2018-06-25 22:55:33 +00:00
/ * *
* Copyright ( c ) 2015 - present , Facebook , Inc .
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
* @ flow
* @ format
* /
'use strict' ;
const ImageStylePropTypes = require ( 'ImageStylePropTypes' ) ;
const NativeModules = require ( 'NativeModules' ) ;
const React = require ( 'React' ) ;
const ReactNative = require ( 'ReactNative' ) ;
const PropTypes = require ( 'prop-types' ) ;
const StyleSheet = require ( 'StyleSheet' ) ;
const StyleSheetPropType = require ( 'StyleSheetPropType' ) ;
const TextAncestor = require ( 'TextAncestor' ) ;
const ViewPropTypes = require ( 'ViewPropTypes' ) ;
const flattenStyle = require ( 'flattenStyle' ) ;
const merge = require ( 'merge' ) ;
const requireNativeComponent = require ( 'requireNativeComponent' ) ;
const resolveAssetSource = require ( 'resolveAssetSource' ) ;
const { ImageLoader } = NativeModules ;
const RKImage = requireNativeComponent ( 'RCTImageView' ) ;
const RCTTextInlineImage = requireNativeComponent ( 'RCTTextInlineImage' ) ;
import type { ImageProps as ImagePropsType } from 'ImageProps' ;
let _requestId = 1 ;
function generateRequestId ( ) {
return _requestId ++ ;
const ImageProps = {
... ViewPropTypes ,
style : StyleSheetPropType ( ImageStylePropTypes ) ,
/ * *
* See https : //facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/image.html#source
* /
source : PropTypes . oneOfType ( [
PropTypes . shape ( {
uri : PropTypes . string ,
headers : PropTypes . objectOf ( PropTypes . string ) ,
} ) ,
// Opaque type returned by require('./image.jpg')
PropTypes . number ,
// Multiple sources
PropTypes . arrayOf (
PropTypes . shape ( {
uri : PropTypes . string ,
width : PropTypes . number ,
height : PropTypes . number ,
headers : PropTypes . objectOf ( PropTypes . string ) ,
} ) ,
) ,
] ) ,
/ * *
* blurRadius : the blur radius of the blur filter added to the image
* See https : //facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/image.html#blurradius
* /
blurRadius : PropTypes . number ,
/ * *
* See https : //facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/image.html#defaultsource
* /
defaultSource : PropTypes . number ,
/ * *
* See https : //facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/image.html#loadingindicatorsource
* /
loadingIndicatorSource : PropTypes . oneOfType ( [
PropTypes . shape ( {
uri : PropTypes . string ,
} ) ,
// Opaque type returned by require('./image.jpg')
PropTypes . number ,
] ) ,
progressiveRenderingEnabled : PropTypes . bool ,
fadeDuration : PropTypes . number ,
/ * *
* Invoked on load start
* /
onLoadStart : PropTypes . func ,
/ * *
* Invoked on load error
* /
onError : PropTypes . func ,
/ * *
* Invoked when load completes successfully
* /
onLoad : PropTypes . func ,
/ * *
* Invoked when load either succeeds or fails
* /
onLoadEnd : PropTypes . func ,
/ * *
* Used to locate this view in end - to - end tests .
* /
testID : PropTypes . string ,
/ * *
* The mechanism that should be used to resize the image when the image ' s dimensions
* differ from the image view ' s dimensions . Defaults to ` auto ` .
* See https : //facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/image.html#resizemethod
* /
resizeMethod : PropTypes . oneOf ( [ 'auto' , 'resize' , 'scale' ] ) ,
/ * *
* Determines how to resize the image when the frame doesn ' t match the raw
* image dimensions .
* See https : //facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/image.html#resizemode
* /
resizeMode : PropTypes . oneOf ( [
'cover' ,
'contain' ,
'stretch' ,
'repeat' ,
'center' ,
] ) ,
} ;
function getSize (
url : string ,
success : ( width : number , height : number ) => void ,
failure ? : ( error : any ) => void ,
) {
return ImageLoader . getSize ( url )
. then ( function ( sizes ) {
success ( sizes . width , sizes . height ) ;
} )
. catch (
failure ||
function ( ) {
console . warn ( 'Failed to get size for image: ' + url ) ;
} ,
) ;
function prefetch ( url : string , callback : ? Function ) {
const requestId = generateRequestId ( ) ;
callback && callback ( requestId ) ;
return ImageLoader . prefetchImage ( url , requestId ) ;
function abortPrefetch ( requestId : number ) {
ImageLoader . abortRequest ( requestId ) ;
/ * *
* Perform cache interrogation .
