I think perhaps these were left out by mistake?
Github Author: Mike Driver <>
Test Plan: Imported from GitHub, without a `Test Plan:` line.
Currently, the documentation shows both `password` and `secureTextEntry` as props for TextInput. However, the `password` prop is only passed to the Android component, so it does not work as expected for iOS developers. This PR prefers `password` over `secureTextEntry` but won't break anybody's code.
Github Author: Will Piers <>
Test Plan: Imported from GitHub, without a `Test Plan:` line.
When calculating how far the user has scrolled, it is necessary to know the content insets where:
number of pixels scrolled = content offset + leading content inset for the scroll axis
This diff adds the contentInset field to native scroll events.
Github Author: James Ide <>
Test Plan: Imported from GitHub, without a `Test Plan:` line.
- [React Native] Fix RCTText crashes | Alex Akers
- Ensure that NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription is set, throw error if not | Alex Kotliarskyi
- [ReactNative] fix exception handler method name | Spencer Ahrens
- [ReactNative] Re-configure horizontal swipe animations | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative] <Text>: apply the fontWeight correctly if fontFamily style is also present | Kevin Gozali
- [MAdMan] Dimensions.get('window') considered harmful | Philipp von Weitershausen
- Navigator: Changed transitioner background color to 'transparent' | Eric Vicenti
- [react-native] Listen on all IPv6 interfaces | Ben Alpert
- [react-packager] Don't depend on error.stack being available | Amjad Masad
- [ReactNative] fixup AnimationExperimental a bit | Spencer Ahrens
- [react-packager] Implement new style asset packaging (with dimensions) | Amjad Masad
- [React Native] RCT_EXPORT lvl.2 | Alex Akers
- [react_native] Implement TextInput end editing | Andrei Coman
- [react_native] Make TextInput focus, blur, dismiss and show keyboard work | Andrei Coman
- Added non-class-scanning-based approach fror registering js methods | Nick Lockwood
- [ReactNative] Update package.json | Christopher Chedeau
- [ReactNative] Do flow check when running packager | Spencer Ahrens
- [ReactNative] Fix typo/bug in Navigator._completeTransition | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative] Fix Navigator exception when touching during transition | Eric Vicenti
- [ReactNative] Remove bridge retaining cycles | Tadeu Zagallo
- [ReactNative] Fix and re-add WebView executor | Tadeu Zagallo
As per #750, throw error when trying to use the geolocation module and this key is not set. cc @frantic
Github Author: Brent Vatne <>
Test Plan: Imported from GitHub, without a `Test Plan:` line.
... for setting the transition background color between scenes. For issue #563
Github Author: Josh Levine <>
Test Plan: Imported from GitHub, without a `Test Plan:` line.