The list of releases with notes can be found at: Future releases: - **0.17 branch cut**, 0.17.0-rc - beginning of **week of Dec 7** - 0.17.0 - Dec 17 - (Holiday break) - **0.18 branch cut**, 0.18.0-rc - beginning of **week of Jan 4** - 0.18.0 - Jan 14 - **0.19 branch cut**, 0.19.0-rc - beginning of **week of Jan 18** - 0.19.0 - Jan 28 - ... ## Ideas for improvements - A lot of these steps could be done by a script - We could simplify the process quite a bit by publishing the Android binaries to npm. This will increase the size of the npm package by about 3.3MB. To do that: after `installArchives`, move the binaries to somewhere where `npm publish` will pick them up. Then, change the `build.gradle` file(s) of your generated app so that Gradle will pick up the binaries from `node_modules`. This will likely also **fix issues with incompatible versions of JS and Android binaries** (e.g. [#4488]( ## Cut a release branch Note: Make sure you replace 0.18 in all the commands below with the version you're releasing :) For example, copy-paste all of this into an editor and replace 0.18. #### Check that everything works First, set up Sinopia (only need to do this once): Make absolutely sure basic iOS and Android workflow works on master: - `cd react-native` - `git pull` - `git checkout -b 0.18-stable` - Edit `ReactAndroid/`, set `VERSION_NAME=0.18.0` - Edit `ReactAndroid/release.gradle`, uncomment Javadoc generation (the line `// archives androidJavadocJar`) - Make sure `java -version` prints 1.7.x, this is currently needed for Javadoc generation and Javadocs are required by Maven Central (we should make it work with Java 8) - Run `./gradlew :ReactAndroid:installArchives`, it will print a lot of Javadoc warnings, that's OK. - Check the artifacts were generated: `ls -al ~/.m2/repository/com/facebook/react/react-native/0.18.0/` should contain: - `react-native-0.18.0-javadoc.jar`, `react-native-0.18.0-sources.jar`, `react-native-0.18.0.aar`, `react-native-0.18.0.pom` - For each of the above also `.asc` file - In `package.json`, set version to e.g. `0.18.0-rc`. - In `React.podspec`, set version to e.g. `0.18.0-rc`. - In `local-cli/generator-android/templates/src/app/build.gradle` update the dependency to e.g. `com.facebook.react:react-native:0.18.+` - Publish to sinopia: - `npm set registry http://localhost:4873/`, check that it worked: `npm config list` will show registry is set to localhost - In a separate shell, start sinopia. Run `sinopia`. If started successfully it will print: http address - http://localhost:4873/. - Make sure http://localhost:4873/ shows no old versions - `npm publish` - http://localhost:4873/ will show 0.18.0-rc - Test that everything works: - `cd /tmp` - `react-native init Zero12rc` - `cd Zero12rc` - Check that `package.json`, `android/app/build.gradle` have correct versions (`^0.18.0-rc`, `com.facebook.react:react-native:0.18.+`) - `open ios/Zero12rc.xcodeproj` - Hit the Run button in Xcode. - Packager should open in a new window, you should see the Welcome to React Native screen, Reload JS, try Chrome debugging - put a breakpoint somewhere in `index.ios.js` and Reload JS, Chrome debugger should stop on the breakpoint (we don't have tests for Chrome debugging) - Close the packager window, close Xcode - Start an Android emulator (ideally Genymotion, it's faster and more reliable than Google emulators) - `react-native run-android` - Test is the same way as on iOS, including Chrome debugging #### Push to github - Revert the Javadoc change in `ReactAndroid/release.gradle` - `git commit -am "[0.18-rc] Bump version numbers"` - `git push origin 0.18-stable` ## Do a release Publish to Maven Central (Note: **We could get rid of this whole section by publishing binaries to npm instead**): - Log into Sonatype and go to [Staging upload]( You'll need to get permissions for this by filing a ticket explaining you're a core contributor to React Native. [Example ticket]( - Select Artifact(s) with a POM (to publish to a local Maven repo for testing run `./gradlew :ReactAndroid:installArchives`) - Add all files: .aar, sources jar, javadoc jar, .asc for everything (including the POM file) - Wait a few hours until you see the version has propagated to [JCenter]( To release 0.18-rc to npm: (You need to be a maintainer of the repo. For admins, here's the command to promote someone) ``` npm owner add react-native ``` ``` git tag v0.18.0-rc 0.18-stable # don't forget the `v` at the beginning! git push --tags ``` - Publish to npm ``` npm set registry npm publish # Only when doing a non-rc release: npm dist-tag add react-native@0.18.0 latest ``` - Upgrade tags to a release by going to - Click "Add Notes to release" - Click Publish