/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ #import #import "RCTAssert.h" #import "RCTBridge.h" #import "RCTBridge+Private.h" #import "RCTBridgeMethod.h" #import "RCTConvert.h" #import "RCTJSCExecutor.h" #import "RCTFrameUpdate.h" #import "RCTJavaScriptLoader.h" #import "RCTLog.h" #import "RCTModuleData.h" #import "RCTPerformanceLogger.h" #import "RCTProfile.h" #import "RCTSourceCode.h" #import "RCTUtils.h" #define RCTAssertJSThread() \ RCTAssert(![NSStringFromClass([_javaScriptExecutor class]) isEqualToString:@"RCTJSCExecutor"] || \ [[[NSThread currentThread] name] isEqualToString:@"com.facebook.React.JavaScript"], \ @"This method must be called on JS thread") /** * Must be kept in sync with `MessageQueue.js`. */ typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, RCTBridgeFields) { RCTBridgeFieldRequestModuleIDs = 0, RCTBridgeFieldMethodIDs, RCTBridgeFieldParams, RCTBridgeFieldCallID, }; RCT_EXTERN NSArray *RCTGetModuleClasses(void); @interface RCTBatchedBridge : RCTBridge @property (nonatomic, weak) RCTBridge *parentBridge; @end @implementation RCTBatchedBridge { BOOL _loading; BOOL _valid; BOOL _wasBatchActive; __weak id _javaScriptExecutor; NSMutableArray *_pendingCalls; NSMutableDictionary *_moduleDataByName; NSArray *_moduleDataByID; NSDictionary> *_modulesByName_DEPRECATED; NSArray *_moduleClassesByID; CADisplayLink *_jsDisplayLink; NSMutableSet *_frameUpdateObservers; // Bridge startup stats (TODO: capture in perf logger) NSUInteger _syncInitializedModules; NSUInteger _asyncInitializedModules; } @synthesize flowID = _flowID; @synthesize flowIDMap = _flowIDMap; - (instancetype)initWithParentBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge { RCTAssertMainThread(); RCTAssertParam(bridge); if ((self = [super initWithBundleURL:bridge.bundleURL moduleProvider:bridge.moduleProvider launchOptions:bridge.launchOptions])) { _parentBridge = bridge; /** * Set Initial State */ _valid = YES; _loading = YES; _pendingCalls = [NSMutableArray new]; _frameUpdateObservers = [NSMutableSet new]; _jsDisplayLink = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:@selector(_jsThreadUpdate:)]; [RCTBridge setCurrentBridge:self]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTJavaScriptWillStartLoadingNotification object:_parentBridge userInfo:@{@"bridge": self}]; [self start]; } return self; } - (void)start { dispatch_queue_t bridgeQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.facebook.react.RCTBridgeQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT); dispatch_group_t initModulesAndLoadSource = dispatch_group_create(); // Asynchronously load source code dispatch_group_enter(initModulesAndLoadSource); __weak RCTBatchedBridge *weakSelf = self; __block NSData *sourceCode; [self loadSource:^(NSError *error, NSData *source) { if (error) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [weakSelf stopLoadingWithError:error]; }); } sourceCode = source; dispatch_group_leave(initModulesAndLoadSource); }]; // Synchronously initialize all native modules that cannot be loaded lazily [self initModules]; #if RCT_DEBUG _syncInitializedModules = [[_moduleDataByID valueForKeyPath:@"@sum.hasInstance"] integerValue]; #endif if (RCTProfileIsProfiling()) { // Depends on moduleDataByID being loaded RCTProfileHookModules(self); } __block NSString *config; dispatch_group_enter(initModulesAndLoadSource); dispatch_async(bridgeQueue, ^{ dispatch_group_t setupJSExecutorAndModuleConfig = dispatch_group_create(); // Asynchronously initialize the JS executor dispatch_group_async(setupJSExecutorAndModuleConfig, bridgeQueue, ^{ [weakSelf setUpExecutor]; }); // Asynchronously gather the module config