
222 lines
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require "json"
package = JSON.parse(, "package.json")))
version = package['version']
source = { :git => '' }
if version == '1000.0.0'
# This is an unpublished version, use the latest commit hash of the react-native repo, which were presumably in.
source[:commit] = `git rev-parse HEAD`.strip
source[:tag] = "v#{version}"
folly_compiler_flags = '-DFOLLY_NO_CONFIG -DFOLLY_MOBILE=1 -DFOLLY_USE_LIBCPP=1' do |s| = "React"
s.version = version
s.summary = package["description"]
s.description = <<-DESC
React Native apps are built using the React JS
framework, and render directly to native UIKit
elements using a fully asynchronous architecture.
There is no browser and no HTML. We have picked what
we think is the best set of features from these and
other technologies to build what we hope to become
the best product development framework available,
with an emphasis on iteration speed, developer
delight, continuity of technology, and absolutely
beautiful and fast products with no compromises in
quality or capability.
s.homepage = ""
s.license = package["license"] = "Facebook"
s.source = source
s.default_subspec = "Core"
s.requires_arc = true
s.platforms = { :ios => "8.0", :tvos => "9.2" }
s.pod_target_xcconfig = { "CLANG_CXX_LANGUAGE_STANDARD" => "c++14" }
s.preserve_paths = "package.json", "LICENSE", "LICENSE-docs", "PATENTS"
s.cocoapods_version = ">= 1.2.0"
s.subspec "Core" do |ss|
BREAKING: iOS: Fix case sensitivity build warning in Xcode 8.3 Summary: **Breaking Change Notes** To adapt to the breaking change, app developers that are consuming React Native through CocoaPods must update their Podfile to refer to yoga with a lowercase "y". In other words: pod 'Yoga', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga' Must be changed to (note the lowercase "y"): pod 'yoga', :path => '../node_modules/react-native/ReactCommon/yoga' **Symptom** If you consume React Native as a CocoaPod and consume a third-party React Native module not as a CocoaPod, you will receive a `nonportable-include-path` warning in Xcode >= 8.3. **Details** Xcode 8.3 introduced -Wnonportable-include-path which triggers if you import a header using different casing than the path to the header on disk. This triggers when consuming React Native as a CocoaPod from a library that isn't a CocoaPod. React Native imports Yoga using paths like this: #import <yoga/Yoga.h> Which means Yoga's headers are expected to be located in a directory called "yoga" with a lowercase "y". However, when React Native is a CocoaPod the Yoga headers for non-CocoaPods end up in the directory "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/Yoga". To fix this such that Yoga's headers end up in "$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/yoga" (note the lowercase "y"), I've changed Yoga's podspec name to have a lowercase "y". **Test Plan** Created a test app where React Native is consumed as a CocoaPod. Added the react-native-maps library to the project and configured it to not be consumed through CocoaPods. Verified that the app compiles properly without the `nonportable-include-path` warnings. Adam Comella Microsoft Corp. Closes Differential Revision: D5706338 Pulled By: javache fbshipit-source-id: 090daa2c3ebb1c66bd467e78a1e91791dbb06651
2017-08-25 11:38:52 +00:00
ss.dependency "yoga", "#{package["version"]}.React"
ss.source_files = "React/**/*.{c,h,m,mm,S}"
ss.exclude_files = "**/__tests__/*",
ss.ios.exclude_files = "React/**/RCTTVView.*"
ss.tvos.exclude_files = "React/Modules/RCTClipboard*",
ss.header_dir = "React"
ss.framework = "JavaScriptCore"
ss.libraries = "stdc++"
ss.pod_target_xcconfig = { "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS" => "\"$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)/ReactCommon\"" }
s.subspec "BatchedBridge" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.dependency "React/cxxreact_legacy"
ss.source_files = "React/Base/", "React/Executors/*"
s.subspec "CxxBridge" do |ss|
ss.dependency "Folly", "2016.09.26.00"
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.dependency "React/cxxreact"
ss.compiler_flags = folly_compiler_flags
ss.private_header_files = "React/Cxx*/*.h"
ss.source_files = "React/Cxx*/*.{h,m,mm}"
s.subspec "DevSupport" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.dependency "React/RCTWebSocket"
ss.source_files = "React/DevSupport/*",
s.subspec "tvOS" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.source_files = "React/**/RCTTVView.{h, m}"
s.subspec "jschelpers_legacy" do |ss|
ss.source_files = "ReactCommon/jschelpers/{JavaScriptCore,JSCWrapper,InspectorInterfaces}.{cpp,h}", "ReactCommon/jschelpers/systemJSCWrapper.cpp"
ss.private_header_files = "ReactCommon/jschelpers/{JavaScriptCore,JSCWrapper,InspectorInterfaces}.h"
ss.pod_target_xcconfig = { "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS" => "\"$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)/ReactCommon\"" }
ss.framework = "JavaScriptCore"
s.subspec "cxxreact_legacy" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/jschelpers_legacy"
ss.source_files = "ReactCommon/cxxreact/{JSBundleType,oss-compat-util}.{cpp,h}"
ss.private_header_files = "ReactCommon/cxxreact/{JSBundleType,oss-compat-util}.h"
