This PR Solves this issue #3083.
This PR solves the problem of default color on TabBar being always grey. Which looks great if the barTintColor is unchanged. However if we set the barTintColor to something else (like blue in example) text and icons become quite unreadable.

Commit (c206417) - Enable setting color of unselected tabs
Solves this issue with a prop (unselectedTintColor) on TabBarIOS to which you just pass a color like you can for barTintColor and tintColor.
This leaves us with a result that is on second picture. Notice the color of text on tabs.

Or change it to yellow for demonstrating purposes

If you don't want to use this mechanism then for now it is still possible to declare the property as a BOOL instead and use the old mechanism (this approach is now deprecated however, and may eventually be removed altogether).
To be on par with NavigatorIOS, I added the translucent property to TabBarIOS.
translucent={false} // default is true
Github Author: Jean Regisser <>