dispatch_group_async(setupJSExecutorAndModuleConfig, bridgeQueue, ^{ if (weakSelf.isValid) { RCTPerformanceLoggerStart(RCTPLNativeModulePrepareConfig); config = [weakSelf moduleConfig]; RCTPerformanceLoggerEnd(RCTPLNativeModulePrepareConfig); #if RCT_DEBUG NSInteger total = [[_moduleDataByID valueForKeyPath:@"@sum.hasInstance"] integerValue]; _asyncInitializedModules = total - _syncInitializedModules; #endif } }); dispatch_group_notify(setupJSExecutorAndModuleConfig, bridgeQueue, ^{ // We're not waiting for this to complete to leave dispatch group, since // injectJSONConfiguration and executeSourceCode will schedule operations // on the same queue anyway. RCTPerformanceLoggerStart(RCTPLNativeModuleInjectConfig); [weakSelf injectJSONConfiguration:config onComplete:^(NSError *error) { RCTPerformanceLoggerEnd(RCTPLNativeModuleInjectConfig); if (error) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [weakSelf stopLoadingWithError:error]; }); } }]; dispatch_group_leave(initModulesAndLoadSource); }); }); dispatch_group_notify(initModulesAndLoadSource, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ RCTBatchedBridge *strongSelf = weakSelf; if (sourceCode && strongSelf.loading) { dispatch_async(bridgeQueue, ^{ [weakSelf executeSourceCode:sourceCode]; }); } }); } - (void)loadSource:(RCTSourceLoadBlock)_onSourceLoad { RCTPerformanceLoggerStart(RCTPLScriptDownload); NSUInteger cookie = RCTProfileBeginAsyncEvent(0, @"JavaScript download", nil); // Suppress a warning if RCTProfileBeginAsyncEvent gets compiled out (void)cookie; RCTSourceLoadBlock onSourceLoad = ^(NSError *error, NSData *source) { RCTProfileEndAsyncEvent(0, @"init,download", cookie, @"JavaScript download", nil); RCTPerformanceLoggerEnd(RCTPLScriptDownload); _onSourceLoad(error, source); }; if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(loadSourceForBridge:withBlock:)]) { [self.delegate loadSourceForBridge:_parentBridge withBlock:onSourceLoad]; } else if (self.bundleURL) { [RCTJavaScriptLoader loadBundleAtURL:self.bundleURL onComplete:onSourceLoad]; } else { // Allow testing without a script dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [self didFinishLoading]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTJavaScriptDidLoadNotification object:_parentBridge userInfo:@{@"bridge": self}]; }); onSourceLoad(nil, nil); } } - (NSArray *)moduleClasses { if (RCT_DEBUG && self.isValid && _moduleClassesByID == nil) { RCTLogError(@"Bridge modules have not yet been initialized. You may be " "trying to access a module too early in the startup procedure."); } return _moduleClassesByID; } - (id)moduleForName:(NSString *)moduleName { RCTModuleData *moduleData = _moduleDataByName[moduleName]; return moduleData.instance; } - (NSArray *)configForModuleName:(NSString *)moduleName { RCTModuleData *moduleData = _moduleDataByName[moduleName]; if (!moduleData) { moduleData = _moduleDataByName[[@"RCT" stringByAppendingString:moduleName]]; } if (moduleData) { return moduleData.config; } return (id)kCFNull; } - (void)initModules { RCTAssertMainThread(); RCTPerformanceLoggerStart(RCTPLNativeModuleInit); // Register passed-in module instances NSMutableDictionary *preregisteredModules = [NSMutableDictionary new]; NSArray> *extraModules = nil; if (self.delegate) { if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(extraModulesForBridge:)]) { extraModules = [self.delegate extraModulesForBridge:_parentBridge]; } } else if (self.moduleProvider) { extraModules = self.moduleProvider(); } for (id module in extraModules) { preregisteredModules[RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass([module class])] = module; } SEL setBridgeSelector = NSSelectorFromString(@"setBridge:"); IMP objectInitMethod = [NSObject instanceMethodForSelector:@selector(init)]; // Set up moduleData and pre-initialize module instances NSMutableArray *moduleDataByID = [NSMutableArray new]; NSMutableDictionary *moduleDataByName = [NSMutableDictionary new]; for (Class moduleClass in RCTGetModuleClasses()) { NSString *moduleName = RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass(moduleClass); id module = preregisteredModules[moduleName]; if (!module) { // Check if the module class, or any of its superclasses override init // or setBridge:. If they do, we assume that they are expecting to be // initialized when the bridge first loads. if ([moduleClass instanceMethodForSelector:@selector(init)] != objectInitMethod || [moduleClass instancesRespondToSelector:setBridgeSelector]) { module = [moduleClass new]; if (!module) { module = (id)kCFNull; } } } // Check for module name collisions. // It's OK to have a name collision as long as the second instance is null. if (module != (id)kCFNull && moduleDataByName[moduleName] && !preregisteredModules[moduleName]) { RCTLogError(@"Attempted to register RCTBridgeModule class %@ for the name " "'%@', but name was already registered by class %@", moduleClass, moduleName, moduleDataByName[moduleName].moduleClass); } // Instantiate moduleData (TODO: defer this until config generation) RCTModuleData *moduleData; if (module) { if (module != (id)kCFNull) { moduleData = [[RCTModuleData alloc] initWithModuleInstance:module]; } } else { moduleData = [[RCTModuleData alloc] initWithModuleClass:moduleClass bridge:self]; } if (moduleData) { moduleDataByName[moduleName] = moduleData; [moduleDataByID addObject:moduleData]; } } // Store modules _moduleDataByID = [moduleDataByID copy]; _moduleDataByName = [moduleDataByName copy]; _moduleClassesByID = [moduleDataByID valueForKey:@"moduleClass"]; /** * The executor is a bridge module, wait for it to be created and set it before * any other module has access to the bridge */ _javaScriptExecutor = [self moduleForClass:self.executorClass]; for (RCTModuleData *moduleData in _moduleDataByID) { if (moduleData.hasInstance) { [moduleData setBridgeForInstance:self]; } } for (RCTModuleData *moduleData in _moduleDataByID) { if (moduleData.hasInstance) { [moduleData methodQueue]; // initialize the queue } } #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTDidCreateNativeModules object:self userInfo:@{@"bridge": self}]; #pragma clang diagnostic pop RCTPerformanceLoggerEnd(RCTPLNativeModuleInit); } - (void)setUpExecutor { [_javaScriptExecutor setUp]; } - (void)registerModuleForFrameUpdates:(RCTModuleData *)moduleData { if ([moduleData.moduleClass conformsToProtocol:@protocol(RCTFrameUpdateObserver)]) { [_frameUpdateObservers addObject:moduleData]; id observer = (id)moduleData.instance; __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self; __weak typeof(_javaScriptExecutor) weakJavaScriptExecutor = _javaScriptExecutor; observer.pauseCallback = ^{ [weakJavaScriptExecutor executeBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:^{ [weakSelf updateJSDisplayLinkState]; }]; }; } } - (NSString *)moduleConfig { NSMutableArray *config = [NSMutableArray new]; for (RCTModuleData *moduleData in _moduleDataByID) { if (self.executorClass == [RCTJSCExecutor class]) { [config addObject:@[moduleData.name]]; } else { [config addObject:RCTNullIfNil(moduleData.config)]; } } return RCTJSONStringify(@{ @"remoteModuleConfig": config, }, NULL); } - (void)updateJSDisplayLinkState { RCTAssertJSThread(); BOOL pauseDisplayLink = YES; for (RCTModuleData *moduleData in _frameUpdateObservers) { id observer = (id)moduleData.instance; if (!observer.paused) { pauseDisplayLink = NO; break; } } _jsDisplayLink.paused = pauseDisplayLink; } - (void)injectJSONConfiguration:(NSString *)configJSON onComplete:(void (^)(NSError *))onComplete { if (!self.valid) { return; } [_javaScriptExecutor injectJSONText:configJSON asGlobalObjectNamed:@"__fbBatchedBridgeConfig" callback:onComplete]; } - (void)executeSourceCode:(NSData *)sourceCode { if (!self.valid || !