We've started using a new website called **[Product Pains](https://productpains.com/product/react-native/?tab=top)** to help the community **prioritize issues**.
We have limited bandwidth, it's therefore important to know which issues should be fixed first. The reason Product Pains works better than github is that people can **vote on issues**.
If you want to help the community prioritize, go ahead and give [Product Pains](https://productpains.com/product/react-native/?tab=top) a try. You can link to this issue from Product Pains.
There are also other ways to get help. Chat with us on [Reactiflux](https://discord.gg/0ZcbPKXt5bWJVmUY) in #react-native or check out the [README](https://github.com/facebook/react-native#getting-help).