dispatch_semaphore_wait with DISPATCH_TIME_NOW don't wait for the semaphore. It just test whether there's a signal and return the result.
So the line "dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW);" does nothing here. It seems like a bug, but each executing in js thread will be queued, so it's safe to remove the unused semaphore instead of wait for it.
Github Author: DengYun <>
RCTNetworkImageView and RCTStaticImage had significant overlap in functionality, but each had a different subset of features and bugs.
This diff merges most of the functionality of RCTNetworkImageView into RCTStaticImage, eliminating some bugs in the former, such as constant redrawing when properties were changed.
I've also removed the onLoadAbort event for now (as it wasn't implemented), and renamed the other events to match the web specs for `<img>` and XHMLHttpRequest. The API is essentially what Adobe proposed here:
The following features have not yet been ported from RCTNetworkImageView:
- Background color compositing. It's not clear that this adds much value and it increases memory consumption, etc.
- Image request cancelling when images are removed from view. Again, it's not clear if this is a huge benefit, but if it is it should be combined with other optimisations, such as unloading offscreen images.
(Note that this only affects the open source fork. For now, internal apps will still use FBNetworkImageView for remote images.)
Added Gzip function to RCTUtils. This uses dlopen to load the zlib library at runtime so there's no need to link it into your project.
The main reason for this feature is to support gzipping of HTTP request bodies. Now, if you add 'Content-Encoding:gzip' to your request headers when using XMLHttpRequest, your request body will be automatically gzipped on the native side before sending.
(Note: Gzip decoding of *response* bodies is handled automatically by iOS, and was already available).
By default, the edges of rotated layers on iOS have jagged edges because they are not antialiased. Setting `allowsEdgeAntialiasing` makes them look a lot nicer by smoothing out the jaggies. This is particularly important for UIs like Tinder cards, for example.
Github Author: James Ide <>
Remove `RCTGetExecutorID` and `RCTSetExecutorID`, it wasn't used anymore since
the bridge was refactored into `RCTBridge` and `RCTBatchedBridge`.
Every once in a while a guard is forgotten somewhere and the redbox is gone. I
want to remove the guards, but for that the stack traces have to be symbolicated
on the native side. So for now it just adds yet another check, in case a guard
is missing on JS.
These are the changes needed for full interop with the (as yet unreleased) new
version of React Devtools.
- the on-device inspector is minimized when devtools is open
- devtools highlight -> device and device touch -> devtools select works
- editing react native styles :)
To be on par with NavigatorIOS, I added the translucent property to TabBarIOS.
translucent={false} // default is true
Github Author: Jean Regisser <>
RCTCache had really bad insertion performance when the cache was full due to having to LRU-sort the entries. This was making color
animations very slow.
I've fixed this in two ways:
1) by removing the sort and doing a linear search to remove old entries, which changes insertion perf to O(n) in the worst case instead of O(n log n) or even (n2).
2) by reducing the size of the color cache to 128 from 1024, which should be fine for normal use, without penalising animation performance.
Separately, border colors were not being retained, which caused crashes when the color cache was cleared. I've fixed that by retaining the border colors inside RCTView.
Dynamic Text Sizes for Text component.
Text gains new prop - allowFontScaling (true by default).
There is also AccessibilityManager module that allows you to tune multipliers per each content size category, but predefined multipliers are there.
This could potentially break some apps so please test carefully.
Get the system font instead of Helvetica programmatically and add a virtual fontName called "System" that defaults to whatever the current system font is.
Github Author: LYK <>
Image source uri's prefixed with ~ are expanded into a full path to
the app directory.
For example: `~/Documents/foo.png` is expanded into `Users/arbesfeld/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/977988DF-A8BC-4CE5-A27A-75807A6DF085/data/Containers/Data/Application/CBEFC261-5900-4EF9-8646-603BC57B094A/Documents/foo.png`.
