Point Gradle to your Android SDK: either have `$ANDROID_SDK` and `$ANDROID_NDK` defined, or create a `local.properties` file in the root of your `react-native` checkout with the following contents:
You'll need to do one additional step until we release the React Native Gradle plugin to Maven central. This is because Android Studio has its own local Maven repo:
In the configurations dropdown, _app_ should be selected. Click _Run_.
## Installing the React Native .aar in your local Maven repo
In some cases, for example when working on the `react-native-cli` it's useful to publish a snapshot version of React Native into your local Maven repo. This way, Gradle can pick it up when building projects that have a Maven dependency on React Native.
cd react-native-android
./gradlew :ReactAndroid:installArchives
## Troubleshooting
Gradle build fails in `ndk-build`. See the section about `local.properties` file above.
Gradle build fails "Could not find any version that matches com.facebook.react:gradleplugin:...". See the section about the React Native Gradle plugin above.
Packager throws an error saying a module is not found. Try running `npm install` in the root of the repo.