_javaScriptExecutor) { return; } RCTSourceCode *sourceCodeModule = [self moduleForClass:[RCTSourceCode class]]; sourceCodeModule.scriptURL = self.bundleURL; sourceCodeModule.scriptData = sourceCode; [self enqueueApplicationScript:sourceCode url:self.bundleURL onComplete:^(NSError *loadError) { if (!self.isValid) { return; } if (loadError) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [self stopLoadingWithError:loadError]; }); return; } // Register the display link to start sending js calls after everything is setup NSRunLoop *targetRunLoop = [_javaScriptExecutor isKindOfClass:[RCTJSCExecutor class]] ? [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] : [NSRunLoop mainRunLoop]; [_jsDisplayLink addToRunLoop:targetRunLoop forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes]; // Perform the state update and notification on the main thread, so we can't run into // timing issues with RCTRootView dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [self didFinishLoading]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTJavaScriptDidLoadNotification object:_parentBridge userInfo:@{@"bridge": self}]; }); }]; #if RCT_DEV if (RCTGetURLQueryParam(self.bundleURL, @"hot")) { NSString *path = [self.bundleURL.path substringFromIndex:1]; // strip initial slash [self enqueueJSCall:@"HMRClient.enable" args:@[@"ios", path]]; } #endif } - (void)didFinishLoading { _loading = NO; [_javaScriptExecutor executeBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:^{ for (dispatch_block_t call in _pendingCalls) { call(); } }]; } - (void)stopLoadingWithError:(NSError *)error { RCTAssertMainThread(); if (!self.isValid || !self.loading) { return; } _loading = NO; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTJavaScriptDidFailToLoadNotification object:_parentBridge userInfo:@{@"bridge": self, @"error": error}]; RCTFatal(error); } RCT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(- (instancetype)initWithBundleURL:(__unused NSURL *)bundleURL moduleProvider:(__unused RCTBridgeModuleProviderBlock)block launchOptions:(__unused NSDictionary *)launchOptions) /** * Prevent super from calling setUp (that'd create another batchedBridge) */ - (void)setUp {} - (void)bindKeys {} - (void)reload { [_parentBridge reload]; } - (Class)executorClass { return _parentBridge.executorClass ?: [RCTJSCExecutor class]; } - (void)setExecutorClass:(Class)executorClass { RCTAssertMainThread(); _parentBridge.executorClass = executorClass; } - (NSURL *)bundleURL { return _parentBridge.bundleURL; } - (void)setBundleURL:(NSURL *)bundleURL { _parentBridge.bundleURL = bundleURL; } - (id)delegate { return _parentBridge.delegate; } - (BOOL)isLoading { return _loading; } - (BOOL)isValid { return _valid; } - (void)dispatchBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block queue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue { if (queue == RCTJSThread) { [_javaScriptExecutor executeBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:block]; } else if (queue) { dispatch_async(queue, block); } } #pragma mark - RCTInvalidating - (void)invalidate { if (!self.valid) { return; } RCTAssertMainThread(); _loading = NO; _valid = NO; if ([RCTBridge currentBridge] == self) { [RCTBridge