Fix DrawImageWithPipeline's code for checking whether or not an image
request exists or not to be the same as DrawImageWithDrawee's.
Differential Revision: D3489532
In manageChildren, we were assuming that the indices that
were passed in to be removed were sorted, however, they weren't.
This patch sorts the children to be removed. Note that it doesn't
explicitly sort move, since these are sorted by the MoveProxy class.
Reviewed By: astreet
Differential Revision: D3474639
Groups encountered a pretty major crash where, in many cases,
we would find that DrawCommands and Views were out of sync. This
turns out to be due to the fact that when we drop views from the
root view, we remove each child using removeChildAt (which ultimately
causes an invalidate and redraw). If this happens for a
FlatViewGroup, this causes issues where the Views are all removed,
but there are some DrawCommands (potentially DrawViews) that aren't
removed, hence them going out of sync.
Reviewed By: astreet
Differential Revision: D3473916
Summary: Currently only FlatViewGroup children were clipped, rather than all offscreen Android views.
Reviewed By: ahmedre
Differential Revision: D3462002
During the patch for fixing the order of UI operations, we apply
updates to any node receiving a ViewManager command in order to ensure that
nodes that were not yet mounted to a View and not yet attached to their parent
would be properly able to receive the event. However, if a node is already a
view, calling the update could cause unwanted things to happen (for example,
the View's bounds changing improperly), because we're only traversing that
node of the tree and down (instead of the entire tree). This fixes the issue
by only applying updates to the node if the view mount state has changed.
Reviewed By: sriramramani
Differential Revision: D3448356
A Layout's text can either be an Ellipsizer or a SpannedEllipsizer.
SpannedEllipsizer implements Spannable, but Ellipsizer doesn't. We were
casting the Layout's text directly to a Spanned without first checking as to
whether or not it was actually a Spanned.
Reviewed By: sriramramani
Differential Revision: D3435075
The nodes version of D3364550. The only difference is that here we
don't get `onSizeChanged` but `onBoundsChanged`, and we need to compute the
height/width of the target image from those bounds. ahmedre please let me know
if any of these assumptions are in any way incorrect.
Reviewed By: ahmedre
Differential Revision: D3424843
This is needed for the upcoming loading from multiple sources (D3364550 for the non-nodes version) and cache interrogation (D3392751 for non-nodes version).
This postpones creating the DraweeRequestHelper until the image size is known, which in the nodes universe is when `onBoundsChanged` is called.
Reviewed By: foghina, ahmedre
Differential Revision: D3413467
Fix touch inspector when using Nodes by implementing custom logic.
This logic now takes into account that non-View nodes need to be clickable.
Reviewed By: astreet
Differential Revision: D3433927
Made some improvements to RCTText based on some of our learnings from components for android. This now resembles diffusion/FBS/browse/master/fbandroid/java/com/facebook/components/widget/
Things that have improved:
- Calculation of text width is now faster (we noticed in components that .getWith() on the layout is all that is needed and it is much faster)
- Use text layout builder to abstract away a lot of the low level details of static / boring layouts and text measurements
- Handle MeasureMode correctly, previously AT_MOST was not supported.
- Better handling of RTL text by using TextLayoutBuilder where I made changes to support RTL text in components. Specifically RTL text measured with UNSPECIFIED or AT_MOST.
- There was an incorrect assumption being made that when measure() was not called the text had to be boring. This is incorrect, Arabic text is never boring for example. Also multiline text is not boring either and may have exact sizing.
Reviewed By: ahmedre
Differential Revision: D3374752
The dispatchViewManager command should, according to the spec, only
be executed after children are added. On Nodes, however, due to the fact that
the Views in question may not have been created until the call to the command
occurred, the dispatchViewManagerCommand may occur too early. Consequently,
ensure that we apply any state updates to the Node represented by that
reactTag before we enqueue the view manager command (this will ensure that
views are properly added to the parent, etc before sending the command).
Reviewed By: astreet
Differential Revision: D3428855
This adds support for specifying multiple sources for an image component, so that native can choose the best one based on the flexbox-computed size of the image.
The API is as follows: the image component receives in the `source` prop an array of objects of the type `{uri, width, height}`. On the native side, the native component will wait for the layout pass to receive the width and height of the image, and then parse the array to find the best fitting one. For now, this does not support local resources, but it will be added soon.
To see how this works and play with it, there's an example called `MultipleSourcesExample` under `ImageExample` In UIExplorer.
Reviewed By: foghina
Differential Revision: D3364550
Historically, removeClippedSubviews for Nodes would not clip views
that overflowed their parent. This patch changes that, so that Nodes can
properly clip views when they are off screen (even if they have descendants
that overflow the bounds of their parent).
