/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #import "RCTHTTPRequestHandler.h" typedef RCTURLRequestCancellationBlock (^RCTHTTPQueryResult)(NSError *error, NSDictionary *result); @interface RCTNetworking () - (RCTURLRequestCancellationBlock)processDataForHTTPQuery:(NSDictionary *)data callback:(RCTHTTPQueryResult)callback; @end /** * Helper to convert FormData payloads into multipart/formdata requests. */ @interface RCTHTTPFormDataHelper : NSObject @property (nonatomic, weak) RCTNetworking *networker; @end @implementation RCTHTTPFormDataHelper { NSMutableArray *> *_parts; NSMutableData *_multipartBody; RCTHTTPQueryResult _callback; NSString *_boundary; } static NSString *RCTGenerateFormBoundary() { const size_t boundaryLength = 70; const char *boundaryChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_."; char *bytes = (char*)malloc(boundaryLength); size_t charCount = strlen(boundaryChars); for (int i = 0; i < boundaryLength; i++) { bytes[i] = boundaryChars[arc4random_uniform((u_int32_t)charCount)]; } return [[NSString alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:bytes length:boundaryLength encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding freeWhenDone:YES]; } - (RCTURLRequestCancellationBlock)process:(NSArray *)formData callback:(RCTHTTPQueryResult)callback { RCTAssertThread(_networker.methodQueue, @"process: must be called on method queue"); if (formData.count == 0) { return callback(nil, nil); } _parts = [formData mutableCopy]; _callback = callback; _multipartBody = [NSMutableData new]; _boundary = RCTGenerateFormBoundary(); return [_networker processDataForHTTPQuery:_parts[0] callback:^(NSError *error, NSDictionary *result) { return [self handleResult:result error:error]; }]; } - (RCTURLRequestCancellationBlock)handleResult:(NSDictionary *)result error:(NSError *)error { RCTAssertThread(_networker.methodQueue, @"handleResult: must be called on method queue"); if (error) { return _callback(error, nil); } // Start with boundary. [_multipartBody appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"--%@\r\n", _boundary] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; // Print headers. NSMutableDictionary *headers = [_parts[0][@"headers"] mutableCopy]; NSString *partContentType = result[@"contentType"]; if (partContentType != nil) { headers[@"content-type"] = partContentType; } [headers enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *parameterKey, NSString *parameterValue, BOOL *stop) { [self->_multipartBody appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@: %@\r\n", parameterKey, parameterValue] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; }]; // Add the body. [_multipartBody appendData:[@"\r\n" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; [_multipartBody appendData:result[@"body"]]; [_multipartBody appendData:[@"\r\n" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; [_parts removeObjectAtIndex:0]; if (_parts.count) { return [_networker processDataForHTTPQuery:_parts[0] callback:^(NSError *err, NSDictionary *res) { return [self handleResult:res error:err]; }]; } // We've processed the last item. Finish and return. [_multipartBody appendData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"--%@--\r\n", _boundary] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; NSString *contentType = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"multipart/form-data; boundary=%@", _boundary]; return _callback(nil, @{@"body": _multipartBody, @"contentType": contentType}); } @end /** * Bridge module that provides the JS interface to the network stack. */ @implementation RCTNetworking { NSMutableDictionary *_tasksByRequestID; std::mutex _handlersLock; NSArray> *_handlers; } @synthesize methodQueue = _methodQueue; RCT_EXPORT_MODULE() - (NSArray *)supportedEvents { return @[@"didCompleteNetworkResponse", @"didReceiveNetworkResponse", @"didSendNetworkData", @"didReceiveNetworkIncrementalData", @"didReceiveNetworkDataProgress", @"didReceiveNetworkData"]; } - (id)handlerForRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request { if (!request.URL) { return nil; } { std::lock_guard lock(_handlersLock); if (!