/** * Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved. * * @providesModule GeoLocation */ 'use strict'; var RCTDeviceEventEmitter = require('RCTDeviceEventEmitter'); var RCTLocationObserver = require('NativeModules').RCTLocationObserver; var invariant = require('invariant'); var logError = require('logError'); var warning = require('warning'); var subscriptions = []; var updatesEnabled = false; var ensureObserving = function() { if (!updatesEnabled) { RCTLocationObserver.startObserving(); updatesEnabled = true; } }; /** * /!\ ATTENTION /!\ * You need to add NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key * in Info.plist to enable geolocation, otherwise it's going * to *fail silently*! * \!/ \!/ * * GeoLocation follows the MDN specification: * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Geolocation */ class GeoLocation { static getCurrentPosition(geo_success, geo_error, geo_options) { invariant( typeof geo_success === 'function', 'Must provide a valid geo_success callback.' ); if (geo_options) { warning('geo_options are not yet supported.'); } ensureObserving(); RCTLocationObserver.getCurrentPosition( geo_success, geo_error || logError ); } static watchPosition(callback) { ensureObserving(); var watchID = subscriptions.length; subscriptions.push( RCTDeviceEventEmitter.addListener( 'geoLocationDidChange', callback ) ); return watchID; } static clearWatch(watchID) { var sub = subscriptions[watchID]; if (!sub) { // Silently exit when the watchID is invalid or already cleared // This is consistent with timers return; } sub.remove(); subscriptions[watchID] = undefined; var noWatchers = true; for (var ii = 0; ii < subscriptions.length; ii++) { if (subscriptions[ii]) { noWatchers = false; // still valid subscriptions } } if (noWatchers) { GeoLocation.stopObserving(); } } static stopObserving() { if (updatesEnabled) { RCTLocationObserver.stopObserving(); updatesEnabled = false; for (var ii = 0; ii < subscriptions.length; ii++) { if (subscriptions[ii]) { warning('Called stopObserving with existing subscriptions.'); subscriptions[ii].remove(); } } subscriptions = []; } else { warning('Tried to stop observing when not observing.'); } } } module.exports = GeoLocation;