"""Helpers for referring to React Native open source code. This lets us build React Native: - At Facebook by running buck from the root of the fb repo - Outside of Facebook by running buck in the root of the git repo """ # @lint-ignore-every SKYLINT BUCKRESTRICTEDSYNTAX _DEBUG_PREPROCESSOR_FLAGS = [] _APPLE_COMPILER_FLAGS = [] def get_debug_preprocessor_flags(): return _DEBUG_PREPROCESSOR_FLAGS def get_apple_compiler_flags(): return _APPLE_COMPILER_FLAGS IS_OSS_BUILD = True GLOG_DEP = "//ReactAndroid/build/third-party-ndk/glog:glog" INSPECTOR_FLAGS = [] APPLE_JSC_INTERNAL_DEPS = [] APPLE_JSC_DEPS = [] ANDROID_JSC_INTERNAL_DEPS = [ "//native/third-party/jsc:jsc", "//native/third-party/jsc:jsc_legacy_profiler", ] ANDROID_JSC_DEPS = ANDROID_JSC_INTERNAL_DEPS ANDROID = "Android" APPLE = "" YOGA_TARGET = "//ReactAndroid/src/main/java/com/facebook:yoga" FBGLOGINIT_TARGET = "//ReactAndroid/src/main/jni/first-party/fbgloginit:fbgloginit" FBJNI_TARGET = "//ReactAndroid/src/main/jni/first-party/fb:jni" JNI_TARGET = "//ReactAndroid/src/main/jni/first-party/jni-hack:jni-hack" KEYSTORE_TARGET = "//keystores:debug" def get_apple_inspector_flags(): return [] def get_android_inspector_flags(): return [] # Building is not supported in OSS right now def rn_xplat_cxx_library(name, **kwargs): new_kwargs = { k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k.startswith("exported_") } native.cxx_library( name = name, visibility = kwargs.get("visibility", []), **new_kwargs ) # Example: react_native_target('java/com/facebook/react/common:common') def react_native_target(path): return "//ReactAndroid/src/main/" + path # Example: react_native_xplat_target('bridge:bridge') def react_native_xplat_target(path): return "//ReactCommon/" + path # Example: react_native_tests_target('java/com/facebook/react/modules:modules') def react_native_tests_target(path): return "//ReactAndroid/src/test/" + path # Example: react_native_integration_tests_target('java/com/facebook/react/testing:testing') def react_native_integration_tests_target(path): return "//ReactAndroid/src/androidTest/" + path # Helper for referring to non-RN code from RN OSS code. # Example: react_native_dep('java/com/facebook/systrace:systrace') def react_native_dep(path): return "//ReactAndroid/src/main/" + path # React property preprocessor def rn_android_library(name, deps = [], plugins = [], *args, **kwargs): if react_native_target( "java/com/facebook/react/uimanager/annotations:annotations", ) in deps and name != "processing": react_property_plugins = [ react_native_target( "java/com/facebook/react/processing:processing", ), ] plugins = list(set(plugins + react_property_plugins)) if react_native_target( "java/com/facebook/react/module/annotations:annotations", ) in deps and name != "processing": react_module_plugins = [ react_native_target( "java/com/facebook/react/module/processing:processing", ), ] plugins = list(set(plugins + react_module_plugins)) native.android_library(name = name, deps = deps, plugins = plugins, *args, **kwargs) def rn_android_binary(*args, **kwargs): native.android_binary(*args, **kwargs) def rn_android_build_config(*args, **kwargs): native.android_build_config(*args, **kwargs) def rn_android_resource(*args, **kwargs): native.android_resource(*args, **kwargs) def rn_android_prebuilt_aar(*args, **kwargs): native.android_prebuilt_aar(*args, **kwargs) def rn_java_library(*args, **kwargs): native.java_library(*args, **kwargs) def rn_java_annotation_processor(*args, **kwargs): native.java_annotation_processor(*args, **kwargs) def rn_prebuilt_native_library(*args, **kwargs): native.prebuilt_native_library(*args, **kwargs) def rn_prebuilt_jar(*args, **kwargs): native.prebuilt_jar(*args, **kwargs) def rn_robolectric_test(name, srcs, vm_args = None, *args, **kwargs): vm_args = vm_args or [] extra_vm_args = [ "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC", # required by -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled "-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled", "-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=150M", "-Drobolectric.dependency.dir=buck-out/gen/ReactAndroid/src/main/third-party/java/robolectric3/robolectric", "-Dlibraries=buck-out/gen/ReactAndroid/src/main/third-party/java/robolectric3/robolectric/*.jar", "-Drobolectric.logging.enabled=true", "-XX:MaxPermSize=620m", "-Drobolectric.offline=true", ] if native.read_config("user", "use_dev_shm"): extra_vm_args.append("-Djava.io.tmpdir=/dev/shm") # RN tests use Powermock, which means they get their own ClassLoaders. # Because the yoga native library (or any native library) can only be loaded into one # ClassLoader at a time, we need to run each in its own process, hence fork_mode = 'per_test'. native.robolectric_test( name = name, use_cxx_libraries = True, cxx_library_whitelist = [ "//ReactCommon/yoga:yoga", "//ReactAndroid/src/main/jni/first-party/yogajni:jni", ], fork_mode = "per_test", srcs = srcs, vm_args = vm_args + extra_vm_args, *args, **kwargs ) def cxx_library(allow_jni_merging = None, **kwargs): args = { k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if not (k.startswith("fbandroid_") or k.startswith("fbobjc_")) } native.cxx_library(**args) def _paths_join(path, *others): """Joins one or more path components.""" result = path for p in others: if p.startswith("/"): # absolute result = p elif not result or result.endswith("/"): result += p else: result += "/" + p return result def subdir_glob(glob_specs, exclude = None, prefix = ""): """Returns a dict of sub-directory relative paths to full paths. The subdir_glob() function is useful for defining header maps for C/C++ libraries which should be relative the given sub-directory. Given a list of tuples, the form of (relative-sub-directory, glob-pattern), it returns a dict of sub-directory relative paths to full paths. Please refer to native.glob() for explanations and examples of the pattern. Args: glob_specs: The array of tuples in form of (relative-sub-directory, glob-pattern inside relative-sub-directory). type: List[Tuple[str, str]] exclude: A list of patterns to identify files that should be removed from the set specified by the first argument. Defaults to []. type: Optional[List[str]] prefix: If is not None, prepends it to each key in the dictionary. Defaults to None. type: Optional[str] Returns: A dict of sub-directory relative paths to full paths. """ if exclude == None: exclude = [] results = [] for dirpath, glob_pattern in glob_specs: results.append( _single_subdir_glob(dirpath, glob_pattern, exclude, prefix), ) return _merge_maps(*results) def _merge_maps(*file_maps): result = {} for file_map in file_maps: for key in file_map: if key in result and result[key] != file_map[key]: fail( "Conflicting files in file search paths. " + "\"%s\" maps to both \"%s\" and \"%s\"." % (key, result[key], file_map[key]), ) result[key] = file_map[key] return result def _single_subdir_glob(dirpath, glob_pattern, exclude = None, prefix = None): if exclude == None: exclude = [] results = {} files = native.glob([_paths_join(dirpath, glob_pattern)], exclude = exclude) for f in files: if dirpath: key = f[len(dirpath) + 1:] else: key = f if prefix: key = _paths_join(prefix, key) results[key] = f return results def oss_cxx_library(**kwargs): cxx_library(**kwargs) def jni_instrumentation_test_lib(**kwargs): """A noop stub for OSS build.""" pass def fb_xplat_cxx_test(**kwargs): """A noop stub for OSS build.""" pass