* See https : //facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/image.html#querycache
* /
async function queryCache (
urls : Array < string > ,
) : Promise < Map < string , 'memory' | 'disk' >> {
return await ImageLoader . queryCache ( urls ) ;
declare class ImageComponentType extends ReactNative . NativeComponent <
ImagePropsType ,
> {
static getSize : typeof getSize ;
static prefetch : typeof prefetch ;
static abortPrefetch : typeof abortPrefetch ;
static queryCache : typeof queryCache ;
static resolveAssetSource : typeof resolveAssetSource ;
static propTypes : typeof ImageProps ;
/ * *
* A React component for displaying different types of images ,
* including network images , static resources , temporary local images , and
* images from local disk , such as the camera roll .
* See https : //facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/image.html
* /
let Image = (
props : ImagePropsType ,
forwardedRef : ? React . Ref < 'RCTTextInlineImage' | 'RKImage' > ,
) => {
const source = resolveAssetSource ( props . source ) ;
const defaultSource = resolveAssetSource ( props . defaultSource ) ;
const loadingIndicatorSource = resolveAssetSource (
props . loadingIndicatorSource ,
) ;
if ( source && source . uri === '' ) {
console . warn ( 'source.uri should not be an empty string' ) ;
if ( props . src ) {
console . warn (
'The <Image> component requires a `source` property rather than `src`.' ,
) ;
if ( props . children ) {
throw new Error (
'The <Image> component cannot contain children. If you want to render content on top of the image, consider using the <ImageBackground> component or absolute positioning.' ,
) ;
if ( props . defaultSource && props . loadingIndicatorSource ) {
throw new Error (
'The <Image> component cannot have defaultSource and loadingIndicatorSource at the same time. Please use either defaultSource or loadingIndicatorSource.' ,
) ;
let style ;
let sources ;
2018-06-26 17:52:38 +00:00
if ( source ? . uri != null ) {
2018-06-25 22:55:33 +00:00
const { width , height } = source ;
style = flattenStyle ( [ { width , height } , styles . base , props . style ] ) ;
sources = [ { uri : source . uri } ] ;
} else {
style = flattenStyle ( [ styles . base , props . style ] ) ;
sources = source ;
const { onLoadStart , onLoad , onLoadEnd , onError } = props ;
const nativeProps = merge ( props , {
style ,
shouldNotifyLoadEvents : ! ! ( onLoadStart || onLoad || onLoadEnd || onError ) ,
src : sources ,
2018-06-26 17:52:38 +00:00
headers : source ? . headers ,
2018-06-25 22:55:33 +00:00
defaultSrc : defaultSource ? defaultSource . uri : null ,
loadingIndicatorSrc : loadingIndicatorSource
? loadingIndicatorSource . uri
: null ,
ref : forwardedRef ,
} ) ;
return (
< TextAncestor . Consumer >
{ hasTextAncestor =>
hasTextAncestor ? (
< RCTTextInlineImage { ... nativeProps } / >
) : (
< RKImage { ... nativeProps } / >
< / T e x t A n c e s t o r . C o n s u m e r >
) ;
} ;
// $FlowFixMe - TODO T29156721 `React.forwardRef` is not defined in Flow, yet.
Image = React . forwardRef ( Image ) ;
/ * *
* Prefetches a remote image for later use by downloading it to the disk
* cache
* See https : //facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/image.html#prefetch
* /
Image . getSize = getSize ;
/ * *
* Prefetches a remote image for later use by downloading it to the disk
* cache
* See https : //facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/image.html#prefetch
* /
Image . prefetch = prefetch ;
/ * *
* Abort prefetch request .
* See https : //facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/image.html#abortprefetch
* /
Image . abortPrefetch = abortPrefetch ;
/ * *
* Perform cache interrogation .
* See https : //facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/image.html#querycache
* /
Image . queryCache = queryCache ;
/ * *
* Resolves an asset reference into an object .
* See https : //facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/image.html#resolveassetsource
* /
Image . resolveAssetSource = resolveAssetSource ;
Image . propTypes = ImageProps ;
const styles = StyleSheet . create ( {
base : {
overflow : 'hidden' ,
} ,
} ) ;
module . exports = ( Image : Class < ImageComponentType > ) ;