Some of the examples relied on the fact that TextInput wasn't a controlled
component before. This introduces a new `initialValue` prop which behaves the
way the `value` prop used to - that is, you could type without updating it and
it wouldn't get reset, thus acting as just an initial value - and switches the
examples to use it where appropriate.
This introduces event counts to make sure JS doesn't set out of date values on
native text inputs, which can cause dropped characters and can mess with
autocomplete, and obviates the need for the input buffering which added lag and
complexity to the component. Made sure to test simulated super-slow JS text
event processing to make sure characters aren't dropped, as well as typing
obviously correctable words and making sure autocomplete works as expected.
TextInput is now a controlled input by default without causing any issues for
most cases, so I removed the `controlled` prop.
Fixes selection state jumping by restoring it after setting new text values, so
highlighting the middle of some text in the new ReWrite example and hitting
space will replace that selection with an underscore and keep the cursor at a
sensible position as expected, instead of jumping to the end.
Ads `maxLength` prop to support the most commonly needed syncronous behavior:
preventing the user from typing too many characters. It can also be used to
prevent users from continuing to type after entering special characters by
changing it to the current length after a regex match. Made sure to verify it
works well with pasted input (including in the middle of existing text),
truncating it and collapsing the selection the same way it does on the web.
Fixes bug in TextEventsExample where it wouldn't show the submit and end events,
even though there were firing correctly.
Re-landing D2229686 after fixing bugs mentioned in D2250586
onItemRef is old and no longer needed now that the parent renders the scenes. This removes it from Navigator and all of our clients.
This is a breaking change to users of Navigator, but it is easy to transition to a ref in renderScene instead
Update to
Recent improvements allow RCTImageLoader to select a more appropriate sized image based on the layout dimensions. Sizes:
- asset.thumbnail
- asset.aspectRatioThumbnail
- asset.defaultRepresentation.fullScreenImage
- asset.defaultRepresentation.fullResolutionImage
Prior, only the fullResolutionImage was used. This was memory intensive and resulted in crashes when loading several large images at once. The updated implementation works well, but can be made more efficient:
Consider loading 10 8MP (3264x2448) images in 150x150 pixel containers. The target size (150x150) is larger than asset.thumbnail (approx 100x100), therefore the fullScreenImage representation is used instead (approx 1334x1000).
This commit will scale the asset to the minimum size required while taking into account original aspect ratio and device scale. Memory usage is considerably lower and many more images can be loaded in
sequence without having to worry
Github Author: Adam Roth <>
While adeveloper requests the emitter to emit an event, the emitter
may not emit the event immediately instead of putting the request
into a queue and process it later.
This diff allows the developer to provide a callback which will be called
when the event has been emitted.
For instance:
class NavigationContext {
push(nextRoute) {
var nextStack = this._stack.push(nextRoute);
reason: 'push',
nextStack: nextStack,
nextRoute: nextRoute,
if (event.defaultPrevented) {
this._stack = event.nextStack;
`NSProcessInfo operatingSystemVersion` was being used to check the system version
for the Legacy Profiler on `RCTContextExecutor` but it's only available on iOS8+
Change it to `[UIDevice systemVersion]`
Because we don't want to integrate Animated inside of the core of React, we can only pass Animated.Value to styles of <Animated.View>. TouchableOpacity unfortunately used cloneElement. This means that we should have asked every single call site to replace their children to Animated.View. This isn't great.
The other solution is to stop using cloneElement and instead wrap the children inside of an <Animated.View>. This has many advantages:
- We no longer use cloneElement so we're no longer messing up with elements that are not our own.
- Refs are now working correctly for children elements
- No longer need to enforce that there's only one child and that this child is a native element
The downside is that we're introducing a <View> into the hierarchy. Sadly with CSS there is no way to have a View that doesn't affect layout. What we need to do is to remove the inner <View> and transfer all the styles to the TouchableOpacity. It is annoying but fortunately a pretty mechanical process.
I think that having a wrapper is the best solution. I will investigate to see if we can make wrappers on TouchableHighliht and TouchableWithoutFeedback as well.
**Upgrade Path:**
If the child is a View, move the style of the View to TouchableOpacity and remove the View itself.
<TouchableOpacity onPress={...}>
<View style={...}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={...} style={...}>
If the child is an Image or Text, on all the examples at Facebook it worked without any change. But it is a great idea to double check them anyway.
React Native will now use JSONKit if it's already available in the project, otherwise it will fall back to using NSJSONSerialization as before. This provides a small performance boost to JSON parsing in some cases.
The context wasn't being explicitly released before, since it'd be immediately
released. Now that the executors are bridge modules, it was only being deallocated
when the modules were released, what caused the threads to not be released at all.
idStack is going away soon. This removes all references to it. Looking at the internal state of navigator will make you have a bad time.
The biggest change is switching to the new component-freezing techinique in the navigation bars. This way we avoid dependence on the idStack to provide a scalar ID for each route.
dispatch_semaphore_wait with DISPATCH_TIME_NOW don't wait for the semaphore. It just test whether there's a signal and return the result.
So the line "dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW);" does nothing here. It seems like a bug, but each executing in js thread will be queued, so it's safe to remove the unused semaphore instead of wait for it.
Github Author: DengYun <>
RCTNetworkImageView and RCTStaticImage had significant overlap in functionality, but each had a different subset of features and bugs.
This diff merges most of the functionality of RCTNetworkImageView into RCTStaticImage, eliminating some bugs in the former, such as constant redrawing when properties were changed.
I've also removed the onLoadAbort event for now (as it wasn't implemented), and renamed the other events to match the web specs for `<img>` and XHMLHttpRequest. The API is essentially what Adobe proposed here:
The following features have not yet been ported from RCTNetworkImageView:
- Background color compositing. It's not clear that this adds much value and it increases memory consumption, etc.
- Image request cancelling when images are removed from view. Again, it's not clear if this is a huge benefit, but if it is it should be combined with other optimisations, such as unloading offscreen images.
(Note that this only affects the open source fork. For now, internal apps will still use FBNetworkImageView for remote images.)
Added Gzip function to RCTUtils. This uses dlopen to load the zlib library at runtime so there's no need to link it into your project.
The main reason for this feature is to support gzipping of HTTP request bodies. Now, if you add 'Content-Encoding:gzip' to your request headers when using XMLHttpRequest, your request body will be automatically gzipped on the native side before sending.
(Note: Gzip decoding of *response* bodies is handled automatically by iOS, and was already available).
By default, the edges of rotated layers on iOS have jagged edges because they are not antialiased. Setting `allowsEdgeAntialiasing` makes them look a lot nicer by smoothing out the jaggies. This is particularly important for UIs like Tinder cards, for example.
Github Author: James Ide <>
Infinite scrolling in horizontal ListViews. Rather than just using height and Y offset to determine when to load more rows, it checks `props.horizontal` and switches between width/height and offset X/Y accordingly.
This changed required some renaming. However, the only change external to `ListView.js` is exporting `contentSize` instead of `contentHeight` from the `getMetrics()` function. (This is not part of the API, but is used "for perf investigations or analytics" and isn't reference in the repo).
I believe this change works as expected (and the xcode tests pass) though it's possible that there may more complexity in this issue that I have overlooked.
Github Author: Mr Speaker <>