/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format * @flow */ 'use strict'; const React = require('react'); const ReactNative = require('react-native'); const {Text, TextInput, View, StyleSheet, Slider, Switch} = ReactNative; class TextEventsExample extends React.Component<{}, $FlowFixMeState> { state = { curText: '', prevText: '', prev2Text: '', prev3Text: '', }; updateText = text => { this.setState(state => { return { curText: text, prevText: state.curText, prev2Text: state.prevText, prev3Text: state.prev2Text, }; }); }; render() { return ( this.updateText('onFocus')} onBlur={() => this.updateText('onBlur')} onChange={event => this.updateText('onChange text: ' + event.nativeEvent.text) } onContentSizeChange={event => this.updateText( 'onContentSizeChange size: ' + JSON.stringify(event.nativeEvent.contentSize), ) } onEndEditing={event => this.updateText('onEndEditing text: ' + event.nativeEvent.text) } onSubmitEditing={event => this.updateText('onSubmitEditing text: ' + event.nativeEvent.text) } onKeyPress={event => this.updateText('onKeyPress key: ' + event.nativeEvent.key) } style={styles.singleLine} /> {this.state.curText} {'\n'} (prev: {this.state.prevText}){'\n'} (prev2: {this.state.prev2Text}){'\n'} (prev3: {this.state.prev3Text}) ); } } class RewriteExample extends React.Component<$FlowFixMeProps, $FlowFixMeState> { /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.85.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This comment suppresses * an error found when Flow v0.85 was deployed. To see the error, delete this * comment and run Flow. */ constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {text: ''}; } render() { const limit = 20; const remainder = limit - this.state.text.length; const remainderColor = remainder > 5 ? 'blue' : 'red'; return ( /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was found * when making Flow check .android.js files. */ { text = text.replace(/ /g, '_'); this.setState({text}); }} /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was * found when making Flow check .android.js files. */ style={styles.default} value={this.state.text} /> {/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was * found when making Flow check .android.js files. */} {remainder} ); } } class TokenizedTextExample extends React.Component< $FlowFixMeProps, $FlowFixMeState, > { /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.85.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This comment suppresses * an error found when Flow v0.85 was deployed. To see the error, delete this * comment and run Flow. */ constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {text: 'Hello #World'}; } render() { //define delimiter let delimiter = /\s+/; //split string let _text = this.state.text; let token, index, parts = []; while (_text) { delimiter.lastIndex = 0; token = delimiter.exec(_text); if (token === null) { break; } index = token.index; if (token[0].length === 0) { index = 1; } parts.push(_text.substr(0, index)); parts.push(token[0]); index = index + token[0].length; _text = _text.slice(index); } parts.push(_text); //highlight hashtags parts = parts.map(text => { if (/^#/.test(text)) { return ( {text} ); } else { return text; } }); return ( { this.setState({text}); }}> {parts} ); } } class BlurOnSubmitExample extends React.Component<{}> { focusNextField = nextField => { this.refs[nextField].focus(); }; render() { return ( this.focusNextField('2')} /> this.focusNextField('3')} /> this.focusNextField('4')} /> this.focusNextField('5')} /> ); } } class ToggleDefaultPaddingExample extends React.Component< $FlowFixMeProps, $FlowFixMeState, > { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = {hasPadding: false}; } render() { return ( this.setState({hasPadding: !this.state.hasPadding})}> Toggle padding ); } } type SelectionExampleState = { selection: $ReadOnly<{| start: number, end?: number, |}>, value: string, }; class SelectionExample extends React.Component< $FlowFixMeProps, SelectionExampleState, > { _textInput: any; constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { selection: {start: 0, end: 0}, value: props.value, }; } onSelectionChange({nativeEvent: {selection}}) { this.setState({selection}); } getRandomPosition() { const length = this.state.value.length; return Math.round(Math.random() * length); } select(start, end) { this._textInput.focus(); this.setState({selection: {start, end}}); } selectRandom() { const positions = [ this.getRandomPosition(), this.getRandomPosition(), ].sort(); this.select(...positions); } placeAt(position) { this.select(position, position); } placeAtRandom() { this.placeAt(this.getRandomPosition()); } render() { const length = this.state.value.length; return ( this.setState({value})} onSelectionChange={this.onSelectionChange.bind(this)} ref={textInput => (this._textInput = textInput)} selection={this.state.selection} style={this.props.style} value={this.state.value} /> selection = {JSON.stringify(this.state.selection)} Place at Start (0, 0) Place at End ({length}, {length}) Place at Random Select All Select Random ); } } class AutogrowingTextInputExample extends React.Component<{}> { constructor(props) { super(props); /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was