/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ 'use strict'; jest .autoMockOff() .setMock('Text', {}) .setMock('View', {}) .setMock('Image', {}) .setMock('React', {Component: class {}}); var Animated = require('Animated'); describe('Animated', () => { it('works end to end', () => { var anim = new Animated.Value(0); var callback = jest.genMockFunction(); var node = new Animated.__PropsOnlyForTests({ style: { backgroundColor: 'red', opacity: anim, transform: [ {translateX: anim.interpolate({ inputRange: [0, 1], outputRange: [100, 200], })}, {scale: anim}, ] } }, callback); expect(anim.getChildren().length).toBe(3); expect(node.__getValue()).toEqual({ style: { backgroundColor: 'red', opacity: 0, transform: [ {translateX: 100}, {scale: 0}, ], }, }); anim.setValue(0.5); expect(callback).toBeCalled(); expect(node.__getValue()).toEqual({ style: { backgroundColor: 'red', opacity: 0.5, transform: [ {translateX: 150}, {scale: 0.5}, ], }, }); node.detach(); expect(anim.getChildren().length).toBe(0); anim.setValue(1); expect(callback.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); }); it('does not detach on updates', () => { var anim = new Animated.Value(0); anim.detach = jest.genMockFunction(); var c = new Animated.View(); c.props = { style: { opacity: anim, }, }; c.componentWillMount(); expect(anim.detach).not.toBeCalled(); c.componentWillReceiveProps({ style: { opacity: anim, }, }); expect(anim.detach).not.toBeCalled(); c.componentWillUnmount(); expect(anim.detach).toBeCalled(); }); it('stops animation when detached', () => { // jest environment doesn't have requestAnimationFrame :( window.requestAnimationFrame = jest.genMockFunction(); window.cancelAnimationFrame = jest.genMockFunction(); var anim = new Animated.Value(0); var callback = jest.genMockFunction(); var c = new Animated.View(); c.props = { style: { opacity: anim, }, }; c.componentWillMount(); Animated.timing(anim, {toValue: 10, duration: 1000}).start(callback); c.componentWillUnmount(); expect(callback).toBeCalledWith({finished: false}); expect(callback).toBeCalledWith({finished: false}); }); it('triggers callback when spring is at rest', () => { var anim = new Animated.Value(0); var callback = jest.genMockFunction(); Animated.spring(anim, {toValue: 0, velocity: 0}).start(callback); expect(callback).toBeCalled(); }); it('send toValue when a spring stops', () => { var anim = new Animated.Value(0); var listener = jest.genMockFunction(); anim.addListener(listener); Animated.spring(anim, {toValue: 15}).start(); jest.runAllTimers(); var lastValue = listener.mock.calls[listener.mock.calls.length - 2][0].value; expect(lastValue).not.toBe(15); expect(lastValue).toBeCloseTo(15); expect(anim.__getValue()).toBe(15); }); }); describe('Animated Sequence', () => { it('works with an empty sequence', () => { var cb = jest.genMockFunction(); Animated.sequence([]).start(cb); expect(cb).toBeCalledWith({finished: true}); }); it('sequences well', () => { var anim1 = {start: jest.genMockFunction()}; var anim2 = {start: jest.genMockFunction()}; var cb = jest.genMockFunction(); var seq = Animated.sequence([anim1, anim2]); expect(anim1.start).not.toBeCalled(); expect(anim2.start).not.toBeCalled(); seq.start(cb); expect(anim1.start).toBeCalled(); expect(anim2.start).not.toBeCalled(); expect(cb).not.toBeCalled(); anim1.start.mock.calls[0][0]({finished: true}); expect(anim2.start).toBeCalled(); expect(cb).not.toBeCalled(); anim2.start.mock.calls[0][0]({finished: true}); expect(cb).toBeCalledWith({finished: true}); }); it('supports interrupting sequence', () => { var anim1 = {start: jest.genMockFunction()}; var anim2 = {start: jest.genMockFunction()}; var cb = jest.genMockFunction(); Animated.sequence([anim1, anim2]).start(cb); anim1.start.mock.calls[0][0]({finished: false}); expect(anim1.start).toBeCalled(); expect(anim2.start).not.toBeCalled(); expect(cb).toBeCalledWith({finished: false}); }); it('supports stopping sequence', () => { var anim1 = {start: jest.genMockFunction(), stop: jest.genMockFunction()}; var anim2 = {start: jest.genMockFunction(), stop: jest.genMockFunction()}; var cb = jest.genMockFunction(); var seq = Animated.sequence([anim1, anim2]); seq.start(cb); seq.stop(); expect(anim1.stop).toBeCalled(); expect(anim2.stop).not.toBeCalled(); expect(cb).not.toBeCalled(); anim1.start.mock.calls[0][0]({finished: false}); expect(cb).toBeCalledWith({finished: false}); }); }); describe('Animated Parallel', () => { it('works with an empty parallel', () => { var cb = jest.genMockFunction(); Animated.parallel([]).start(cb); expect(cb).toBeCalledWith({finished: true}); }); it('works with an empty element in array', () => { var anim1 = {start: jest.genMockFunction()}; var cb = jest.genMockFunction(); Animated.parallel([null, anim1]).start(cb); expect(anim1.start).toBeCalled(); anim1.start.mock.calls[0][0]({finished: true}); expect(cb).toBeCalledWith({finished: true}); }); it('parellelizes well', () => { var anim1 = {start: jest.genMockFunction()}; var anim2 = {start: jest.genMockFunction()}; var cb = jest.genMockFunction(); var par = Animated.parallel([anim1, anim2]); expect(anim1.start).not.toBeCalled(); expect(anim2.start).not.toBeCalled(); par.start(cb); expect(anim1.start).toBeCalled(); expect(anim2.start).toBeCalled(); expect(cb).not.toBeCalled(); anim1.start.mock.calls[0][0]({finished: true}); expect(cb).not.toBeCalled(); anim2.start.mock.calls[0][0]({finished: true}); expect(cb).toBeCalledWith({finished: true}); }); it('supports stopping parallel', () => { var anim1 = {start: jest.genMockFunction(), stop: jest.genMockFunction()}; var anim2 = {start: jest.genMockFunction(), stop: jest.genMockFunction()}; var cb = jest.genMockFunction(); var seq = Animated.parallel([anim1, anim2]); seq.start(cb); seq.stop(); expect(anim1.stop).toBeCalled(); expect(anim2.stop).toBeCalled(); expect(cb).not.toBeCalled(); anim1.start.mock.calls[0][0]({finished: false}); expect(cb).not.toBeCalled(); anim2.start.mock.calls[0][0]({finished: false}); expect(cb).toBeCalledWith({finished: false}); }); it('does not call stop more than once when stopping', () => { var anim1 = {start: jest.genMockFunction(), stop: jest.genMockFunction()}; var anim2 = {start: jest.genMockFunction(), stop: jest.genMockFunction()}; var anim3 = {start: jest.genMockFunction(), stop: jest.genMockFunction()}; var cb = jest.genMockFunction(); var seq = Animated.parallel([anim1, anim2, anim3]); seq.start(cb); anim1.start.mock.calls[0][0]({finished: false}); expect(anim1.stop.mock.calls.length).toBe(0); expect(anim2.stop.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(anim3.stop.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); anim2.start.mock.calls[0][0]({finished: false}); expect(anim1.stop.mock.calls.length).toBe(0); expect(anim2.stop.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(anim3.stop.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); anim3.start.mock.calls[0][0]({finished: false}); expect(anim1.stop.mock.calls.length).toBe(0); expect(anim2.stop.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(anim3.stop.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); }); }); describe('Animated delays', () => { it('should call anim after delay in sequence', () => { var anim = {start: jest.genMockFunction(), stop: jest.genMockFunction()}; var cb = jest.genMockFunction(); Animated.sequence([ Animated.delay(1000), anim, ]).start(cb); jest.runAllTimers(); expect(anim.start.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(cb).not.toBeCalled(); anim.start.mock.calls[0][0]({finished: true}); expect(cb).toBeCalledWith({finished: true}); }); it('should run stagger to end', () => { var cb = jest.genMockFunction(); Animated.stagger(1000, [ Animated.delay(1000), Animated.delay(1000), Animated.delay(1000), ]).start(cb); jest.runAllTimers(); expect(cb).toBeCalledWith({finished: true}); }); }); describe('Animated Events', () => { it('should map events', () => { var value = new Animated.Value(0); var handler = Animated.event( [null, {state: {foo: value}}], ); handler({bar: 'ignoreBar'}, {state: {baz: 'ignoreBaz', foo: 42}}); expect(value.