ss.pod_target_xcconfig = { "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS" => "\"$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)/ReactCommon\"" }
s.subspec "jschelpers" do |ss|
ss.dependency "Folly", "2016.09.26.00"
ss.compiler_flags = folly_compiler_flags
ss.source_files = "ReactCommon/jschelpers/*.{cpp,h}"
ss.private_header_files = "ReactCommon/jschelpers/*.h"
ss.pod_target_xcconfig = { "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS" => "\"$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)/ReactCommon\"" }
ss.framework = "JavaScriptCore"
s.subspec "cxxreact" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/jschelpers"
ss.dependency "boost"
ss.dependency "Folly", "2016.09.26.00"
ss.compiler_flags = folly_compiler_flags
ss.source_files = "ReactCommon/cxxreact/*.{cpp,h}"
ss.exclude_files = "ReactCommon/cxxreact/SampleCxxModule.*"
ss.private_header_files = "ReactCommon/cxxreact/*.h"
ss.pod_target_xcconfig = { "HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS" => "\"$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)/ReactCommon\" \"$(PODS_ROOT)/boost\" \"$(PODS_ROOT)/DoubleConversion\" \"$(PODS_ROOT)/Folly\"" }
s.subspec "ART" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.source_files = "Libraries/ART/**/*.{h,m}"
s.subspec "RCTActionSheet" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.source_files = "Libraries/ActionSheetIOS/*.{h,m}"
s.subspec "RCTAnimation" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.source_files = "Libraries/NativeAnimation/{Drivers/*,Nodes/*,*}.{h,m}"
ss.header_dir = "RCTAnimation"
Add blob implementation with WebSocket integration Summary: This is the first PR from a series of PRs grabbou and me will make to add blob support to React Native. The next PR will include blob support for XMLHttpRequest. I'd like to get this merged with minimal changes to preserve the attribution. My next PR can contain bigger changes. Blobs are used to transfer binary data between server and client. Currently React Native lacks a way to deal with binary data. The only thing that comes close is uploading files through a URI. Current workarounds to transfer binary data includes encoding and decoding them to base64 and and transferring them as string, which is not ideal, since it increases the payload size and the whole payload needs to be sent via the bridge every time changes are made. The PR adds a way to deal with blobs via a new native module. The blob is constructed on the native side and the data never needs to pass through the bridge. Currently the only way to create a blob is to receive a blob from the server via websocket. The PR is largely a direct port of by philikon into RN (with changes to integrate with RN), and attributed as such. > **Note:** This is a breaking change for all people running iOS without CocoaPods. You will have to manually add `RCTBlob.xcodeproj` to your `Libraries` and then, add it to Build Phases. Just follow the process of manual linking. We'll also need to document this process in the release notes. Related discussion - - `Image` can't show image when `URL.createObjectURL` is used with large images on Android The websocket integration can be tested via a simple server, ```js const fs = require('fs'); const http = require('http'); const WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; const wss = new WebSocketServer({ server: http.createServer().listen(7232), }); wss.on('connection', (ws) => { ws.on('message', (d) => { console.log(d); }); ws.send(fs.readFileSync('./some-file')); }); ``` Then on the client, ```js var ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:7232'); ws.binaryType = 'blob'; ws.onerror = (error) => { console.error(error); }; ws.onmessage = (e) => { console.log(; ws.send(; }; ``` cc brentvatne ide Closes Reviewed By: sahrens Differential Revision: D5188484 Pulled By: javache fbshipit-source-id: 6afcbc4d19aa7a27b0dc9d52701ba400e7d7e98f
2017-07-26 15:12:12 +00:00
s.subspec "RCTBlob" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.source_files = "Libraries/Blob/*.{h,m}"
ss.preserve_paths = "Libraries/Blob/*.js"
s.subspec "RCTCameraRoll" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
Add blob implementation with WebSocket integration Summary: This is the first PR from a series of PRs grabbou and me will make to add blob support to React Native. The next PR will include blob support for XMLHttpRequest. I'd like to get this merged with minimal changes to preserve the attribution. My next PR can contain bigger changes. Blobs are used to transfer binary data between server and client. Currently React Native lacks a way to deal with binary data. The only thing that comes close is uploading files through a URI. Current workarounds to transfer binary data includes encoding and decoding them to base64 and and transferring them as string, which is not ideal, since it increases the payload size and the whole payload needs to be sent via the bridge every time changes are made. The PR adds a way to deal with blobs via a new native module. The blob is constructed on the native side and the data never needs to pass through the bridge. Currently the only way to create a blob is to receive a blob from the server via websocket. The PR is largely a direct