| title | string | Yes | The dialog's title. Passing null or '' will hide the title. |
| message | string | No | An optional message that appears below the dialog's title. |
| callbackOrButtons | ?(() => void),[ButtonsArray](docs/alertios.html#buttonsarray) | No | This optional argument should be either a single-argument function or an array of buttons. If passed a function, it will be called when the user taps 'OK'. If passed an array of button configurations, each button should include a `text` key, as well as optional `onPress` and `style` keys. `style` should be one of 'default', 'cancel' or 'destructive'. |
| type | [AlertType](docs/alertios.html#alerttype) | No | Deprecated, do not use. |
| message | string | No | An optional message that appears above the text input. |
| callbackOrButtons | ?((text: string) => void),[ButtonsArray](docs/alertios.html#buttonsarray) | No | This optional argument should be either a single-argument function or an array of buttons. If passed a function, it will be called with the prompt's value when the user taps 'OK'. If passed an array of button configurations, each button should include a `text` key, as well as optional `onPress` and `style` keys (see example). `style` should be one of 'default', 'cancel' or 'destructive'. |
| type | [AlertType](docs/alertios.html#alerttype) | No | This configures the text input. One of 'plain-text', 'secure-text' or 'login-password'. |
| defaultValue | string | No | The default text in text input. |
| keyboardType | string | No | The keyboard type of first text field(if exists). One of 'default', 'email-address', 'numeric', 'phone-pad', 'ascii-capable', 'numbers-and-punctuation', 'url', 'number-pad', 'name-phone-pad', 'decimal-pad', 'twitter' or 'web-search'. |