141 lines
4.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#import "RCTText.h"
#import "RCTShadowText.h"
#import "RCTUtils.h"
2015-03-26 02:58:06 -07:00
#import "UIView+React.h"
@implementation RCTText
NSTextStorage *_textStorage;
NSMutableArray *_reactSubviews;
CAShapeLayer *_highlightLayer;
- (instancetype)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
if ((self = [super initWithFrame:frame])) {
_textStorage = [[NSTextStorage alloc] init];
_reactSubviews = [NSMutableArray array];
2015-05-14 19:45:00 -01:00
self.isAccessibilityElement = YES;
self.accessibilityTraits |= UIAccessibilityTraitStaticText;
self.opaque = NO;
self.contentMode = UIViewContentModeRedraw;
return self;
- (NSString *)description
NSString *superDescription = super.description;
NSRange semicolonRange = [superDescription rangeOfString:@";"];
NSString *replacement = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"; reactTag: %@; text: %@", self.reactTag, self.textStorage.string];
return [superDescription stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:semicolonRange withString:replacement];
- (void)reactSetFrame:(CGRect)frame
// Text looks super weird if its frame is animated.
// This disables the frame animation, without affecting opacity, etc.
[UIView performWithoutAnimation:^{
[super reactSetFrame:frame];
- (void)insertReactSubview:(UIView *)subview atIndex:(NSInteger)atIndex
[_reactSubviews insertObject:subview atIndex:atIndex];
- (void)removeReactSubview:(UIView *)subview
[_reactSubviews removeObject:subview];
- (NSMutableArray *)reactSubviews
return _reactSubviews;
- (void)setTextStorage:(NSTextStorage *)textStorage
_textStorage = textStorage;
[self setNeedsDisplay];
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
NSLayoutManager *layoutManager = [_textStorage.layoutManagers firstObject];
NSTextContainer *textContainer = [layoutManager.textContainers firstObject];
CGRect textFrame = UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(self.bounds, _contentInset);
NSRange glyphRange = [layoutManager glyphRangeForTextContainer:textContainer];
[layoutManager drawBackgroundForGlyphRange:glyphRange atPoint:textFrame.origin];
[layoutManager drawGlyphsForGlyphRange:glyphRange atPoint:textFrame.origin];
__block UIBezierPath *highlightPath = nil;
[layoutManager.textStorage enumerateAttributesInRange:glyphRange options:0 usingBlock:^(NSDictionary *attrs, NSRange range, __unused BOOL *stop){
if ([attrs[RCTIsHighlightedAttributeName] boolValue]) {
[layoutManager enumerateEnclosingRectsForGlyphRange:range withinSelectedGlyphRange:range inTextContainer:textContainer usingBlock:^(CGRect r, __unused BOOL *s){
UIBezierPath *path = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:CGRectInset(r, -2, -2) cornerRadius:2];
if (highlightPath) {
[highlightPath appendPath:path];
} else {
highlightPath = path;
if (highlightPath) {
if (!_highlightLayer) {
_highlightLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
_highlightLayer.fillColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:0 alpha:0.25].CGColor;
[self.layer addSublayer:_highlightLayer];
_highlightLayer.position = (CGPoint){_contentInset.left, _contentInset.top};
_highlightLayer.path = highlightPath.CGPath;
} else {
[_highlightLayer removeFromSuperlayer];
_highlightLayer = nil;
- (NSNumber *)reactTagAtPoint:(CGPoint)point
NSNumber *reactTag = self.reactTag;
CGFloat fraction;
NSLayoutManager *layoutManager = [_textStorage.layoutManagers firstObject];
NSTextContainer *textContainer = [layoutManager.textContainers firstObject];
NSUInteger characterIndex = [layoutManager characterIndexForPoint:point
// If the point is not before (fraction == 0.0) the first character and not
// after (fraction == 1.0) the last character, then the attribute is valid.
if (_textStorage.length > 0 && (fraction > 0 || characterIndex > 0) && (fraction < 1 || characterIndex < _textStorage.length - 1)) {
reactTag = [_textStorage attribute:RCTReactTagAttributeName atIndex:characterIndex effectiveRange:NULL];
return reactTag;
#pragma mark - Accessibility
- (NSString *)accessibilityLabel
return _textStorage.string;