/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #import "RCTFontUtils.h" #import #import static RCTFontProperties RCTDefaultFontProperties() { static RCTFontProperties defaultFontProperties; static dispatch_once_t onceToken; dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{ defaultFontProperties.size = 14; defaultFontProperties.family = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:defaultFontProperties.size].familyName; defaultFontProperties.style = RCTFontStyleNormal; defaultFontProperties.variant = RCTFontVariantDefault; defaultFontProperties.sizeMultiplier = 1.0; }); return defaultFontProperties; } static RCTFontProperties RCTResolveFontProperties(RCTFontProperties fontProperties) { RCTFontProperties defaultFontProperties = RCTDefaultFontProperties(); fontProperties.family = fontProperties.family.length && ![fontProperties.family isEqualToString:@"System"] ? fontProperties.family : defaultFontProperties.family; fontProperties.size = !isnan(fontProperties.size) ? fontProperties.size : defaultFontProperties.size; fontProperties.weight = !isnan(fontProperties.weight) ? fontProperties.weight : defaultFontProperties.weight; fontProperties.style = fontProperties.style != RCTFontStyleUndefined ? fontProperties.style : defaultFontProperties.style; fontProperties.variant = fontProperties.variant != RCTFontVariantUndefined ? fontProperties.variant : defaultFontProperties.variant; return fontProperties; } static UIFontWeight RCTGetFontWeight(UIFont *font) { NSDictionary *traits = [font.fontDescriptor objectForKey:UIFontDescriptorTraitsAttribute]; return [traits[UIFontWeightTrait] doubleValue]; } static RCTFontStyle RCTGetFontStyle(UIFont *font) { NSDictionary *traits = [font.fontDescriptor objectForKey:UIFontDescriptorTraitsAttribute]; UIFontDescriptorSymbolicTraits symbolicTraits = [traits[UIFontSymbolicTrait] unsignedIntValue]; if (symbolicTraits & UIFontDescriptorTraitItalic) { return RCTFontStyleItalic; } return RCTFontStyleNormal; } static NSArray *RCTFontFeatures(RCTFontVariant fontVariant) { // FIXME: return @[]; } static UIFontWeight RCTUIFontWeightFromFloat(CGFloat fontWeight) { // Note: Even if the underlying type of `UIFontWeight` is `CGFloat` // and UIKit uses the same numerical notation, we have to use exact // `UIFontWeight*` constants to make it work properly (because // float values comparison is tricky). static UIFontWeight weights[] = { /* ~100 */ UIFontWeightUltraLight, /* ~200 */ UIFontWeightThin, /* ~300 */ UIFontWeightLight, /* ~400 */ UIFontWeightRegular, /* ~500 */ UIFontWeightMedium, /* ~600 */ UIFontWeightSemibold, /* ~700 */ UIFontWeightBold, /* ~800 */ UIFontWeightHeavy, /* ~900 */ UIFontWeightBlack }; return weights[std::llround((fontWeight / 100) - 1)]; } static UIFont *RCTDefaultFontWithFontProperties(RCTFontProperties fontProperties) { static NSCache *fontCache; static std::mutex fontCacheMutex; NSString *cacheKey = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.1f/%.2f", fontProperties.size, fontProperties.weight]; UIFont *font; { std::lock_guard lock(fontCacheMutex); if (!fontCache) { fontCache = [NSCache new]; } font = [fontCache objectForKey:cacheKey]; } if (!font) { font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:fontProperties.size weight:RCTUIFontWeightFromFloat(fontProperties.weight)]; if (fontProperties.variant == RCTFontStyleItalic) { UIFontDescriptor *fontDescriptor = [font fontDescriptor]; UIFontDescriptorSymbolicTraits symbolicTraits = fontDescriptor.symbolicTraits; symbolicTraits |= UIFontDescriptorTraitItalic; fontDescriptor = [fontDescriptor fontDescriptorWithSymbolicTraits:symbolicTraits]; font = [UIFont fontWithDescriptor:fontDescriptor size:fontProperties.size]; } { std::lock_guard lock(fontCacheMutex); [fontCache setObject:font forKey:cacheKey]; } } return font; } UIFont *RCTFontWithFontProperties(RCTFontProperties fontProperties) { RCTFontProperties defaultFontProperties = RCTDefaultFontProperties(); fontProperties = RCTResolveFontProperties(fontProperties); CGFloat effectiveFontSize = fontProperties.sizeMultiplier * fontProperties.size; UIFont *font; if ([fontProperties.family isEqualToString:defaultFontProperties.family]) { // Handle system font as special case. This ensures that we preserve // the specific metrics of the standard system font as closely as possible. font = RCTDefaultFontWithFontProperties(fontProperties); } else { NSArray *fontNames = [UIFont fontNamesForFamilyName:fontProperties.family]; if (fontNames.count == 0) { // Gracefully handle being given a font name rather than font family, for // example: "Helvetica Light Oblique" rather than just "Helvetica". font = [UIFont fontWithName:fontProperties.family size:effectiveFontSize]; if (!font) { // Failback to system font. font = [UIFont systemFontOfSize:effectiveFontSize weight:RCTUIFontWeightFromFloat(fontProperties.weight)]; } } else { // Get the closest font that matches the given weight for the fontFamily CGFloat closestWeight = INFINITY; for (NSString *name in fontNames) { UIFont *fontMatch = [UIFont fontWithName:name size:effectiveFontSize]; if (RCTGetFontStyle(fontMatch) != fontProperties.style) { continue; } CGFloat testWeight = RCTGetFontWeight(fontMatch); if (ABS(testWeight - fontProperties.weight) < ABS(closestWeight - fontProperties.weight)) { font = fontMatch; closestWeight = testWeight; } } if (!font) { // If we still don't have a match at least return the first font in the fontFamily // This is to support built-in font Zapfino and other custom single font families like Impact font = [UIFont fontWithName:fontNames[0] size:effectiveFontSize]; } } } // Apply font variants to font object. if (fontProperties.variant != RCTFontVariantDefault) { NSArray *fontFeatures = RCTFontFeatures(fontProperties.variant); UIFontDescriptor *fontDescriptor = [font.fontDescriptor fontDescriptorByAddingAttributes:@{UIFontDescriptorFeatureSettingsAttribute: fontFeatures}]; font = [UIFont fontWithDescriptor:fontDescriptor size:effectiveFontSize]; } return font; }