RCTCache had really bad insertion performance when the cache was full due to having to LRU-sort the entries. This was making color
animations very slow.
I've fixed this in two ways:
1) by removing the sort and doing a linear search to remove old entries, which changes insertion perf to O(n) in the worst case instead of O(n log n) or even (n2).
2) by reducing the size of the color cache to 128 from 1024, which should be fine for normal use, without penalising animation performance.
Separately, border colors were not being retained, which caused crashes when the color cache was cleared. I've fixed that by retaining the border colors inside RCTView.
Merged RCTStaticImage with our internal RKStaticImage and ported over logic where assets are loaded at the optimal size and reloaded if the view size changes.
Dynamic Text Sizes for Text component.
Text gains new prop - allowFontScaling (true by default).
There is also AccessibilityManager module that allows you to tune multipliers per each content size category, but predefined multipliers are there.
This could potentially break some apps so please test carefully.
When composing scroll views, `this.refs[SCROLLVIEW_REF]` may refer to another higher-order scroll component instead of a ScrollView. This can cause issues if you expect to need it to be a ScrollView backed by an RCTScrollView.
The solution is to call `getScrollResponder()` - as long as all higher-order scroll components implement this method, it will make its way down to the true ScrollView, which is what ListView wants here.
Github Author: James Ide <>
Remote images now support the `tintColor` prop.
Also picked nicer demo colors for the UIExplorer example.
Github Author: James Ide <>
Change `RCTImageDownloader` so it stores the `RCTDownloadTaskWrapper` for reuse. Modify `RCTDownloadTaskWrapper` to use associated objects to store the completion/progress blocks.
This PR adds 4 native events to NetworkImage.
Using these events I could wrap `Image` component into something like:
class NetworkImage extends React.Component {
getInitialState() {
return {
downloading: false,
progress: 0
render() {
var loader = this.state.downloading ?
<View style={this.props.loaderStyles}>
<ActivityIndicatorIOS animating={true} size={'large'} />
<Text style={{color: '#bbb'}}>{this.state.progress}%</Text>
return <Image source={this.props.source}
onLoadStart={() => this.setState({downloading: true}) }
onLoaded={() => this.setState({downloading: false}) }
onLoadProgress={(e)=> this.setState({progress: Math.round(100 * e.nativeEvent.written /});
onLoadError={(e)=> {
alert('the image cannot be downloaded because: ', JSON.stringify(e));
this.setState({downloading: false});
Useful on slow connections and server errors.
There are dozen lines of Objective C, which I don't have experience with. There are neither specific tests nor documentation yet. And I do realize that you're already working right now on better `<Image/>` (pipeline, new asset management, etc.). So this is basically a proof concept of events for images, and if this idea is not completely wrong I could improve it or help somehow.
Github Author: Dmitriy Loktev <>
Get the system font instead of Helvetica programmatically and add a virtual fontName called "System" that defaults to whatever the current system font is.
Github Author: LYK <>
Image source uri's prefixed with ~ are expanded into a full path to
the app directory.
For example: `~/Documents/foo.png` is expanded into `Users/arbesfeld/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/977988DF-A8BC-4CE5-A27A-75807A6DF085/data/Containers/Data/Application/CBEFC261-5900-4EF9-8646-603BC57B094A/Documents/foo.png`.
This lets us store and use images from the application home directory with the `Image` component:
<Image source={{uri: '~/Documents/foo.png', width: 300, height: 300}} />
Github Author: Matthew Arbesfeld <>
Even if a bridge has more than one root view, it's not supported by the js side
right now, and it will keep warning that those timespans had already been
Introducing the data structure NavigationRouteStack that focused on managing
navigation routes stack.
The goal is to make <Navigatior /> thinner by moving stack management logic into
its own class and make sure it's well-tested.
Teh next step will be cleaning up <Navigatior /> and add `NavigationRouteStack` to
A minor improvement suggestion: `Navigator.getCurrentRoutes()` probably shouldn't return its `routeStack` backing array as-is, because the caller may mutate it, causing the internal state of the navigator to go out of sync. Instead a shallow copy of the routes should be returned.
I stumbled on this problem in my app by attempting to read the navigator state as follows:
let routes = Navigator.getCurrentRoutes();
let current = routes.pop();
let previous = routes.pop();
Which led to an exception at next navigation event.
CLA signed.
Github Author: Jani Evakallio <>
As discussed with @nicklockwood in the issue, the error should be changed to a warning to not break fetch() to send a POST to a remote API without wanting to parse the reply. E.g. google sends back an empty 1x1px gif when POSTing something to google analytics.
Github Author: "philipp.krone" <>
The `ScrollView` component tells the native side the subview indices of the views to make sticky. The problem is that, once layout-only views are collapsed, the indices are no longer reflective of the original views to make stick to the top.
This enables code like:
<ListView renderScrollView={() => <CustomScrollView />} />
where CustomScrollView might be inverted or support pull-to-refresh, etc.
Github Author: James Ide <>
The context wasn't being explicitly released before, since it'd be immediately
released. Now that the executors are bridge modules, it was only being deallocated
when the modules were released, what caused the threads to not be released at all.