/** * Copyright (c) 2013-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * Facebook, Inc. ("Facebook") owns all right, title and interest, including * all intellectual property and other proprietary rights, in and to the React * Native CustomComponents software (the "Software"). Subject to your * compliance with these terms, you are hereby granted a non-exclusive, * worldwide, royalty-free copyright license to (1) use and copy the Software; * and (2) reproduce and distribute the Software as part of your own software * ("Your Software"). Facebook reserves all rights not expressly granted to * you in this license agreement. * * THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION, IF ANY, ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL FACEBOOK OR ITS AFFILIATES, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS OR * EMPLOYEES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @providesModule NavigationLegacyNavigator * @flow */ 'use strict'; const NavigationAnimatedValueSubscription = require('NavigationAnimatedValueSubscription'); const NavigationAnimatedView = require('NavigationAnimatedView'); const NavigationCard = require('NavigationCard'); const NavigationCardStackStyleInterpolator = require('NavigationCardStackStyleInterpolator'); const NavigationContext = require('NavigationContext'); const NavigationLegacyNavigatorRouteStack = require('NavigationLegacyNavigatorRouteStack'); const NavigationLinearPanResponder = require('NavigationLinearPanResponder'); const NavigatorBreadcrumbNavigationBar = require('NavigatorBreadcrumbNavigationBar'); const NavigatorNavigationBar = require('NavigatorNavigationBar'); const NavigatorSceneConfigs = require('NavigatorSceneConfigs'); const React = require('react-native'); const ReactComponentWithPureRenderMixin = require('ReactComponentWithPureRenderMixin'); const invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant'); const guid = require('guid'); import type { NavigationSceneRenderer, NavigationSceneRendererProps, } from 'NavigationTypeDefinition'; type Props = { configureScene: any, initialRoute: any, initialRouteStack: any, renderScene: any, navigationBar: any, navigationBarNavigator: any, renderScene: any, style: any, }; type State = { presentedIndex: number, routeStack: Array, }; function getConfigPopDirection(config: any): ?string { if (config && config.gestures && config.gestures.pop) { const direction = config.gestures.pop.direction; return direction ? String(direction) : null; } return null; } const RouteStack = NavigationLegacyNavigatorRouteStack; /** * NavigationLegacyNavigator is meant to replace Navigator seemlessly with * minimum API changes. * * While the APIs remain compatible with Navigator, it is built with good * intention by using the new Navigation API such as * `NavigationAnimatedView`...etc. */ class NavigationLegacyNavigator extends React.Component { static BreadcrumbNavigationBar: any; static NavigationBar: any; static SceneConfigs: any; _key: string; _navigationBarRef: any; _onNavigationBarRef: (ref: any) => void; _onPositionChange: (data: {value: number}) => void; _positionListener: ?NavigationAnimatedValueSubscription; _previousStack: NavigationLegacyNavigatorRouteStack; _renderCard: NavigationSceneRenderer; _renderHeader: NavigationSceneRenderer; _renderScene: NavigationSceneRenderer; _stack: NavigationLegacyNavigatorRouteStack; navigationContext: NavigationContext; props: Props; state: State; constructor(props: Props, context: any) { super(props, context); this.navigationContext = new NavigationContext(); const stack = this._getInitialRouteStack(); // Unfortunately, due to historical reasons, the `state` has been exposed // as public members of the navigator, therefore we'd keep private state // as private members. this._key = guid(); this._previousStack = stack; this._stack = stack; this.state = { routeStack: stack.toArray(), presentedIndex: stack.index, }; } jumpTo(route: any): void { const index = this._stack.indexOf(route); invariant( index > -1, 'Cannot jump to route that is not in the route stack' ); this._jumpToIndex(index); } jumpForward(): void { this._jumpToIndex(this._stack.index + 1); } jumpBack(): void { this._jumpToIndex(this._stack.index - 1); } push(route: any): void { this._applyStack(this._stack.push(route)); } pop(): void { const stack = this._stack; if (stack.size > 1) { this._applyStack(stack.pop()); } } replaceAtIndex(route: any, index: number): void { const stack = this._stack; if (index < 0) { index += stack.size; } if (index >= stack.size) { // Nothing to replace. return; } this._applyStack(stack.replaceAtIndex(index, route)); } replace(route: any): void { this.replaceAtIndex(route, this._stack.index); } replacePrevious(route: any): void { this.replaceAtIndex(route, this._stack.index - 1); } popToTop(): void { this._applyStack(this._stack.slice(0, 1)); } popToRoute(route: any): void { const stack = this._stack; const nextIndex = stack.indexOf(route); invariant( nextIndex > -1, 'Calling popToRoute for a route that doesn\'t exist!' ); this._applyStack(stack.slice(0, nextIndex + 1)); } replacePreviousAndPop(route: any): void { const stack = this._stack; const nextIndex = stack.index - 1; if (nextIndex < 0) { return; } this._applyStack(stack.replaceAtIndex(nextIndex, route).pop()); } resetTo(route: any): void { invariant(!!route, 'Must supply route'); this._applyStack(this._stack.slice(0).replaceAtIndex(0, route)); } immediatelyResetRouteStack(routes: Array): void { const index = routes.length - 1; const stack = new RouteStack(index, routes); // Immediately blow away all current scenes with a new key. this._key = guid(); this._applyStack(stack); } getCurrentRoutes(): Array { return this._stack.toArray(); } _jumpToIndex(index: number): void { const stack = this._stack; if (index < 0 || index >= stack.size) { return; } this._applyStack(stack.jumpToIndex(index)); } // Lyfe cycle and private methods below. shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: Object, nextState: Object): boolean { return ReactComponentWithPureRenderMixin.shouldComponentUpdate.call( this, nextProps, nextState ); } componentWillMount(): void { this._onNavigationBarRef = this._onNavigationBarRef.bind(this); this._onPositionChange = this._onPositionChange.bind(this); this._renderCard = this._renderCard.bind(this); this._renderHeader = this._renderHeader.bind(this); this._renderScene = this._renderScene.bind(this); } componentWillUnmount(): void { this._positionListener && this._positionListener.remove(); } render(): ReactElement { return ( ); } _getInitialRouteStack(): RouteStack { const {initialRouteStack, initialRoute} = this.props; const routes = initialRouteStack || [initialRoute]; const index = initialRoute ? routes.indexOf(initialRoute) : routes.length - 1; return new RouteStack(index, routes); } _renderHeader(props: NavigationSceneRendererProps): ?ReactElement { this._positionListener && this._positionListener.remove(); this._positionListener = new NavigationAnimatedValueSubscription( props.position, this._onPositionChange, ); const {navigationBar, navigationBarNavigator} = this.props; if (!navigationBar) { return null; } return React.cloneElement( navigationBar, { ref: this._onNavigationBarRef, navigator: navigationBarNavigator || this, navState: {...this.state}, } ); } _renderCard(props: NavigationSceneRendererProps): ReactElement { const {scene} = props; const {configureScene} = this.props; let isVertical = false; if (configureScene) { const route = RouteStack.getRouteByNavigationState(scene.navigationState); const config = configureScene(route, this.state.routeStack); const direction = getConfigPopDirection(config); switch (direction) { case 'left-to-right': // default. break; case 'top-to-bottom': isVertical = true; break; default: // unsupported config. if (__DEV__) { console.warn('unsupported scene configuration %s', direction); } } } const style = isVertical ? NavigationCardStackStyleInterpolator.forVertical(props) : NavigationCardStackStyleInterpolator.forHorizontal(props); const panHandlers = isVertical ? NavigationLinearPanResponder.forVertical(props) : NavigationLinearPanResponder.forHorizontal(props); return ( ); } _renderScene(props: NavigationSceneRendererProps): ReactElement { const {navigationState} = props.scene; const route = RouteStack.getRouteByNavigationState(navigationState); return this.props.renderScene(route, this); } _applyStack(stack: NavigationLegacyNavigatorRouteStack): void { if (stack !== this._stack) { this._previousStack = this._stack; this._stack = stack; this.setState({ presentedIndex: stack.index, routeStack: stack.toArray(), }); } } _onNavigationBarRef(navigationBarRef: any): void { this._navigationBarRef = navigationBarRef; const {navigationBar} = this.props; if (navigationBar && typeof navigationBar.ref === 'function') { navigationBar.ref(navigationBarRef); } } _onPositionChange(data: {value: number}): void { const fromIndex = this._previousStack.index; const toIndex = this._stack.index; if ( fromIndex !== toIndex && this._navigationBarRef && typeof this._navigationBarRef.updateProgress === 'function' ) { const progress = (data.value - fromIndex) / (toIndex - fromIndex); this._navigationBarRef.updateProgress(progress, fromIndex, toIndex); } } } // Legacy static members. NavigationLegacyNavigator.BreadcrumbNavigationBar = NavigatorBreadcrumbNavigationBar; NavigationLegacyNavigator.NavigationBar = NavigatorNavigationBar; NavigationLegacyNavigator.SceneConfigs = NavigatorSceneConfigs; module.exports = NavigationLegacyNavigator;