found * when making Flow check .android.js files. */ this.state = { width: 100, multiline: true, text: '', contentSize: { width: 0, height: 0, }, }; } UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(props) { /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was found * when making Flow check .android.js files. */ this.setState({ /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was found * when making Flow check .android.js files. */ multiline: props.multiline, }); } render() { /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was found * when making Flow check .android.js files. */ const {style, multiline, ...props} = this.props; return ( Width: =0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was * found when making Flow check .android.js files. */ onValueChange={value => this.setState({width: value})} /> Multiline: =0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was * found when making Flow check .android.js files. */ value={this.state.multiline} /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was * found when making Flow check .android.js files. */ onValueChange={value => this.setState({multiline: value})} /> TextInput: =0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was * found when making Flow check .android.js files. */ multiline={this.state.multiline} /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was * found when making Flow check .android.js files. */ style={[style, {width: this.state.width + '%'}]} /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was * found when making Flow check .android.js files. */ onChangeText={value => this.setState({text: value})} onContentSizeChange={event => /* $FlowFixMe(>=0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was * found when making Flow check .android.js files. */ this.setState({contentSize: event.nativeEvent.contentSize}) } {...props} /> Plain text value representation: {/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was * found when making Flow check .android.js files. */} {this.state.text} {/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was * found when making Flow check .android.js files. */} Content Size: {JSON.stringify(this.state.contentSize)} ); } } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ multiline: { height: 60, fontSize: 16, }, eventLabel: { margin: 3, fontSize: 12, }, singleLine: { fontSize: 16, }, singleLineWithHeightTextInput: { height: 30, }, hashtag: { color: 'blue', fontWeight: 'bold', }, }); exports.title = ''; exports.description = 'Single and multi-line text inputs.'; exports.examples = [ { title: 'Auto-focus', render: function() { return ( =0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was * found when making Flow check .android.js files. */ style={styles.input} accessibilityLabel="I am the accessibility label for text input" /> ); }, }, { title: "Live Re-Write ( -> '_')", render: function() { return ; }, }, { title: 'Auto-capitalize', render: function() { const autoCapitalizeTypes = ['none', 'sentences', 'words', 'characters']; const examples = autoCapitalizeTypes.map(type => { return ( ); }); return {examples}; }, }, { title: 'Auto-correct', render: function() { return ( ); }, }, { title: 'Keyboard types', render: function() { const keyboardTypes = [ 'default', 'email-address', 'numeric', 'phone-pad', ]; const examples = keyboardTypes.map(type => { return ( ); }); return {examples}; }, }, { title: 'Blur on submit', render: function(): React.Element { return ; }, }, { title: 'Event handling', render: function(): React.Element { return ; }, }, { title: 'Colors and text inputs', render: function() { return ( Darker backgroundColor ); }, }, { title: 'Text input, themes and heights', render: function() { return ( ); }, }, { title: 'fontFamily, fontWeight and fontStyle', render: function() { return ( ); }, }, { title: 'letterSpacing', render: function() { return ( ); }, }, { title: 'Passwords', render: function() { return ( ); }, }, { title: 'Editable', render: function() { return ( ); }, }, { title: 'Multiline', render: function() { return ( multiline with children, aligned bottom-right ); }, }, { title: 'Fixed number of lines', platform: 'android', render: function() { return ( ); }, }, { title: 'Auto-expanding', render: function() { return ( generic generic generic small small small small small small regular regular huge huge huge huge huge generic generic generic ); }, }, { title: 'Attributed text', render: function() { return ; }, }, { title: 'Return key', render: function() { const returnKeyTypes = [ 'none', 'go', 'search', 'send', 'done', 'previous', 'next', ]; const returnKeyLabels = ['Compile', 'React Native']; const examples = returnKeyTypes.map(type => { return ( ); }); const types = returnKeyLabels.map(type => { return ( ); }); return ( {examples} {types} ); }, }, { title: 'Inline Images', render: function() { return ( ); }, }, { title: 'Toggle Default Padding', render: function(): React.Element { return ; }, }, { title: 'Text selection & cursor placement', render: function() { return ( =0.78.0 site=react_native_android_fb) This issue was * found when making Flow check .android.js files. */ style={styles.default} value="text selection can be changed" /> ); }, }, ];