__getValue()).toBe(42); }); it('should call listeners', () => { var value = new Animated.Value(0); var listener = jest.genMockFunction(); var handler = Animated.event( [{foo: value}], {listener}, ); handler({foo: 42}); expect(value.__getValue()).toBe(42); expect(listener.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(listener).toBeCalledWith({foo: 42}); }); }); describe('Animated Tracking', () => { it('should track values', () => { var value1 = new Animated.Value(0); var value2 = new Animated.Value(0); Animated.timing(value2, { toValue: value1, duration: 0, }).start(); value1.setValue(42); expect(value2.__getValue()).toBe(42); value1.setValue(7); expect(value2.__getValue()).toBe(7); }); it('should track interpolated values', () => { var value1 = new Animated.Value(0); var value2 = new Animated.Value(0); Animated.timing(value2, { toValue: value1.interpolate({ inputRange: [0, 2], outputRange: [0, 1] }), duration: 0, }).start(); value1.setValue(42); expect(value2.__getValue()).toBe(42 / 2); }); it('should stop tracking when animated', () => { var value1 = new Animated.Value(0); var value2 = new Animated.Value(0); Animated.timing(value2, { toValue: value1, duration: 0, }).start(); value1.setValue(42); expect(value2.__getValue()).toBe(42); Animated.timing(value2, { toValue: 7, duration: 0, }).start(); value1.setValue(1492); expect(value2.__getValue()).toBe(7); }); }); describe('Animated Vectors', () => { it('should animate vectors', () => { var vec = new Animated.ValueXY(); var callback = jest.genMockFunction(); var node = new Animated.__PropsOnlyForTests({ style: { opacity: vec.x.interpolate({ inputRange: [0, 42], outputRange: [0.2, 0.8], }), transform: vec.getTranslateTransform(), ...vec.getLayout(), } }, callback); expect(node.__getValue()).toEqual({ style: { opacity: 0.2, transform: [ {translateX: 0}, {translateY: 0}, ], left: 0, top: 0, }, }); vec.setValue({x: 42, y: 1492}); expect(callback.mock.calls.length).toBe(2); // once each for x, y expect(node.__getValue()).toEqual({ style: { opacity: 0.8, transform: [ {translateX: 42}, {translateY: 1492}, ], left: 42, top: 1492, }, }); node.detach(); vec.setValue({x: 1, y: 1}); expect(callback.mock.calls.length).toBe(2); }); it('should track vectors', () => { var value1 = new Animated.ValueXY(); var value2 = new Animated.ValueXY(); Animated.timing(value2, { toValue: value1, duration: 0, }).start(); value1.setValue({x: 42, y: 1492}); expect(value2.__getValue()).toEqual({x: 42, y: 1492}); // Make sure tracking keeps working (see stopTogether in ParallelConfig used // by maybeVectorAnim). value1.setValue({x: 3, y: 4}); expect(value2.__getValue()).toEqual({x: 3, y: 4}); }); it('should track with springs', () => { var value1 = new Animated.ValueXY(); var value2 = new Animated.ValueXY(); Animated.spring(value2, { toValue: value1, tension: 3000, // faster spring for faster test friction: 60, }).start(); value1.setValue({x: 1, y: 1}); jest.runAllTimers(); expect(Math.round(value2.__getValue().x)).toEqual(1); expect(Math.round(value2.__getValue().y)).toEqual(1); value1.setValue({x: 2, y: 2}); jest.runAllTimers(); expect(Math.round(value2.__getValue().x)).toEqual(2); expect(Math.round(value2.__getValue().y)).toEqual(2); }); }); describe('Animated Listeners', () => { it('should get updates', () => { var value1 = new Animated.Value(0); var listener = jest.genMockFunction(); var id = value1.addListener(listener); value1.setValue(42); expect(listener.mock.calls.length).toBe(1); expect(listener).toBeCalledWith({value: 42}); expect(value1.__getValue()).toBe(42); value1.setValue(7); expect(listener.mock.calls.length).toBe(2); expect(listener).toBeCalledWith({value: 7}); expect(value1.__getValue()).toBe(7); value1.removeListener(id); value1.setValue(1492); expect(listener.mock.calls.length).toBe(2); expect(value1.__getValue()).toBe(1492); }); it('should removeAll', () => { var value1 = new Animated.Value(0); var listener = jest.genMockFunction(); [1,2,3,4].forEach(() => value1.addListener(listener)); value1.setValue(42); expect(listener.mock.calls.length).toBe(4); expect(listener).toBeCalledWith({value: 42}); value1.removeAllListeners(); value1.setValue(7); expect(listener.mock.calls.length).toBe(4); }); });