setCurrentBridge:nil]; } // Invalidate modules dispatch_group_t group = dispatch_group_create(); for (RCTModuleData *moduleData in _moduleDataByName.allValues) { if (moduleData.instance == _javaScriptExecutor) { continue; } if ([moduleData.instance respondsToSelector:@selector(invalidate)]) { dispatch_group_enter(group); [self dispatchBlock:^{ [(id)moduleData.instance invalidate]; dispatch_group_leave(group); } queue:moduleData.methodQueue]; } [moduleData invalidate]; } dispatch_group_notify(group, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [_javaScriptExecutor executeBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:^{ [_jsDisplayLink invalidate]; _jsDisplayLink = nil; [_javaScriptExecutor invalidate]; _javaScriptExecutor = nil; if (RCTProfileIsProfiling()) { RCTProfileUnhookModules(self); } _moduleDataByName = nil; _moduleDataByID = nil; _moduleClassesByID = nil; _modulesByName_DEPRECATED = nil; _frameUpdateObservers = nil; if (_flowIDMap != NULL) { CFRelease(_flowIDMap); } }]; }); } - (void)logMessage:(NSString *)message level:(NSString *)level { if (RCT_DEBUG && [_javaScriptExecutor isValid]) { [self enqueueJSCall:@"RCTLog.logIfNoNativeHook" args:@[level, message]]; } } #pragma mark - RCTBridge methods /** * Public. Can be invoked from any thread. */ - (void)enqueueJSCall:(NSString *)moduleDotMethod args:(NSArray *)args { /** * AnyThread */ NSArray *ids = [moduleDotMethod componentsSeparatedByString:@"."]; NSString *module = ids[0]; NSString *method = ids[1]; RCTProfileBeginFlowEvent(); __weak RCTBatchedBridge *weakSelf = self; [_javaScriptExecutor executeBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:^{ RCTProfileEndFlowEvent(); RCTBatchedBridge *strongSelf = weakSelf; if (!strongSelf || !strongSelf.valid) { return; } if (strongSelf.loading) { dispatch_block_t pendingCall = ^{ [weakSelf _actuallyInvokeAndProcessModule:module method:method arguments:args ?: @[]]; }; [strongSelf->_pendingCalls addObject:pendingCall]; } else { [strongSelf _actuallyInvokeAndProcessModule:module method:method arguments:args ?: @[]]; } }]; } /** * Called by RCTModuleMethod from any thread. */ - (void)enqueueCallback:(NSNumber *)cbID args:(NSArray *)args { /** * AnyThread */ RCTProfileBeginFlowEvent(); __weak RCTBatchedBridge *weakSelf = self; [_javaScriptExecutor executeBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:^{ RCTProfileEndFlowEvent(); RCTBatchedBridge *strongSelf = weakSelf; if (!strongSelf || !strongSelf.valid) { return; } if (strongSelf.loading) { dispatch_block_t pendingCall = ^{ [weakSelf _actuallyInvokeCallback:cbID arguments:args ?: @[]]; }; [strongSelf->_pendingCalls addObject:pendingCall]; } else { [strongSelf _actuallyInvokeCallback:cbID arguments:args]; } }]; } /** * Private hack to support `setTimeout(fn, 0)` */ - (void)_immediatelyCallTimer:(NSNumber *)timer { RCTAssertJSThread(); dispatch_block_t block = ^{ [self _actuallyInvokeAndProcessModule:@"JSTimersExecution" method:@"callTimers" arguments:@[@[timer]]]; }; if ([_javaScriptExecutor respondsToSelector:@selector(executeAsyncBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:)]) { [_javaScriptExecutor executeAsyncBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:block]; } else { [_javaScriptExecutor executeBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:block]; } } - (void)enqueueApplicationScript:(NSData *)script url:(NSURL *)url onComplete:(RCTJavaScriptCompleteBlock)onComplete { RCTAssert(onComplete != nil, @"onComplete block passed in should be non-nil"); RCTProfileBeginFlowEvent(); [_javaScriptExecutor executeApplicationScript:script sourceURL:url onComplete:^(NSError *scriptLoadError) { RCTProfileEndFlowEvent(); RCTAssertJSThread(); if (scriptLoadError) { onComplete(scriptLoadError); return; } RCT_PROFILE_BEGIN_EVENT(0, @"FetchApplicationScriptCallbacks", nil); [_javaScriptExecutor flushedQueue:^(id json, NSError *error) { RCT_PROFILE_END_EVENT(0, @"js_call,init", @{ @"json": RCTNullIfNil(json), @"error": RCTNullIfNil(error), }); [self handleBuffer:json batchEnded:YES]; onComplete(error); }]; }]; } #pragma mark - Payload Generation - (void)_actuallyInvokeAndProcessModule:(NSString *)module method:(NSString *)method arguments:(NSArray *)args { RCTAssertJSThread(); RCTJavaScriptCallback processResponse = ^(id json, NSError *error) { if (error) { RCTFatal(error); } if (!self.isValid) { return; } [self handleBuffer:json batchEnded:YES]; }; [_javaScriptExecutor callFunctionOnModule:module method:method arguments:args callback:processResponse]; } - (void)_actuallyInvokeCallback:(NSNumber *)cbID arguments:(NSArray *)args { RCTAssertJSThread(); RCTJavaScriptCallback processResponse = ^(id json, NSError *error) { if (error) { RCTFatal(error); } if (!self.isValid) { return; } [self handleBuffer:json batchEnded:YES]; }; [_javaScriptExecutor invokeCallbackID:cbID arguments:args callback:processResponse]; } #pragma mark - Payload Processing - (void)handleBuffer:(id)buffer batchEnded:(BOOL)batchEnded { RCTAssertJSThread(); if (buffer != nil && buffer != (id)kCFNull) { _wasBatchActive = YES; [self handleBuffer:buffer]; [self partialBatchDidFlush]; } if (batchEnded) { if (_wasBatchActive) { [self batchDidComplete]; } _wasBatchActive = NO; } } - (void)handleBuffer:(NSArray *)buffer { NSArray *requestsArray = [RCTConvert NSArray:buffer]; if (RCT_DEBUG && requestsArray.count <= RCTBridgeFieldParams) { RCTLogError(@"Buffer should contain at least %tu sub-arrays. Only found %tu", RCTBridgeFieldParams + 1, requestsArray.count); return; } NSArray *moduleIDs = [RCTConvert NSNumberArray:requestsArray[RCTBridgeFieldRequestModuleIDs]]; NSArray *methodIDs = [RCTConvert NSNumberArray:requestsArray[RCTBridgeFieldMethodIDs]]; NSArray *paramsArrays = [RCTConvert NSArrayArray:requestsArray[RCTBridgeFieldParams]]; int64_t callID = -1; if (requestsArray.count > 3) { callID = [requestsArray[RCTBridgeFieldCallID] longLongValue]; } if (RCT_DEBUG && (moduleIDs.count != methodIDs.count || moduleIDs.count != paramsArrays.count)) { RCTLogError(@"Invalid data message - all must be length: %zd", moduleIDs.count); return; } NSMapTable *buckets = [[NSMapTable alloc] initWithKeyOptions:NSPointerFunctionsStrongMemory valueOptions:NSPointerFunctionsStrongMemory capacity:_moduleDataByName.count]; [moduleIDs enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSNumber *moduleID, NSUInteger i, __unused BOOL *stop) { RCTModuleData *moduleData = _moduleDataByID[moduleID.integerValue]; dispatch_queue_t queue = moduleData.methodQueue; NSMutableOrderedSet *set = [buckets objectForKey:queue]; if (!set) { set = [NSMutableOrderedSet new]; [buckets setObject:set forKey:queue]; } [set addObject:@(i)]; }]; for (dispatch_queue_t queue in buckets) { RCTProfileBeginFlowEvent(); dispatch_block_t block = ^{ RCTProfileEndFlowEvent(); RCT_PROFILE_BEGIN_EVENT(0, RCTCurrentThreadName(), nil); NSOrderedSet *calls = [buckets objectForKey:queue]; @autoreleasepool { for (NSNumber *indexObj in calls) { NSUInteger index = indexObj.unsignedIntegerValue; if (callID != -1) { int64_t newFlowID = (int64_t)CFDictionaryGetValue(_flowIDMap, (const void *)(_flowID + index)); _RCTProfileEndFlowEvent(@(newFlowID)); CFDictionaryRemoveValue(_flowIDMap, (const void *)(_flowID + index)); } [self _handleRequestNumber:index