_handlers) { // Get handlers, sorted in reverse priority order (highest priority first) _handlers = [[self.bridge modulesConformingToProtocol:@protocol(RCTURLRequestHandler)] sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id a, id b) { float priorityA = [a respondsToSelector:@selector(handlerPriority)] ? [a handlerPriority] : 0; float priorityB = [b respondsToSelector:@selector(handlerPriority)] ? [b handlerPriority] : 0; if (priorityA > priorityB) { return NSOrderedAscending; } else if (priorityA < priorityB) { return NSOrderedDescending; } else { return NSOrderedSame; } }]; } } if (RCT_DEBUG) { // Check for handler conflicts float previousPriority = 0; id previousHandler = nil; for (id handler in _handlers) { float priority = [handler respondsToSelector:@selector(handlerPriority)] ? [handler handlerPriority] : 0; if (previousHandler && priority < previousPriority) { return previousHandler; } if ([handler canHandleRequest:request]) { if (previousHandler) { if (priority == previousPriority) { RCTLogError(@"The RCTURLRequestHandlers %@ and %@ both reported that" " they can handle the request %@, and have equal priority" " (%g). This could result in non-deterministic behavior.", handler, previousHandler, request, priority); } } else { previousHandler = handler; previousPriority = priority; } } } return previousHandler; } // Normal code path for (id handler in _handlers) { if ([handler canHandleRequest:request]) { return handler; } } return nil; } - (NSDictionary *)stripNullsInRequestHeaders:(NSDictionary *)headers { NSMutableDictionary *result = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:headers.count]; for (NSString *key in headers.allKeys) { id val = headers[key]; if (val != [NSNull null]) { result[key] = val; } } return result; } - (RCTURLRequestCancellationBlock)buildRequest:(NSDictionary *)query completionBlock:(void (^)(NSURLRequest *request))block { RCTAssertThread(_methodQueue, @"buildRequest: must be called on method queue"); NSURL *URL = [RCTConvert NSURL:query[@"url"]]; // this is marked as nullable in JS, but should not be null NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:URL]; request.HTTPMethod = [RCTConvert NSString:RCTNilIfNull(query[@"method"])].uppercaseString ?: @"GET"; request.allHTTPHeaderFields = [self stripNullsInRequestHeaders:[RCTConvert NSDictionary:query[@"headers"]]]; request.timeoutInterval = [RCTConvert NSTimeInterval:query[@"timeout"]]; request.HTTPShouldHandleCookies = [RCTConvert BOOL:query[@"withCredentials"]]; NSDictionary *data = [RCTConvert NSDictionary:RCTNilIfNull(query[@"data"])]; NSString *trackingName = data[@"trackingName"]; if (trackingName) { [NSURLProtocol setProperty:trackingName forKey:@"trackingName" inRequest:request]; } return [self processDataForHTTPQuery:data callback:^(NSError *error, NSDictionary *result) { if (error) { RCTLogError(@"Error processing request body: %@", error); // Ideally we'd circle back to JS here and notify an error/abort on the request. return (RCTURLRequestCancellationBlock)nil; } request.HTTPBody = result[@"body"]; NSString *dataContentType = result[@"contentType"]; NSString *requestContentType = [request valueForHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Type"]; BOOL isMultipart = [dataContentType hasPrefix:@"multipart"]; // For multipart requests we need to override caller-specified content type with one // from the data object, because it contains the boundary string if (dataContentType && ([requestContentType length] == 0 || isMultipart)) { [request setValue:dataContentType forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Type"]; } // Gzip the request body if ([request.allHTTPHeaderFields[@"Content-Encoding"] isEqualToString:@"gzip"]) { request.HTTPBody = RCTGzipData(request.HTTPBody, -1 /* default */); [request setValue:(@(request.HTTPBody.length)).description forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Length"]; } dispatch_async(self->_methodQueue, ^{ block(request); }); return (RCTURLRequestCancellationBlock)nil; }]; } - (BOOL)canHandleRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request { return [self handlerForRequest:request] != nil; } /** * Process the 'data' part of an HTTP query. * * 'data' can be a JSON value of the following forms: * * - {"string": "..."