This lets us store and use images from the application home directory with the `Image` component:
<Image source={{uri: '~/Documents/foo.png', width: 300, height: 300}} />
Github Author: Matthew Arbesfeld <>
Even if a bridge has more than one root view, it's not supported by the js side
right now, and it will keep warning that those timespans had already been
The context wasn't being explicitly released before, since it'd be immediately
released. Now that the executors are bridge modules, it was only being deallocated
when the modules were released, what caused the threads to not be released at all.
Android WebView now supports the prop "injectedJavaScript", too.
It's time to rename "injectedJavascriptIOS" to "injectedJavaScript" for API
consistency between IOS and Android.
This introduces a new `RCTResponseErrorBlock` block type that allows a bridge module writer to call it with an `NSError` instance rather than a dictionary.
Summary: At the moment the `ListView.js` `_childFrames` variable is only updated on scroll. As a consequence, `onChangeVisibleRows` won't get triggered for the initial render, nor any future render not trigered by scroll events. To fix this we need to make sure native and JS have the child frames in sync.
Remove layout-only views. Works by checking properties against a list of known properties that only affect layout. The `RCTShadowView` hierarchy still has a 1:1 correlation with the JS nodes.
This works by adjusting the tags and indices in `manageChildren`. For example, if JS told us to insert tag 1 at index 0 and tag 1 is layout-only with children whose tags are 2 and 3, we adjust it so we insert tags 2 and 3 at indices 0 and 1. This keeps changes out of `RCTView` and `RCTScrollView`. In order to simplify this logic, view moves are now processed as view removals followed by additions. A move from index 0 to 1 is recorded as a removal of view at indices 0 and 1 and an insertion of tags 1 and 2 at indices 0 and 1. Of course, the remaining indices have to be offset to take account for this.
The `collapsible` attribute is a bit of a hack to force `RCTScrollView` to always have one child. This was easier than rethinking out the logic there, but we could change this later.
The `ScrollView` sends important `updatedChildFrames` data to the `ListView` to be able to implement `onChangeVisibleRows` method. Coalescing operates very strongly on older devices like the iPhone 4s where this data is then lost.
`ListView` has a method called `onChangeVisibleRows` that is called whenever the rows visible on screen change. This method is critical to be able to implement deletion/creation of views and hence be conservative in memory usage. I have an infinite scrolling view which uses this method to only render the full rows for what is visible on screen and put placeholders for everything else.
In the `RCTEventDispatcher`, we [coalesce events](522fd33d6f/React/Base/RCTEventDispatcher.m (L135-L152)) that are meant to be sent across the bridge. They are [dequeued](522fd33d6f/React/Base/RCTEventDispatcher.m (L180-L188)) on each
Github Author: Param Aggarwal <>
I encountered a crash when `RCTCurrentThreadName` called `dispatch_get_current_queue`. There are reports of it crashing e.g. so better not to call it at all, plus it is deprecated.
Since we still want helpful debugging information, use `DISPATCH_CURRENT_QUEUE_LABEL` instead. It's kind of strange that this constant is defined to be NULL and the docs for `dispatch_get_queue_label` say not to pass in NULL, but in practice `DISPATCH_CURRENT_QUEUE_LABEL` is provided by the iOS SDK and works correctly.
Github Author: James Ide <>
The API and implementation of `shouldInjectAJAXHandler` is very opinionated, and it does not solve many of the use cases that we'd like to address.
Since `shouldInjectAJAXHandler` is basically juts injecting JS to the web page, we should let developer inject whatever JS that address different issues that they want to fix.
Test Plan:
Test this snippet at <Playground />
injectedJavascriptIOS="'solid 10px red'"
Fixes a crash due to the selector regex not knowing about the nullability annotations. Adds support for both the core annotations `__nullable` and `__nonnull` plus their shorthand counterparts `nullable` and `nonnull`.
Objective-C allows the shorthand versions only at the front of a parameter type declaration like `(nullable NSString *)` but the regex will pick up `(NSString * nullable)` too. This shouldn't cause any adverse effects and I left the code this way to keep the regex readable.
Github Author: James Ide <>
Test Plan:
Wrote a bridge method that uses a nullability annotation and verified that it didn't cause the app to crash:
RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(method:(nullable NSNumber *)reactTag)
Also added a nullable annotation to RCTTest.