandler const query = querystring.escape(`device=${deviceId}&page=${pageId}`); return `localhost:8081/inspector/page?${query}`; } function attachToServer(server: http.Server, pathPrefix: string): InspectorProxy { const proxy = new InspectorProxy(); proxy.attachToServer(server, pathPrefix); return proxy; } if (!module.parent) { console.info('Starting server'); process.env.DEBUG = 'RNP:Inspector'; const serverInstance = http.createServer().listen( 8081, 'localhost', undefined, function() { attachToServer(serverInstance, '/inspector'); } ); serverInstance.timeout = 0; } // module.exports.attachToServer = attachToServer; module.exports = InspectorProxy;