/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format * @flow */ 'use strict'; import type {Item} from './ListExampleShared'; const Alert = require('Alert'); const React = require('react'); const ReactNative = require('react-native'); const {Animated, StyleSheet, View} = ReactNative; const RNTesterPage = require('./RNTesterPage'); const infoLog = require('infoLog'); const { FooterComponent, HeaderComponent, ItemComponent, ListEmptyComponent, ItemSeparatorComponent, PlainInput, SeparatorComponent, Spindicator, genItemData, getItemLayout, pressItem, renderSmallSwitchOption, } = require('./ListExampleShared'); const VIEWABILITY_CONFIG = { minimumViewTime: 3000, viewAreaCoveragePercentThreshold: 100, waitForInteraction: true, }; type Props = $ReadOnly<{||}>; type State = {| data: Array, debug: boolean, horizontal: boolean, inverted: boolean, filterText: string, fixedHeight: boolean, logViewable: boolean, virtualized: boolean, empty: boolean, |}; class FlatListExample extends React.PureComponent { state = { data: genItemData(100), debug: false, horizontal: false, inverted: false, filterText: '', fixedHeight: true, logViewable: false, virtualized: true, empty: false, }; _onChangeFilterText = filterText => { this.setState({filterText}); }; _onChangeScrollToIndex = text => { this._listRef .getNode() .scrollToIndex({viewPosition: 0.5, index: Number(text)}); }; _scrollPos = new Animated.Value(0); _scrollSinkX = Animated.event( [{nativeEvent: {contentOffset: {x: this._scrollPos}}}], {useNativeDriver: true}, ); _scrollSinkY = Animated.event( [{nativeEvent: {contentOffset: {y: this._scrollPos}}}], {useNativeDriver: true}, ); componentDidUpdate() { this._listRef.getNode().recordInteraction(); // e.g. flipping logViewable switch } render() { const filterRegex = new RegExp(String(this.state.filterText), 'i'); const filter = item => filterRegex.test(item.text) || filterRegex.test(item.title); const filteredData = this.state.data.filter(filter); return ( {renderSmallSwitchOption(this, 'virtualized')} {renderSmallSwitchOption(this, 'horizontal')} {renderSmallSwitchOption(this, 'fixedHeight')} {renderSmallSwitchOption(this, 'log')} {renderSmallSwitchOption(this, 'inverted')} {renderSmallSwitchOption(this, 'empty')} {renderSmallSwitchOption(this, 'debug')} } ListFooterComponent={FooterComponent} ListEmptyComponent={ListEmptyComponent} data={this.state.empty ? [] : filteredData} debug={this.state.debug} disableVirtualization={!this.state.virtualized} getItemLayout={ this.state.fixedHeight ? this._getItemLayout : undefined } horizontal={this.state.horizontal} inverted={this.state.inverted} key={ (this.state.horizontal ? 'h' : 'v') + (this.state.fixedHeight ? 'f' : 'd') } keyboardShouldPersistTaps="always" keyboardDismissMode="on-drag" numColumns={1} onEndReached={this._onEndReached} onRefresh={this._onRefresh} onScroll={ this.state.horizontal ? this._scrollSinkX : this._scrollSinkY } onViewableItemsChanged={this._onViewableItemsChanged} ref={this._captureRef} refreshing={false} renderItem={this._renderItemComponent} contentContainerStyle={styles.list} viewabilityConfig={VIEWABILITY_CONFIG} /> ); } _captureRef = ref => { this._listRef = ref; }; _getItemLayout = (data: any, index: number) => { return getItemLayout(data, index, this.state.horizontal); }; _onEndReached = () => { if (this.state.data.length >= 1000) { return; } this.setState(state => ({ data: state.data.concat(genItemData(100, state.data.length)), })); }; _onRefresh = () => Alert.alert('onRefresh: nothing to refresh :P'); _renderItemComponent = ({item, separators}) => { return ( ); }; // This is called when items change viewability by scrolling into or out of // the viewable area. _onViewableItemsChanged = (info: { changed: Array<{ key: string, isViewable: boolean, item: any, index: ?number, section?: any, }>, }) => { // Impressions can be logged here if (this.state.logViewable) { infoLog( 'onViewableItemsChanged: ', info.changed.map(v => ({...v, item: '...'})), ); } }; _pressItem = (key: string) => { this._listRef.getNode().recordInteraction(); pressItem(this, key); }; _listRef: Animated.FlatList; } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { backgroundColor: 'rgb(239, 239, 244)', flex: 1, }, list: { backgroundColor: 'white', flexGrow: 1, }, options: { flexDirection: 'row', flexWrap: 'wrap', alignItems: 'center', }, searchRow: { paddingHorizontal: 10, }, }); exports.title = ''; exports.description = 'Performant, scrollable list of data.'; exports.examples = [ { title: 'Simple list of items', render: function(): React.Element { return ; }, }, ];