This PR adds quite a bit of functionality to the Touchable components, allowing the ms delays of each of the handlers (`onPressIn, onPressOut, onPress, onLongPress`) to be configured.
It adds the following props to `TouchableWithoutFeedback, TouchableOpacity, and TouchableHighlight`:
* Delay in ms, from the release of the touch, before onPress is called.
delayOnPress: React.PropTypes.number,
* Delay in ms, from the start of the touch, before onPressIn is called.
delayOnPressIn: React.PropTypes.number,
* Delay in ms, from the release of the touch, before onPressOut is called.
delayOnPressOut: React.PropTypes.number,
* Delay in ms, from onPressIn, before onLongPress is called.
delayOnLongPress: React.PropTypes.number,
`TouchableHighlight` also gets an additional set of props:
* Delay in ms, from the start of the touch, before the highlight is shown.
delayHighlightShow: React.PropTypes.number,
* Del
Github Author: jmstout <>
Test Plan: Imported from GitHub, without a `Test Plan:` line.
ActivityIndicator was forwarding all of its props except `style` to the inner native view. This meant that onLayout would report a zero-sized frame that was relative to the wrapper view instead of the parent of the ActivityIndicator.
This diff adds `onLayout` to the wrapper view instead of the native view.
In general, all components that forward props need to be audited in this manner.
Github Author: James Ide <>
Test Plan: `<ActivityIndicator onLayout={...} />` reports the size of the spinner plus a position relative to its parent view.
`TextInput` does not automatically forward all props using the spread operator so we need to explicitly forward the `onLayout` prop.
Github Author: James Ide <>
Test Plan:
Mount a TextInput component with an `onLayout` prop and see that the callback handler is invoked with the TextInput's frame.
Pretty sure this shouldn't be @provides
Github Author: James Ide <>
Test Plan: Imported from GitHub, without a `Test Plan:` line.
Simply add an `onLayout` callback to a native view component, and the callback
will be invoked with the current layout information when the view is mounted and
whenever the layout changes.
The only limitation is that scroll position and other stuff the layout system
isn't aware of is not taken into account. This is because onLayout events
wouldn't be triggered for these changes and if they are desired they should be
tracked separately (e.g. with `onScroll`) and combined.
Also fixes some bugs with LayoutAnimation callbacks.
Test Plan:
- Run new LayoutEventsExample in UIExplorer and see it work correctly.
- New integration test passes internally (IntegrationTest project seems busted).
- New jest test case passes.
2015-05-06 15:45:05.848 [info][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] "Running application "UIExplorerApp" with appParams: {"rootTag":1,"initialProps":{}}. __DEV__ === true, development-level warning are ON, performance optimizations are OFF"
2015-05-06 15:45:05.881 [info][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] "received text layout event
", {"target":27,"layout":{"y":123,"x":12.5,"width":140.5,"height":18}}
2015-05-06 15:45:05.882 [info][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] "received image layout event
", {"target":23,"layout":{"y":12.5,"x":122,"width":50,"height":50}}
2015-05-06 15:45:05.883 [info][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] "received view layout event
", {"target":22,"layout":{"y":70.5,"x":20,"width":294,"height":204}}
2015-05-06 15:45:05.897 [info][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] "received text layout event
", {"target":27,"layout":{"y":206.5,"x":12.5,"width":140.5,"height":18}}
2015-05-06 15:45:05.897 [info][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] "received view layout event
", {"target":22,"layout":{"y":70.5,"x":20,"width":294,"height":287.5}}
2015-05-06 15:45:09.847 [info][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] "layout animation done."
2015-05-06 15:45:09.847 [info][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] "received image layout event
", {"target":23,"layout":{"y":12.5,"x":82,"width":50,"height":50}}
2015-05-06 15:45:09.848 [info][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] "received view layout event
", {"target":22,"layout":{"y":110.5,"x":60,"width":214,"height":287.5}}
2015-05-06 15:45:09.862 [info][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] "received text layout event
", {"target":27,"layout":{"y":206.5,"x":12.5,"width":120,"height":68}}
2015-05-06 15:45:09.863 [info][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] "received image layout event
", {"target":23,"layout":{"y":12.5,"x":55,"width":50,"height":50}}
2015-05-06 15:45:09.863 [info][tid:com.facebook.React.JavaScript] "received view layout event
", {"target":22,"layout":{"y":128,"x":60,"width":160,"height":337.5}}
NavigatorIOS supports four new properties:
- **rightButtonImageSource:** The source of an image to display in the top right. This must be a static image since UINavigationController only supports UIImages. Adding support for UIImageViews (or arbitrary views) is more complicated because custom views do not fade on touch and do not have hit slop the same way that UIImage buttons do. Usage: `rightButtonImageSource: ix('ImageName')`
- **backButtonImageSource:** Use a custom image for the back button. This does not replace the back caret (`<`) but instead replaces the text next to it.
- **leftButtonTitle**: Text for the left nav button, which supersedes the previous nav item's back button when specified. The main use case for this is your initial screen/UIVC which has nothing to go back to (since it is the first VC on the stack) but need to display a left button. This does hide the back button if there would have been one otherwise.
- **leftButtonImageSource:** Image source for the left button, super
Github Author: James Ide <>
Test Plan: Imported from GitHub, without a `Test Plan:` line.
Simple one character change - add a missing space
Github Author: Brent Vatne <>
Test Plan: Imported from GitHub, without a `Test Plan:` line.
As per #941 - fixes bug with `TouchabeOpacity` always reseting child opacity to `1.0` after press.
A note about the code: we could probably use a general `getNativeProp(propName, callback)` function rather than `getOpacity` but just used that as it was simpler for this specific PR, perhaps that refactor could be left to another - or maybe there is a way to do this already that I missed.


Example code:
'use strict';
var React = require('react-native');
var {
} = React;
var TestIt = React.createClass({
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0.3}>
<View style={styles.searchButton}>
Github Author: Brent Vatne <>
Test Plan: Imported from GitHub, without a `Test Plan:` line.

values={['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four']}
onValueChange={ (value) => console.log(value) } />
This only supports string-based segments, not images. Also doesn't support full customization (no separator images etc); I figure this is a good MVP to lock-down a basic API
I also included a snapshot test case, but the images keep coming out funky. When I look at the sim, I see that the text labels show up for the selected segment, but the snapshot keeps coming out with no text on those segments. I tried forcing a delay, but same result. Is that explainable?
Obviously happy to change anything about the API, code-style nitpicks, etc
Github Author: Clay Allsopp <>
Test Plan: Imported from GitHub, without a `Test Plan:` line.