aliases: - &restore-node-cache keys: - v1-dependencies-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package.json" }} # Fallback in case checksum fails - v1-dependencies-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}- - &save-node-cache paths: - node_modules key: v1-dependencies-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package.json" }} - &restore-cache-analysis keys: - v1-analysis-dependencies-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package.json" }}{{ checksum "danger/package.json" }} # Fallback in case checksum fails - v1-analysis-dependencies-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}- - &save-cache-analysis paths: - danger/node_modules - node_modules key: v1-analysis-dependencies-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "package.json" }}{{ checksum "danger/package.json" }} - &restore-cache-android-packages keys: - v1-android-sdkmanager-packages-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "scripts/" }} # Fallback in case checksum fails - v1-android-sdkmanager-packages-{{ arch }}- - &save-cache-android-packages paths: - /opt/android/sdk/system-images/android-23 - /opt/android/sdk/system-images/android-19 - /opt/android/sdk/platforms/android-26 - /opt/android/sdk/platforms/android-23 - /opt/android/sdk/platforms/android-19 - /opt/android/sdk/build-tools/23.0.1 - /opt/android/sdk/add-ons/addon-google_apis-google-23 key: v1-android-sdkmanager-packages-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "scripts/" }} - &restore-cache-ndk keys: - v1-android-ndk-{{ arch }}-r10e-32-64 - &install-ndk | source scripts/ && getAndroidNDK - &save-cache-ndk paths: - /opt/ndk key: v1-android-ndk-{{ arch }}-r10e-32-64 - &restore-cache-buck-downloads keys: - v1-buck-downloads-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "ReactAndroid/build.gradle" }} # Fallback in case checksum fails - v1-buck-downloads-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}- - &save-cache-buck-downloads paths: - "ReactAndroid/build/downloads" key: v1-buck-downloads-{{ arch }}-{{ .Branch }}-{{ checksum "ReactAndroid/build.gradle" }} - &restore-cache-buck keys: - v1-buck-{{ arch }}-v2017.11.16.01 - &save-cache-buck paths: - ~/buck key: v1-buck-{{ arch }}-v2017.11.16.01 - &restore-cache-watchman keys: - v1-watchman-{{ arch }}-v4.9.0 - &save-cache-watchman paths: - ~/watchman key: v1-watchman-{{ arch }}-v4.9.0 - &install-node-dependencies | npm install --no-package-lock --no-spin --no-progress - &install-buck | if [[ ! -e ~/buck ]]; then git clone ~/buck --branch v2017.09.04.02 --depth=1 fi cd ~/buck && ant buck --version - &install-node | curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs - &run-node-tests | npm test -- --maxWorkers=2 - &run-lint-checks | npm run lint - &run-flow-checks | npm run flow -- check - &filter-only-master-stable branches: only: - /.*-stable/ - master - &filter-only-stable branches: only: - /.*-stable/ - &filter-ignore-gh-pages branches: ignore: gh-pages - &filter-ignore-master-stable branches: ignore: - master - /.*-stable/ - gh-pages - &create-ndk-directory | if [[ ! -e /opt/ndk ]]; then sudo mkdir /opt/ndk fi sudo chown ${USER:=$(/usr/bin/id -run)}:$USER /opt/ndk # CircleCI does not support interpolating env variables in the environment # - &configure-android-path | echo 'export PATH=${ANDROID_NDK}:~/react-native/gradle-2.9/bin:~/buck/bin:$PATH' >> $BASH_ENV source $BASH_ENV - &install-android-packages | source scripts/ && getAndroidSDK - &install-build-dependencies | sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install ant autoconf automake g++ gcc libqt5widgets5 lib32z1 lib32stdc++6 make maven python-dev python3-dev qml-module-qtquick-controls qtdeclarative5-dev file -y - &install-android-app-dependencies | buck fetch ReactAndroid/src/test/java/com/facebook/react/modules buck fetch ReactAndroid/src/main/java/com/facebook/react buck fetch ReactAndroid/src/main/java/com/facebook/react/shell buck fetch ReactAndroid/src/test/... buck fetch ReactAndroid/src/androidTest/... ./gradlew :ReactAndroid:downloadBoost :ReactAndroid:downloadDoubleConversion :ReactAndroid:downloadFolly :ReactAndroid:downloadGlog :ReactAndroid:downloadJSCHeaders defaults: &defaults working_directory: ~/react-native android_defaults: &android_defaults <<: *defaults docker: - image: circleci/android:api-26-alpha resource_class: "large" environment: - TERM: "dumb" - ADB_INSTALL_TIMEOUT: 10 - _JAVA_OPTIONS: "-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap" - GRADLE_OPTS: '-Dorg.gradle.daemon=false -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs="-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"' - ANDROID_NDK: '/opt/ndk/android-ndk-r10e' - BUILD_THREADS: 2 version: 2 jobs: # Runs JavaScript lint and flow checks run-js-checks: <<: *defaults docker: - image: circleci/node:8 steps: - checkout - restore-cache: *restore-node-cache - run: *install-node-dependencies - save-cache: *save-node-cache - run: *run-lint-checks - run: *run-flow-checks # Runs JavaScript tests on Node 8 test-js-node-8: <<: *defaults docker: - image: circleci/node:8 steps: - checkout - restore-cache: *restore-node-cache - run: *install-node-dependencies - save-cache: *save-node-cache - run: *run-node-tests # Runs JavaScript tests on Node 6 test-js-node-6: <<: *defaults docker: - image: circleci/node:6 steps: - checkout - restore-cache: *restore-node-cache - run: *install-node-dependencies - save-cache: *save-node-cache - run: *run-node-tests # Runs unit tests on iOS devices test-objc-ios: <<: *defaults macos: xcode: "9.0" dependencies: pre: - xcrun instruments -w "iPhone 5s (10.3.1)" || true steps: - checkout - restore-cache: *restore-node-cache - run: *install-node-dependencies - save-cache: *save-node-cache - run: ./scripts/ # Runs unit tests on tvOS devices test-objc-tvos: <<: *defaults macos: xcode: "9.0" dependencies: pre: - xcrun instruments -w "Apple TV 1080p (10.0)" || true steps: - checkout - restore-cache: *restore-node-cache - run: *install-node-dependencies - save-cache: *save-node-cache - run: ./scripts/ # Runs end to end tests test-objc-e2e: <<: *defaults macos: xcode: "9.0" dependencies: pre: - xcrun instruments -w "iPhone 5s (10.3.1)" || true steps: - checkout - restore-cache: *restore-node-cache - run: *install-node-dependencies - save-cache: *save-node-cache - run: node ./scripts/run-ci-e2e-tests.js --ios --js --retries 3; # Checks podspec test-podspec: <<: *defaults macos: xcode: "9.0" steps: - checkout - restore-cache: *restore-node-cache - run: *install-node-dependencies - save-cache: *save-node-cache - run: ./scripts/ # Publishes new version onto npm deploy: <<: *android_defaults steps: - checkout # Configure Android dependencies - run: *configure-android-path - run: *install-build-dependencies - restore-cache: *restore-cache-android-packages - run: *install-android-packages - save-cache: *save-cache-android-packages - run: *create-ndk-directory - restore-cache: *restore-cache-ndk - run: *install-ndk - save-cache: *save-cache-ndk - restore-cache: *restore-cache-buck - run: *install-buck - save-cache: *save-cache-buck - run: *install-node - restore-cache: *restore-node-cache - run: *install-node-dependencies - save-cache: *save-node-cache - restore-cache: *restore-cache-buck-downloads - run: *install-android-app-dependencies - save-cache: *save-cache-buck-downloads - run: name: Publish React Native Package command: | if [ -z "$CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST" ]; then echo "//${CIRCLE_NPM_TOKEN}" > ~/.npmrc git config --global "" git config --global "npm Deployment Script" echo "machine login reactjs-bot password $GITHUB_TOKEN" > ~/.netrc node ./scripts/publish-npm.js else echo "Skipping deploy." fi # Build JavaScript bundle for Android tests build-js-bundle: <<: *defaults docker: - image: circleci/node:8 steps: - checkout - restore-cache: *restore-node-cache - run: *install-node-dependencies - save-cache: *save-node-cache - run: name: Build JavaScript Bundle command: node local-cli/cli.js bundle --max-workers 2 --platform android --dev true --entry-file ReactAndroid/src/androidTest/js/TestBundle.js --bundle-output ReactAndroid/src/androidTest/assets/AndroidTestBundle.js - persist_to_workspace: root: ReactAndroid/src/androidTest/assets/ paths: - AndroidTestBundle.js - store_artifacts: path: ReactAndroid/src/androidTest/assets/AndroidTestBundle.js # Runs unit tests tests on Android test-android: <<: *android_defaults steps: - checkout # Configure Android dependencies - run: *configure-android-path - run: *install-build-dependencies - restore-cache: *restore-cache-android-packages - run: *install-android-packages - save-cache: *save-cache-android-packages # Starting