moduleID:[moduleIDs[index] integerValue] methodID:[methodIDs[index] integerValue] params:paramsArrays[index]]; } } RCT_PROFILE_END_EVENT(0, @"objc_call,dispatch_async", @{ @"calls": @(calls.count), }); }; if (queue == RCTJSThread) { [_javaScriptExecutor executeBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:block]; } else if (queue) { dispatch_async(queue, block); } } _flowID = callID; } - (void)partialBatchDidFlush { for (RCTModuleData *moduleData in _moduleDataByID) { if (moduleData.implementsPartialBatchDidFlush) { [self dispatchBlock:^{ [moduleData.instance partialBatchDidFlush]; } queue:moduleData.methodQueue]; } } } - (void)batchDidComplete { // TODO: batchDidComplete is only used by RCTUIManager - can we eliminate this special case? for (RCTModuleData *moduleData in _moduleDataByID) { if (moduleData.implementsBatchDidComplete) { [self dispatchBlock:^{ [moduleData.instance batchDidComplete]; } queue:moduleData.methodQueue]; } } } - (BOOL)_handleRequestNumber:(NSUInteger)i moduleID:(NSUInteger)moduleID methodID:(NSUInteger)methodID params:(NSArray *)params { if (!self.isValid) { return NO; } if (RCT_DEBUG && ![params isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) { RCTLogError(@"Invalid module/method/params tuple for request #%zd", i); return NO; } RCTModuleData *moduleData = _moduleDataByID[moduleID]; if (RCT_DEBUG && !moduleData) { RCTLogError(@"No module found for id '%zd'", moduleID); return NO; } id method = moduleData.methods[methodID]; if (RCT_DEBUG && !method) { RCTLogError(@"Unknown methodID: %zd for module: %zd (%@)", methodID, moduleID, moduleData.name); return NO; } @try { [method invokeWithBridge:self module:moduleData.instance arguments:params]; } @catch (NSException *exception) { // Pass on JS exceptions if ([exception.name hasPrefix:RCTFatalExceptionName]) { @throw exception; } NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Exception '%@' was thrown while invoking %@ on target %@ with params %@", exception, method.JSMethodName, moduleData.name, params]; RCTFatal(RCTErrorWithMessage(message)); } return YES; } - (void)_jsThreadUpdate:(CADisplayLink *)displayLink { RCTAssertJSThread(); RCT_PROFILE_BEGIN_EVENT(0, @"DispatchFrameUpdate", nil); RCTFrameUpdate *frameUpdate = [[RCTFrameUpdate alloc] initWithDisplayLink:displayLink]; for (RCTModuleData *moduleData in _frameUpdateObservers) { id observer = (id)moduleData.instance; if (!observer.paused) { RCTProfileBeginFlowEvent(); [self dispatchBlock:^{ RCTProfileEndFlowEvent(); [observer didUpdateFrame:frameUpdate]; } queue:moduleData.methodQueue]; } } [self updateJSDisplayLinkState]; RCTProfileImmediateEvent(0, @"JS Thread Tick", displayLink.timestamp, 'g'); RCT_PROFILE_END_EVENT(0, @"objc_call", nil); } - (void)startProfiling { RCTAssertMainThread(); [_javaScriptExecutor executeBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:^{ RCTProfileInit(self); }]; } - (void)stopProfiling:(void (^)(NSData *))callback { RCTAssertMainThread(); [_javaScriptExecutor executeBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:^{ RCTProfileEnd(self, ^(NSString *log) { NSData *logData = [log dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; callback(logData); }); }]; } - (BOOL)isBatchActive { return _wasBatchActive; } @end @implementation RCTBatchedBridge(Deprecated) - (NSDictionary *)modules { if (!_modulesByName_DEPRECATED) { // Check classes are set up [self moduleClasses]; NSMutableDictionary *modulesByName = [NSMutableDictionary new]; for (NSString *moduleName in _moduleDataByName) { id module = [self moduleForName:moduleName]; if (module) { modulesByName[moduleName] = module; } }; _modulesByName_DEPRECATED = [modulesByName copy]; } return _modulesByName_DEPRECATED; } @end