}: a simple JS string that will be UTF-8 encoded and sent as the body * * - {"uri": "some-uri://..."}: reference to a system resource, e.g. an image in the asset library * * - {"formData": [...]}: list of data payloads that will be combined into a multipart/form-data request * * If successful, the callback be called with a result dictionary containing the following (optional) keys: * * - @"body" (NSData): the body of the request * * - @"contentType" (NSString): the content type header of the request * */ - (RCTURLRequestCancellationBlock)processDataForHTTPQuery:(nullable NSDictionary *)query callback: (RCTURLRequestCancellationBlock (^)(NSError *error, NSDictionary *result))callback { RCTAssertThread(_methodQueue, @"processDataForHTTPQuery: must be called on method queue"); if (!query) { return callback(nil, nil); } NSData *body = [RCTConvert NSData:query[@"string"]]; if (body) { return callback(nil, @{@"body": body}); } NSString *base64String = [RCTConvert NSString:query[@"base64"]]; if (base64String) { NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBase64EncodedString:base64String options:0]; return callback(nil, @{@"body": data}); } NSURLRequest *request = [RCTConvert NSURLRequest:query[@"uri"]]; if (request) { __block RCTURLRequestCancellationBlock cancellationBlock = nil; RCTNetworkTask *task = [self networkTaskWithRequest:request completionBlock:^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error) { dispatch_async(self->_methodQueue, ^{ cancellationBlock = callback(error, data ? @{@"body": data, @"contentType": RCTNullIfNil(response.MIMEType)} : nil); }); }]; [task start]; __weak RCTNetworkTask *weakTask = task; return ^{ [weakTask cancel]; if (cancellationBlock) { cancellationBlock(); } }; } NSArray *formData = [RCTConvert NSDictionaryArray:query[@"formData"]]; if (formData) { RCTHTTPFormDataHelper *formDataHelper = [RCTHTTPFormDataHelper new]; formDataHelper.networker = self; return [formDataHelper process:formData callback:callback]; } // Nothing in the data payload, at least nothing we could understand anyway. // Ignore and treat it as if it were null. return callback(nil, nil); } + (NSString *)decodeTextData:(NSData *)data fromResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response withCarryData:(NSMutableData *)inputCarryData { NSStringEncoding encoding = NSUTF8StringEncoding; if (response.textEncodingName) { CFStringEncoding cfEncoding = CFStringConvertIANACharSetNameToEncoding((CFStringRef)response.textEncodingName); encoding = CFStringConvertEncodingToNSStringEncoding(cfEncoding); } NSMutableData *currentCarryData = inputCarryData ?: [NSMutableData new]; [currentCarryData appendData:data]; // Attempt to decode text NSString *encodedResponse = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:currentCarryData encoding:encoding]; if (!encodedResponse && data.length > 0) { if (encoding == NSUTF8StringEncoding && inputCarryData) { // If decode failed, we attempt to trim broken character bytes from the data. // At this time, only UTF-8 support is enabled. Multibyte encodings, such as UTF-16 and UTF-32, require a lot of additional work // to determine wether BOM was included in the first data packet. If so, save it, and attach it to each new data packet. If not, // an encoding has to be selected with a suitable byte order (for ARM iOS, it would be little endianness). CFStringEncoding cfEncoding = CFStringConvertNSStringEncodingToEncoding(encoding); // Taking a single unichar is not good enough, due to Unicode combining character sequences or characters outside the BMP. // See https://www.objc.io/issues/9-strings/unicode/#common-pitfalls // We'll attempt with a sequence of two characters, the most common combining character sequence and characters outside the BMP (emojis). CFIndex maxCharLength = CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(2, cfEncoding); NSUInteger removedBytes = 1; while (removedBytes < maxCharLength) { encodedResponse = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:[currentCarryData subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, currentCarryData.length - removedBytes)] encoding:encoding]; if (encodedResponse != nil) { break; } removedBytes += 1; } } else { // We don't have an encoding, or the encoding is incorrect, so now we try to guess [NSString stringEncodingForData:data encodingOptions:@{ NSStringEncodingDetectionSuggestedEncodingsKey: @[ @(encoding) ] } convertedString:&encodedResponse usedLossyConversion:NULL]; } } if (inputCarryData) { NSUInteger encodedResponseLength = [encodedResponse dataUsingEncoding:encoding].length; NSData *newCarryData = [currentCarryData subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(encodedResponseLength, currentCarryData.length - encodedResponseLength)]; [inputCarryData setData:newCarryData]; } return encodedResponse; } - (void)sendData:(NSData *)data responseType:(NSString *)responseType forTask:(RCTNetworkTask *)task { RCTAssertThread(_methodQueue, @"sendData: must be called on method queue"); if (data.length == 0) { return; } NSString *responseString; if ([responseType isEqualToString:@"text"]) { // No carry storage is required here because the entire data has been loaded. responseString = [RCTNetworking decodeTextData:data fromResponse:task.response withCarryData:nil]; if (!responseString) { RCTLogWarn(@"Received data was not a string, or was not a recognised encoding."); return; } } else if ([responseType isEqualToString:@"base64"]) { responseString = [data base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0]; } else { RCTLogWarn(@"Invalid responseType: %@", responseType); return; } NSArray *responseJSON = @[task.requestID, responseString]; [self sendEventWithName:@"didReceiveNetworkData" body:responseJSON]; } - (void)sendRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request responseType:(NSString *)responseType incrementalUpdates:(BOOL)incrementalUpdates responseSender:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)responseSender { RCTAssertThread(_methodQueue, @"sendRequest: must be called on method queue"); __weak __typeof(self) weakSelf = self; __block RCTNetworkTask *task; RCTURLRequestProgressBlock uploadProgressBlock = ^(int64_t progress, int64_t total) { NSArray *responseJSON = @[task.requestID, @((double)progress), @((double)total)]; [weakSelf sendEventWithName:@"didSendNetworkData" body:responseJSON]; }; RCTURLRequestResponseBlock responseBlock = ^(NSURLResponse *response) { NSDictionary *headers; NSInteger status; if ([response isKindOfClass:[NSHTTPURLResponse class]]) { // Might be a local file request NSHTTPURLResponse *httpResponse = (NSHTTPURLResponse *)response; headers = httpResponse.allHeaderFields ?: @{}; status = httpResponse.statusCode; } else { headers = response.MIMEType ? @{@"Content-Type": response.MIMEType} : @{}; status = 200; } id responseURL = response.URL ? response.URL.absoluteString : [NSNull null]; NSArray *responseJSON = @[task.requestID, @(status), headers, responseURL]; [weakSelf sendEventWithName:@"didReceiveNetworkResponse" body:responseJSON]; }; // XHR does not allow you to peek at xhr.response before the response is // finished. Only when xhr.responseType is set to ''/'text', consumers may // peek at xhr.responseText. So unless the requested responseType is 'text', // we only send progress updates and not incremental data updates to JS here. RCTURLRequestIncrementalDataBlock incrementalDataBlock = nil; RCTURLRequestProgressBlock downloadProgressBlock = nil; if (incrementalUpdates) { if ([responseType isEqualToString:@"text"]) { // We need this to carry over bytes, which could not be decoded into text (such as broken UTF-8 characters). // The incremental data block holds the ownership of this object, and will be released upon release of the block. NSMutableData *incrementalDataCarry = [NSMutableData