emulator in advance as it takes some time to boot. - run: name: Create Android Virtual Device command: source scripts/ && createAVD - run: name: Launch Android Virtual Device in Background command: source scripts/ && launchAVD background: true # Keep configuring Android dependencies while AVD boots up - run: *create-ndk-directory - restore-cache: *restore-cache-ndk - run: *install-ndk - save-cache: *save-cache-ndk - restore-cache: *restore-cache-buck - run: *install-buck - save-cache: *save-cache-buck - run: *install-node - restore-cache: *restore-node-cache - run: *install-node-dependencies - save-cache: *save-node-cache - restore-cache: *restore-cache-buck-downloads - run: *install-android-app-dependencies - save-cache: *save-cache-buck-downloads - run: name: Build Android App command: | buck build ReactAndroid/src/main/java/com/facebook/react buck build ReactAndroid/src/main/java/com/facebook/react/shell # Wait for AVD to finish booting before running tests - run: name: Wait for Android Virtual Device command: source scripts/ && waitForAVD # The JavaScript Bundle is built as part of the build-js-bundle workflow, # and is required for instrumentation tests. - attach_workspace: at: ReactAndroid/src/androidTest/assets/ - run: name: Check for JavaScript Bundle command: | if [[ ! -e ReactAndroid/src/androidTest/assets/AndroidTestBundle.js ]]; then echo "JavaScript bundle missing, verify build-js-bundle step"; exit 1; else echo "JavaScript bundle found."; fi # Tests - run: name: Compile Native Libs for Unit and Integration Tests command: ./gradlew :ReactAndroid:packageReactNdkLibsForBuck -Pjobs=$BUILD_THREADS no_output_timeout: 6m - run: name: Unit Tests command: buck test ReactAndroid/src/test/... --config build.threads=$BUILD_THREADS # Integration Tests - run: name: Build and Install Test APK command: source scripts/ && NO_BUCKD=1 retry3 buck install ReactAndroid/src/androidTest/buck-runner:instrumentation-tests --config build.threads=$BUILD_THREADS # post (always runs) - run: name: Collect Test Results command: | mkdir -p ~/junit/ find . -type f -regex ".*/build/test-results/debug/.*xml" -exec cp {} ~/junit/ \; find . -type f -regex ".*/outputs/androidTest-results/connected/.*xml" -exec cp {} ~/junit/ \; when: always - store_test_results: path: ~/junit - store_artifacts: path: ~/junit analyze-pull-request: <<: *defaults docker: - image: circleci/node:8 steps: - checkout - restore-cache: *restore-cache-analysis - run: *install-node-dependencies - run: name: Install Dependencies command: | if [ -n "$CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST" ]; then npm install github@0.2.4 cd danger npm install --no-package-lock --no-spin --no-progress else echo "Skipping dependency installation." fi - save-cache: *save-cache-analysis - run: name: Analyze Pull Request command: | if [ -n "$CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST" ]; then cd danger && DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN="e622517d9f1136ea8900""07c6373666312cdfaa69" npm run danger else echo "Skipping pull request analysis." fi when: always - run: name: Analyze Code command: | if [ -n "$CIRCLE_PULL_REQUEST" ]; then cat <(echo eslint; npm run lint --silent -- --format=json; echo flow; npm run flow --silent -- check --json) | GITHUB_TOKEN="af6ef0d15709bc91d""06a6217a5a826a226fb57b7" CI_USER=$CIRCLE_PROJECT_USERNAME CI_REPO=$CIRCLE_PROJECT_REPONAME PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER=$CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER node bots/code-analysis-bot.js else echo "Skipping code analysis." fi # Workflows enables us to run multiple jobs in parallel workflows: version: 2 build: jobs: # Run lint and flow checks - run-js-checks: filters: *filter-ignore-gh-pages # Test JavaScript on Node 8 and 6 - test-js-node-8: filters: *filter-ignore-gh-pages - test-js-node-6: filters: *filter-ignore-gh-pages # Test Android - build-js-bundle: filters: *filter-ignore-gh-pages - test-android: requires: - build-js-bundle # Test iOS & tvOS - test-objc-ios: filters: *filter-ignore-gh-pages - test-objc-tvos: filters: *filter-ignore-gh-pages - test-objc-e2e: filters: *filter-ignore-gh-pages # If we are on a stable branch, deploy to `npm` - hold: type: approval - deploy: filters: *filter-only-stable requires: - hold - analyze-pull-request: filters: *filter-ignore-master-stable