/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. * * @providesModule AutodocsLayout */ var DocsSidebar = require('DocsSidebar'); var H = require('Header'); var Header = require('Header'); var Marked = require('Marked'); var Prism = require('Prism'); var React = require('React'); var Site = require('Site'); var slugify = require('slugify'); var styleReferencePattern = /^[^.]+\.propTypes\.style$/; function renderType(type) { if (type.name === 'enum') { if (typeof type.value === 'string') { return type.value; } return 'enum(' + type.value.map((v) => v.value).join(', ') + ')'; } if (type.name === 'shape') { return '{' + Object.keys(type.value).map((key => key + ': ' + renderType(type.value[key]))).join(', ') + '}'; } if (type.name == 'union') { return type.value.map(renderType).join(', '); } if (type.name === 'arrayOf') { return '[' + renderType(type.value) + ']'; } if (type.name === 'instanceOf') { return type.value; } if (type.name === 'custom') { if (styleReferencePattern.test(type.raw)) { var name = type.raw.substring(0, type.raw.indexOf('.')); return {name}#style } if (type.raw === 'EdgeInsetsPropType') { return '{top: number, left: number, bottom: number, right: number}'; } return type.raw; } if (type.name === 'stylesheet') { return 'style'; } if (type.name === 'func') { return 'function'; } return type.name; } var ComponentDoc = React.createClass({ renderProp: function(name, prop) { return (
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Run this example

Run example in simulator
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