Added the ability to turn on and off the network activity indicator using:
Also added an example to the UIExplorer example app.
Github Author: Mark Miyashita <>
Some of the examples relied on the fact that TextInput wasn't a controlled
component before. This introduces a new `initialValue` prop which behaves the
way the `value` prop used to - that is, you could type without updating it and
it wouldn't get reset, thus acting as just an initial value - and switches the
examples to use it where appropriate.
This introduces event counts to make sure JS doesn't set out of date values on
native text inputs, which can cause dropped characters and can mess with
autocomplete, and obviates the need for the input buffering which added lag and
complexity to the component. Made sure to test simulated super-slow JS text
event processing to make sure characters aren't dropped, as well as typing
obviously correctable words and making sure autocomplete works as expected.
TextInput is now a controlled input by default without causing any issues for
most cases, so I removed the `controlled` prop.
Fixes selection state jumping by restoring it after setting new text values, so
highlighting the middle of some text in the new ReWrite example and hitting
space will replace that selection with an underscore and keep the cursor at a
sensible position as expected, instead of jumping to the end.
Ads `maxLength` prop to support the most commonly needed syncronous behavior:
preventing the user from typing too many characters. It can also be used to
prevent users from continuing to type after entering special characters by
changing it to the current length after a regex match. Made sure to verify it
works well with pasted input (including in the middle of existing text),
truncating it and collapsing the selection the same way it does on the web.
Fixes bug in TextEventsExample where it wouldn't show the submit and end events,
even though there were firing correctly.
Because we don't want to integrate Animated inside of the core of React, we can only pass Animated.Value to styles of <Animated.View>. TouchableOpacity unfortunately used cloneElement. This means that we should have asked every single call site to replace their children to Animated.View. This isn't great.
The other solution is to stop using cloneElement and instead wrap the children inside of an <Animated.View>. This has many advantages:
- We no longer use cloneElement so we're no longer messing up with elements that are not our own.
- Refs are now working correctly for children elements
- No longer need to enforce that there's only one child and that this child is a native element
The downside is that we're introducing a <View> into the hierarchy. Sadly with CSS there is no way to have a View that doesn't affect layout. What we need to do is to remove the inner <View> and transfer all the styles to the TouchableOpacity. It is annoying but fortunately a pretty mechanical process.
I think that having a wrapper is the best solution. I will investigate to see if we can make wrappers on TouchableHighliht and TouchableWithoutFeedback as well.
**Upgrade Path:**
If the child is a View, move the style of the View to TouchableOpacity and remove the View itself.
<TouchableOpacity onPress={...}>
<View style={...}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={...} style={...}>
If the child is an Image or Text, on all the examples at Facebook it worked without any change. But it is a great idea to double check them anyway.
Clicking on a TextField with editable set to false still would trigger a keyboard event.
In this case that the TextField was a multiline, it would scroll you down to the bottom.
Github Author: Christopher <>
To be on par with NavigatorIOS, I added the translucent property to TabBarIOS.
translucent={false} // default is true
Github Author: Jean Regisser <>
The `ScrollView` component tells the native side the subview indices of the views to make sticky. The problem is that, once layout-only views are collapsed, the indices are no longer reflective of the original views to make stick to the top.
Android WebView now supports the prop "injectedJavaScript", too.
It's time to rename "injectedJavascriptIOS" to "injectedJavaScript" for API
consistency between IOS and Android.
Remove layout-only views. Works by checking properties against a list of known properties that only affect layout. The `RCTShadowView` hierarchy still has a 1:1 correlation with the JS nodes.
This works by adjusting the tags and indices in `manageChildren`. For example, if JS told us to insert tag 1 at index 0 and tag 1 is layout-only with children whose tags are 2 and 3, we adjust it so we insert tags 2 and 3 at indices 0 and 1. This keeps changes out of `RCTView` and `RCTScrollView`. In order to simplify this logic, view moves are now processed as view removals followed by additions. A move from index 0 to 1 is recorded as a removal of view at indices 0 and 1 and an insertion of tags 1 and 2 at indices 0 and 1. Of course, the remaining indices have to be offset to take account for this.
The `collapsible` attribute is a bit of a hack to force `RCTScrollView` to always have one child. This was easier than rethinking out the logic there, but we could change this later.
The API and implementation of `shouldInjectAJAXHandler` is very opinionated, and it does not solve many of the use cases that we'd like to address.
Since `shouldInjectAJAXHandler` is basically juts injecting JS to the web page, we should let developer inject whatever JS that address different issues that they want to fix.
Test Plan:
Test this snippet at <Playground />
injectedJavascriptIOS="'solid 10px red'"
I've updated the NavigatorIOS component to allow setting the translucent property.
usage is:
This is my first contrib to react-native, so apologies if I've missed something.
Github Author: Owen Kelly <>
Test Plan: Imported from GitHub, without a `Test Plan:` line.
Started from here - Most functionality for annotations were missing so I started implementing and somehow got caught up until the entire thing was done.

2 new events:
- callout presses (left / right)
- annotation presses
6 new properties for annotations:
- hasLeftCallout
- hasRightCallout
- onLeftCalloutPress
- onRightCalloutPress
- animateDrop
- id
1 new property for MapView
- onAnnotationPress
Now the important thing is, that I implemented all of this the way "I would do it". I am not sure this is the 'reacty' way so please let me know my mistakes 😄
The problem is that there is no real way to identify annotations which makes it difficult to distinguish which one got clicked. The idea is to pass a `id` and whether it has callouts the entire way with the annotation. I had to
Github Author: David Mohl <>
Test Plan: Imported from GitHub, without a `Test Plan:` line.
Remove layout-only views. Works by checking properties against a list of known properties that only affect layout. The `RCTShadowView` hierarchy still has a 1:1 correlation with the JS nodes.
This works by adjusting the tags and indices in `manageChildren`. For example, if JS told us to insert tag 1 at index 0 and tag 1 is layout-only with children whose tags are 2 and 3, we adjust it so we insert tags 2 and 3 at indices 0 and 1. This keeps changes out of `RCTView` and `RCTScrollView`. In order to simplify this logic, view moves are now processed as view removals followed by additions. A move from index 0 to 1 is recorded as a removal of view at indices 0 and 1 and an insertion of tags 1 and 2 at indices 0 and 1. Of course, the remaining indices have to be offset to take account for this.
The `collapsible` attribute is a bit of a hack to force `RCTScrollView` to always have one child. This was easier than rethinking out the logic there, but we could change this later.
Test Plan: There are tests in `RCTUIManagerTests.m` that test the tag- and index-manipulation logic works. There are various scenarios including add-only, remove-only, and move. In addition, two scenario tests verify that the optimization works by checking the number of views and shadow views after various situations happen.