Re-landing D2229686 after fixing bugs mentioned in D2250586
onItemRef is old and no longer needed now that the parent renders the scenes. This removes it from Navigator and all of our clients.
This is a breaking change to users of Navigator, but it is easy to transition to a ref in renderScene instead
While adeveloper requests the emitter to emit an event, the emitter
may not emit the event immediately instead of putting the request
into a queue and process it later.
This diff allows the developer to provide a callback which will be called
when the event has been emitted.
For instance:
class NavigationContext {
push(nextRoute) {
var nextStack = this._stack.push(nextRoute);
reason: 'push',
nextStack: nextStack,
nextRoute: nextRoute,
if (event.defaultPrevented) {
this._stack = event.nextStack;
idStack is going away soon. This removes all references to it. Looking at the internal state of navigator will make you have a bad time.
The biggest change is switching to the new component-freezing techinique in the navigation bars. This way we avoid dependence on the idStack to provide a scalar ID for each route.
Infinite scrolling in horizontal ListViews. Rather than just using height and Y offset to determine when to load more rows, it checks `props.horizontal` and switches between width/height and offset X/Y accordingly.
This changed required some renaming. However, the only change external to `ListView.js` is exporting `contentSize` instead of `contentHeight` from the `getMetrics()` function. (This is not part of the API, but is used "for perf investigations or analytics" and isn't reference in the repo).
I believe this change works as expected (and the xcode tests pass) though it's possible that there may more complexity in this issue that I have overlooked.
Github Author: Mr Speaker <>
onItemRef is old and no longer needed now that the parent renders the scenes. This removes it from Navigator and all of our clients.
This is a breaking change to users of Navigator, but it is easy to transition to a ref in renderScene instead
When composing scroll views, `this.refs[SCROLLVIEW_REF]` may refer to another higher-order scroll component instead of a ScrollView. This can cause issues if you expect to need it to be a ScrollView backed by an RCTScrollView.
The solution is to call `getScrollResponder()` - as long as all higher-order scroll components implement this method, it will make its way down to the true ScrollView, which is what ListView wants here.
Github Author: James Ide <>
Introducing the data structure NavigationRouteStack that focused on managing
navigation routes stack.
The goal is to make <Navigatior /> thinner by moving stack management logic into
its own class and make sure it's well-tested.
Teh next step will be cleaning up <Navigatior /> and add `NavigationRouteStack` to
A minor improvement suggestion: `Navigator.getCurrentRoutes()` probably shouldn't return its `routeStack` backing array as-is, because the caller may mutate it, causing the internal state of the navigator to go out of sync. Instead a shallow copy of the routes should be returned.
I stumbled on this problem in my app by attempting to read the navigator state as follows:
let routes = Navigator.getCurrentRoutes();
let current = routes.pop();
let previous = routes.pop();
Which led to an exception at next navigation event.
CLA signed.
Github Author: Jani Evakallio <>
This enables code like:
<ListView renderScrollView={() => <CustomScrollView />} />
where CustomScrollView might be inverted or support pull-to-refresh, etc.
Github Author: James Ide <>
Summary: At the moment the `ListView.js` `_childFrames` variable is only updated on scroll. As a consequence, `onChangeVisibleRows` won't get triggered for the initial render, nor any future render not trigered by scroll events. To fix this we need to make sure native and JS have the child frames in sync.
When `UIManager.measure` is called from `componentDidMount` it causes the error "Attempted to measure layout but offset or dimensions were NaN". Deferring the layout by one frame solves this problem. Layout measurement is already asynchronous anyway, so I believe adding the `requestAnimationFrame` call doesn't affect the program's correctness.
Github Author: James Ide <>
Test Plan:
Load UIExplorer and no longer get a redbox that says "Attempted to measure layout but offset or dimensions were NaN".
This makes sure to call willFocus before new scenes get mounted. This fixes cases where the keyboard is dismissed on willfocus events which incorrectly happens *after* the autofocus in a new scene. The keyboard was opening and getting immediately closed
Test Plan: Test keyboard autofocus in new nav scenes on iOS
Updating range is too complicated. We can keep cached versions of the previously rendered scenes in a map.
Test Plan: Verify that the active scene is the only thing that get re-rendered, and that rendering doesn't happen during transitions or gestures. Test navigation thouroughly in AdsManager
If something changes in the list view that should trigger more loads, it
wouldn't. Example case is tap to load more - only the first new row would load,
but it wouldn't trigger a re-measure and subsequent layout of additional new
Test Plan: View More in Events works.
The current getter for `navigationContext` always return a static
context, and it should return an instance-based one, instead.
Test Plan:
Use console.log() in inspect that two different navigators do
have their own `navigationContext` created.
of the navigator component.
Per offline discussion with @evv, we'd like to deprecate the `onDidFocus` and `onWillFocus`
API that makes it really hard for the descendent children of a navigator to observe its focus
change events.
Since for now the descendent children do have access to the navigator via `this.props.navigator`,
this diff makes it easy to observe the focus change event by doing:
this.props.navigator.addListener('willfocus', this._onFocus);
The goal is to make the event system in navigator more useful and maintainable.
Test Plan:
Test Video:
1. jest: ./Libraries/FBReactKit/js/runTests.js NavigationEventEmitter
2. Load UI Explorer: <Navigator />, see console logs that shows the focus change events fires.
When a new data source is provided, update `curRenderedRowsCount` in addition to `prevRenderedRowsCount`. What was happening is that I had an empty data source, so `curRenderedRowsCount` and `prevRenderedRowsCount` both settled at zero after the first few frames and `curRenderedRowsCount` wasn't getting increased when the data source was updated.
I also changed the `setState` calls to use the transactional API since several of the new state values are computed from the old ones.
Maybe fixes#1547
Github Author: James Ide <>
Test Plan: Imported from GitHub, without a `Test Plan:` line.
The logic for this is incorrect when the `state.transitionToIndex === 0`, and will return false and not capture the touch.
Test Plan: Try to repro bugs on device and simulator
Navigator overrides the `ref` prop of scene components so that it can call `onItemRef` and do internal bookkeeping. With callback refs, we can additionally call the original value of the `ref` prop as long as it's a function (that is, string refs are not supported). Note that the `ref` prop is moved to `reactElement.ref` out of `reactElement.props.ref`, which is why this diff accesses `child.ref`.
This diff adds support for callback refs and warns helpfully if a string ref was provided. It should be completely backwards compatible since scenes couldn't have been relying on the `ref` prop before.
cc @ericvicenti
Github Author: James Ide <>
Test Plan:
Write a renderScene implementation that puts a callback ref on the root component:
renderScene() {
return <View ref={component => console.log('yes! this is called')} />;
When the absolute left position is not set to zero on a provided sceneStyle, scene enabling is broken and no scene will be visible when it is pushed. This was broken recently when the scene disabling was modified to push the scenes offscreen.
Github Author: Eric Vicenti <>
Test Plan: Tested when pushing a scene Navigator in the UIExplorer example while sceneStyle is set on the Navigator
Scenes dismissed/popped via a gesture were not being removed. This is probably a regression from an earlier refactor.
Test plan: log statements after scene focusing now reports that `navigator.getCurrentRoutes().length` lowers after gesture. Tested on UIExplorer Navigator example
Github Author: Eric Vicenti <>
Test Plan: Imported from GitHub, without a `Test Plan:` line.
ListViewDataSource's default data extractor can actually expect another data form:
`{ sectionID_1: [ <rowData1>, <rowData2>, ... ], ... }`
Github Author: Zhao Han <>
Test Plan: Changed the ListViewExample to make sure all three formats work.