It uses [recast][] to parse the source into an AST and provides methods to process this AST to extract the desired information. The output / return value is a JSON blob / JavaScript object.
It provides a default implementation for React components defined via `React.createClass`. These component definitions must follow certain guidelines in order to be analyzable (see below for more info).
By default, `react-docgen` will look for the exported component created through `React.createClass` in each file. Have a look below for how to customize this behavior.
As with the CLI, this will look for the exported component created through `React.createClass` in the provided source. The whole process of analyzing the source code is separated into two parts:
- Locating/finding the nodes in the AST which define the component
- Extracting information from those nodes
`parse` accepts more arguments with which this behavior can be customized.
### parse(source \[, resolver \[, handlers\]\])
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| -------------- | ------ | --------------- |
| source | string | The source text |
| resolver | function | A function of the form `(ast: ASTNode, recast: Object) => (NodePath|Array<NodePath>)`. Given an AST and a reference to recast, it returns an (array of) NodePath which represents the component definition. |
| handlers | Array\<function\> | An array of functions of the form `(documentation: Documentation, definition: NodePath) => void`. Each function is called with a `Documentation` object and a reference to the component definition as returned by `resolver`. Handlers extract relevant information from the definition and augment `documentation`.
#### resolver
The resolver's task is to extract those parts from the source code which the handlers can analyze. For example, the `findExportedReactCreateClassCall` resolver inspects the AST to find
var Component = React.createClass(<def>);
module.exports = Component;
and returns the ObjectExpression to which `<def>` resolves.
`findAllReactCreateClassCalls` works similarly, but simply finds all `React.createClass` calls, not only the one that creates the exported component.
This makes it easy, together with the utility methods created to analyze the AST, to introduce new or custom resolver methods. For example, a resolver could look for plain ObjectExpressions with a `render` method or `class Component extends React.Component` instead (**note:** a default resolver for `class` based react components is planned).
#### handlers
Handlers do the actual work and extract the desired information from the result the resolver returned. Like the resolver, they try to delegate as much work as possible to the reusable utility functions.
For example, while the `propTypesHandler` expects the prop types definition to be an ObjectExpression and be located inside an ObjectExpression under the property name `propTypes`, most of the work is actually performed by the `getPropType` utility function.
(`[...]` means the property may not exist if such information was not found in the component definition)
-`<propName>`: For each prop that was found, there will be an entry in `props` under the same name.
-`<typeName>`: The name of the type, which is usually corresponds to the function name in `React.PropTypes`. However, for types define with `oneOf`, we use `"enum"` and for `oneOfType` we use `"union"`. If a custom function is provided or the type cannot be resolved to anything of `React.PropTypes`, we use `"custom"`.
-`<typeValue>`: Some types accept parameters which define the type in more detail (such as `arrayOf`, `instanceOf`, `oneOf`, etc). Those are stored in `<typeValue>`. The data type of `<typeValue>` depends on the type definition.