port of by philikon into RN (with changes to integrate with RN), and attributed as such. > **Note:** This is a breaking change for all people running iOS without CocoaPods. You will have to manually add `RCTBlob.xcodeproj` to your `Libraries` and then, add it to Build Phases. Just follow the process of manual linking. We'll also need to document this process in the release notes. Related discussion - - `Image` can't show image when `URL.createObjectURL` is used with large images on Android The websocket integration can be tested via a simple server, ```js const fs = require('fs'); const http = require('http'); const WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; const wss = new WebSocketServer({ server: http.createServer().listen(7232), }); wss.on('connection', (ws) => { ws.on('message', (d) => { console.log(d); }); ws.send(fs.readFileSync('./some-file')); }); ``` Then on the client, ```js var ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:7232'); ws.binaryType = 'blob'; ws.onerror = (error) => { console.error(error); }; ws.onmessage = (e) => { console.log(; ws.send(; }; ``` cc brentvatne ide Closes Reviewed By: sahrens Differential Revision: D5188484 Pulled By: javache fbshipit-source-id: 6afcbc4d19aa7a27b0dc9d52701ba400e7d7e98f
2017-07-26 15:12:12 +00:00
ss.dependency 'React/RCTImage'
ss.source_files = "Libraries/CameraRoll/*.{h,m}"
s.subspec "RCTGeolocation" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.source_files = "Libraries/Geolocation/*.{h,m}"
s.subspec "RCTImage" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.dependency "React/RCTNetwork"
ss.source_files = "Libraries/Image/*.{h,m}"
s.subspec "RCTNetwork" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.source_files = "Libraries/Network/*.{h,m,mm}"
s.subspec "RCTPushNotification" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.source_files = "Libraries/PushNotificationIOS/*.{h,m}"
s.subspec "RCTSettings" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.source_files = "Libraries/Settings/*.{h,m}"
s.subspec "RCTText" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.source_files = "Libraries/Text/*.{h,m}"
s.subspec "RCTVibration" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.source_files = "Libraries/Vibration/*.{h,m}"
s.subspec "RCTWebSocket" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
Add blob implementation with WebSocket integration Summary: This is the first PR from a series of PRs grabbou and me will make to add blob support to React Native. The next PR will include blob support for XMLHttpRequest. I'd like to get this merged with minimal changes to preserve the attribution. My next PR can contain bigger changes. Blobs are used to transfer binary data between server and client. Currently React Native lacks a way to deal with binary data. The only thing that comes close is uploading files through a URI. Current workarounds to transfer binary data includes encoding and decoding them to base64 and and transferring them as string, which is not ideal, since it increases the payload size and the whole payload needs to be sent via the bridge every time changes are made. The PR adds a way to deal with blobs via a new native module. The blob is constructed on the native side and the data never needs to pass through the bridge. Currently the only way to create a blob is to receive a blob from the server via websocket. The PR is largely a direct port of by philikon into RN (with changes to integrate with RN), and attributed as such. > **Note:** This is a breaking change for all people running iOS without CocoaPods. You will have to manually add `RCTBlob.xcodeproj` to your `Libraries` and then, add it to Build Phases. Just follow the process of manual linking. We'll also need to document this process in the release notes. Related discussion - - `Image` can't show image when `URL.createObjectURL` is used with large images on Android The websocket integration can be tested via a simple server, ```js const fs = require('fs'); const http = require('http'); const WebSocketServer = require('ws').Server; const wss = new WebSocketServer({ server: http.createServer().listen(7232), }); wss.on('connection', (ws) => { ws.on('message', (d) => { console.log(d); }); ws.send(fs.readFileSync('./some-file')); }); ``` Then on the client, ```js var ws = new WebSocket('ws://localhost:7232'); ws.binaryType = 'blob'; ws.onerror = (error) => { console.error(error); }; ws.onmessage = (e) => { console.log(; ws.send(; }; ``` cc brentvatne ide Closes Reviewed By: sahrens Differential Revision: D5188484 Pulled By: javache fbshipit-source-id: 6afcbc4d19aa7a27b0dc9d52701ba400e7d7e98f
2017-07-26 15:12:12 +00:00
ss.dependency "React/RCTBlob"
ss.dependency "React/fishhook"
ss.source_files = "Libraries/WebSocket/*.{h,m}"
s.subspec "fishhook" do |ss|
ss.header_dir = "fishhook"
ss.source_files = "Libraries/fishhook/*.{h,c}"
s.subspec "RCTLinkingIOS" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.source_files = "Libraries/LinkingIOS/*.{h,m}"
s.subspec "RCTTest" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.source_files = "Libraries/RCTTest/**/*.{h,m}"
ss.frameworks = "XCTest"
s.subspec "_ignore_me_subspec_for_linting_" do |ss|
ss.dependency "React/Core"
ss.dependency "React/CxxBridge"