This is done by calculating a set of offsets from the actual width and
height of the view, and using those in the clipping calculations.
Reviewed By: sriramramani
Differential Revision: D3409859
As an optimization, for something like a ScrollView which contains
a FlatViewGroup containing posts, make sure that each post is explicitly
mounted to a View. This may help improve performance, especially when said
Views are otherwise inlined as DrawCommands instead of actual Views.
Reviewed By: astreet
Differential Revision: D3161232
The removeClippedSubviews optimization often detaches views while
maintaining strong references to them (so they can be attached again later
on). However, when removing the parent view, any detached views end up not
being cleaned up or removed, thus leaking memory. This fixes this by
explicitly dropping detached views when the parent is removed.
Reviewed By: astreet
Differential Revision: D3337513
Text in Nodes is squashed into a single DrawCommand for drawing a
Boring or StaticLayout. Touch is handled using a TextNodeRegion subclass of
NodeRegion that knows how to identify pieces of text inside of the DrawCommand
based on spans in the text. However, we only use a TextNodeRegion on the
second call for updateNodeRegion for an RCTText. If there is only one call,
the NodeRegion will just be a normal one. This patch ensures that the
NodeRegion for an RCTText is always a TextNodeRegion, allowing for null
Layouts that are set when the DrawCommand is made.
Reviewed By: astreet
Differential Revision: D3291682
As of D3235050, Nodes supports the optimization of removing clipped
subviews from the hierarchy. However, because Nodes supports overflow:visible,
this could cause issues when DrawCommands overflow the bounds of their parent
container. This patch fixes this by not clipping any overflowing Nodes.
Reviewed By: astreet
Differential Revision: D3235072
RN has an optimization in which a ScrollView (or similar ViewGroups)
can ask to remove clipped subviews from the View hierarchy. This patch
implements this optimization for Nodes, but instead of adding and removing the
Views, it attaches and detaches Views instead.
Note that this patch does not handle overflow: visible. This is addressed in a
stacked patch on top of this patch (to simplify the review process).
Reviewed By: astreet
Differential Revision: D3235050
Nodes crashed when setJSResponder was called on a virtual (non-View)
node, because a View could not be found using that react tag. The solution is
two fold - first, to figure out the View parent and pass that to
setJSResponder in addition to that of the virtual tag. Secondly, we weren't
mounting views that had animation properties (transform, for example) to
Views, which caused related code to fail.
Reviewed By: sriramramani
Differential Revision: D3301310
Summary: by default saves both the matrix (for translations,
scaling, etc) and the clip (clipRect) - in most of our cases, we really only
care to save and restore the clip, not the matrix.
Reviewed By: sriramramani
Differential Revision: D3235698
With nodes, it's possible for a touchable region to not be
explicitly mounted to a View. To work around this (and allow the region to
be the handler of the touch event), FlatViewGroup intercepts touch events
when the touch lies within any of the virtual NodeRegions.
This can sometimes be wrong - the canonical example is when touch starts
outside of a particular FlatViewGroup (so someone else, for example a
sibling) intercepts the touch event, and then the person moves over a
different FlatViewGroup, causing it to intercept the touch event when it
shouldn't. To fix this, we only allow intercepting touch events due to
NodeRegions on the down event.
Reviewed By: astreet
Differential Revision: D3160152
By default, Nodes causes views to not be clipped, unless overflow is
explicitly set to hidden. Consequently, Nodes sets all the clipping bounds to
negative infinity, and does some extra work (saving the canvas layer,
clipping, etc) before drawing. This optimization skips the extra work when
it's not needed.
Reviewed By: sriramramani
Differential Revision: D3161268
Initially, we used to mount nodes to Views anytime a node was
clicked. This was not useful, since we could still not handle touch when
a touch event was already dispatched. Later, a fix was pushed that
supported handling touch events for non-View NodeRegions. Part of the
intention was to remove this code, but it was forgotten.
Reviewed By: sriramramani
Differential Revision: D3160532
Summary: This allows users of the API to have greater control over handling RTL. One example is Components which needs this greater control to correctly handle RTL.
Differential Revision: D3120721
UIImplementation has a few methods that in the end touch native Views, such as dispatchViewManagerCommand, addAnimation, sendAccessibilityEvent etc. There are 2 cases where it is possible to have those methods called on shadow nodes that don't have backing Views created:
- backing view is scheduled to be created but not commited yet (StateBuilder accumulates createView commands into a queue and flushes it in the very end)
- shadow node doesn't mount to a View so there is no backing View
Touching View in UI thread in these 2 cases will either lead to silent error (e.g. failure callback will execute), or a native crash.