new]; incrementalDataBlock = ^(NSData *data, int64_t progress, int64_t total) { NSUInteger initialCarryLength = incrementalDataCarry.length; NSString *responseString = [RCTNetworking decodeTextData:data fromResponse:task.response withCarryData:incrementalDataCarry]; if (!responseString) { RCTLogWarn(@"Received data was not a string, or was not a recognised encoding."); return; } // Update progress to include the previous carry length and reduce the current carry length. NSArray *responseJSON = @[task.requestID, responseString, @(progress + initialCarryLength - incrementalDataCarry.length), @(total)]; [weakSelf sendEventWithName:@"didReceiveNetworkIncrementalData" body:responseJSON]; }; } else { downloadProgressBlock = ^(int64_t progress, int64_t total) { NSArray *responseJSON = @[task.requestID, @(progress), @(total)]; [weakSelf sendEventWithName:@"didReceiveNetworkDataProgress" body:responseJSON]; }; } } RCTURLRequestCompletionBlock completionBlock = ^(NSURLResponse *response, NSData *data, NSError *error) { __typeof(self) strongSelf = weakSelf; if (!strongSelf) { return; } // Unless we were sending incremental (text) chunks to JS, all along, now // is the time to send the request body to JS. if (!(incrementalUpdates && [responseType isEqualToString:@"text"])) { [strongSelf sendData:data responseType:responseType forTask:task]; } NSArray *responseJSON = @[task.requestID, RCTNullIfNil(error.localizedDescription), error.code == kCFURLErrorTimedOut ? @YES : @NO ]; [strongSelf sendEventWithName:@"didCompleteNetworkResponse" body:responseJSON]; [strongSelf->_tasksByRequestID removeObjectForKey:task.requestID]; }; task = [self networkTaskWithRequest:request completionBlock:completionBlock]; task.downloadProgressBlock = downloadProgressBlock; task.incrementalDataBlock = incrementalDataBlock; task.responseBlock = responseBlock; task.uploadProgressBlock = uploadProgressBlock; if (task.requestID) { if (!_tasksByRequestID) { _tasksByRequestID = [NSMutableDictionary new]; } _tasksByRequestID[task.requestID] = task; responseSender(@[task.requestID]); } [task start]; } #pragma mark - Public API - (RCTNetworkTask *)networkTaskWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request completionBlock:(RCTURLRequestCompletionBlock)completionBlock { id handler = [self handlerForRequest:request]; if (!handler) { RCTLogError(@"No suitable URL request handler found for %@", request.URL); return nil; } RCTNetworkTask *task = [[RCTNetworkTask alloc] initWithRequest:request handler:handler callbackQueue:_methodQueue]; task.completionBlock = completionBlock; return task; } #pragma mark - JS API RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(sendRequest:(NSDictionary *)query responseSender:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)responseSender) { // TODO: buildRequest returns a cancellation block, but there's currently // no way to invoke it, if, for example the request is cancelled while // loading a large file to build the request body [self buildRequest:query completionBlock:^(NSURLRequest *request) { NSString *responseType = [RCTConvert NSString:query[@"responseType"]]; BOOL incrementalUpdates = [RCTConvert BOOL:query[@"incrementalUpdates"]]; [self sendRequest:request responseType:responseType incrementalUpdates:incrementalUpdates responseSender:responseSender]; }]; } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(abortRequest:(nonnull NSNumber *)requestID) { [_tasksByRequestID[requestID] cancel]; [_tasksByRequestID removeObjectForKey:requestID]; } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(clearCookies:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)responseSender) { NSHTTPCookieStorage *storage = [NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedHTTPCookieStorage]; if (!storage.cookies.count) { responseSender(@[@NO]); return; } for (NSHTTPCookie *cookie in storage.cookies) { [storage deleteCookie:cookie]; } responseSender(@[@YES]); } @end @implementation RCTBridge (RCTNetworking) - (RCTNetworking *)networking { return [self moduleForClass:[RCTNetworking class]]; } @end