/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ 'use strict'; const copyProjectTemplateAndReplace = require('../generator/copyProjectTemplateAndReplace'); const execSync = require('child_process').execSync; const fs = require('fs'); const minimist = require('minimist'); const path = require('path'); const printRunInstructions = require('../generator/printRunInstructions'); const process = require('process'); const yarn = require('../util/yarn'); /** * Creates the template for a React Native project given the provided * parameters: * @param projectDir Templates will be copied here. * @param argsOrName Project name or full list of custom arguments * for the generator. */ function init(projectDir, argsOrName) { console.log('Setting up new React Native app in ' + projectDir); const args = Array.isArray(argsOrName) ? argsOrName // argsOrName was e.g. ['AwesomeApp', '--verbose'] : [argsOrName].concat(process.argv.slice(4)); // argsOrName was e.g. 'AwesomeApp' // args array is e.g. ['AwesomeApp', '--verbose'] if (!args || args.lentgh == 0) { console.error('react-native init requires a project name.'); return; } const newProjectName = args[0]; const options = minimist(args); generateProject(projectDir, newProjectName, options); } /** * Generates a new React Native project based on the template. * @param Absolute path at which the project folder should be created. * @param options Command line arguments parsed by minimist. */ function generateProject(destinationRoot, newProjectName, options) { var reactNativePackageJson = require('../../package.json'); var { peerDependencies } = reactNativePackageJson; if (!peerDependencies) { console.error('Missing React peer dependency in React Native\'s package.json. Aborting.'); return; } var reactVersion = peerDependencies.react; if (!reactVersion) { console.error('Missing React peer dependency in React Native\'s package.json. Aborting.'); return; } const yarnVersion = (!options['npm']) && yarn.getYarnVersionIfAvailable() && yarn.isGlobalCliUsingYarn(destinationRoot); copyProjectTemplateAndReplace( path.resolve('node_modules', 'react-native', 'local-cli', 'templates', 'HelloWorld'), destinationRoot, newProjectName ); if (yarnVersion) { console.log('Adding React...'); execSync(`yarn add react@${reactVersion}`); } else { console.log('Installing React...'); execSync(`npm install react@${reactVersion} --save --save-exact`); } if (!options['skip-jest']) { const jestDeps = `jest babel-jest jest-react-native babel-preset-react-native react-test-renderer@${reactVersion}`; if (yarnVersion) { console.log('Adding Jest...'); execSync(`yarn add ${jestDeps} --dev --exact`); } else { console.log('Installing Jest...'); execSync(`npm install ${jestDeps} --save-dev --save-exact`); } addJestToPackageJson(destinationRoot); } printRunInstructions(destinationRoot, newProjectName); } /** * Add Jest-related stuff to package.json, which was created by the react-native-cli. */ function addJestToPackageJson(destinationRoot) { var packageJSONPath = path.join(destinationRoot, 'package.json'); var packageJSON = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageJSONPath)); packageJSON.scripts.test = 'jest'; packageJSON.jest = { preset: 'react-native' }; fs.writeFileSync(packageJSONPath, JSON.stringify(packageJSON, null, '\t')); } module.exports = init;