This diff is overriding all UIImplementation methods that touch Views in UI thread and makes sure that backing View is created before we do so.
Reviewed By: ahmedre
Differential Revision: D3046392
Summary: In some rare cases, RCTText.measure can receive negative width which will crash with an assertion in android.text.Layout because it expects a positive value. This is a temporary fix to treat negative values as unconstrained width until the original bug is fixed.
Reviewed By: sriramramani
Differential Revision: D3038767
Since we now have the correct fix in place, this patch is to revert
the hack we put in place to not be launch blocking.
Reviewed By: sriramramani
Differential Revision: D3019883
Summary: In FlatViewGroup, we flatten some react nodes into parent while mounting others into child Views. This is causing touch events being dispatched to wrong targets because child Views are \"stealing\" touch events from flattened Views. To fix the issue, implement ReactCompoundViewGroup to provide information about both virtual and non-virtual nodes.
Reviewed By: ahmedre
Differential Revision: D3018054
Summary: Before this patch, we only collected virtual nodes in NodeRegions, because NodeRegions are only needed to implement ReactCompoundView.reactTargetForTouch() which is only interested in virtual nodes. In the next patch, FlatViewGroup will implement ReactCompoundViewGroup interface which requires knowledge of both virtual and non-virtual children. As a step towards that, we need to include non-virtual nodes in NodeRegions. This patch is implementing that. By itself, it should have not cause any changes in application behavior: we add non-virtual nodes to NodeRegions and mark them as non-virtual, then skip all non-virtual nodes in reactTagForTouch().
Reviewed By: ahmedre
Differential Revision: D3018047
Summary: Before the patch, order of NodeRegions was inconsistent. Given parent A and 3 children B, C and D, we collect DrawCommands like this: A, B, C, D but NodeRegions were collected as B, C, D, A which neither matches draw order, nor a reverse of it. This patch changes it so that NodeRegions are collected in drawing order (A, B, C, D) and we iterate backwards to find correct touch target (in case they overlap).
Reviewed By: ahmedre
Differential Revision: D3018034
This is a hack to fix the Groups dialog bug so that we can get some
real data in production from using Nodes. This should be replaced with a
better solution in the near future.
Differential Revision: D3016859
Summary: CSSNode.addChildAt() calls dirty() to invalidate the node and propagate dirty flag up to the root. However, ReactShadowNode overrides dirty() for virtual nodes so it does nothing. This results in bugs where an added text doesn't trigger a measure pass because RCTText is never dirtied. To fix the bug, override addChildAt() in RCTVirtualText and explicitly call notifyChanged(true) to make sure hosting RCTText is dirtied and re-measured/re-laid out.
Reviewed By: ahmedre
Differential Revision: D3016827
This code reverts D3004541, since it fixes the symptom instead
of the root cause. Root cause fix is in D3011191.
Differential Revision: D3011291
Summary: @public Split dispatchViewUpdates into two methods, which enables subclasses to commit pending ui operations, even when no root node is present.
Differential Revision: D3011191
getLayoutWidth is the same as right - left, and since we have right
and left, we can save a method call.
Reviewed By: sriramramani
Differential Revision: D3010697
In D2980358, alignment was implemented for nodes. This unfortunately
introduced a bug, which is that when we have a BoringLayout that is set to
ALIGN_CENTER, it can't be seen. This is a result of the fact that the width
passed in to BoringLayout is Integer.MAX_VALUE. Since measure has already
been called at this point, we can just pass the layout's width as the width
of the BoringLayout.
Reviewed By: sriramramani
Differential Revision: D3004971
Groups had a crash when running with React with Nodes when returning
from a search screen. This was due to the fact that the node representing a
ShimmerFrameLayout was being dropped, and then later we were trying to detach
it. Since the view was already dropped, we shouldn't try to detach it since
it's already dropped and removed from the view hierarchy.
Reviewed By: sriramramani
Differential Revision: D3004541
We keep a list of FlatShadowNodes that mount to Views that we want to delete, and only flush it at the end of an update cycle. This results in a situation where a root view is being removed before children are removed, which results in a crash in NativeViewHierarchyManager because a View that we are trying to remove no longer exists. There are a few approaches to fix the issue:
a) make a check if a View exists before removing it. While works, it removes a bug protection when we erroneously trying to remove a View that no longer exists (such as this). I'd prefer to keep the check in place
b) flush the views-to-drop queue. This works, but does some extra work in UI thread (namely, removing Views that would be removed anyway)
c) trim the views-to-drop queue to remove any Views that will be removed anyway. This does a tiny bit of extra work in BG thread, but less work in UI thread.
This diff implements option c).
Reviewed By: ahmedre
Differential Revision: D2990105