2016-01-26 14:34:00 -08:00
/ * *
* Copyright ( c ) 2015 - present , Facebook , Inc .
* All rights reserved .
* This source code is licensed under the BSD - style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree . An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory .
* @ providesModule Linking
* @ flow
* /
'use strict' ;
const Platform = require ( 'Platform' ) ;
const RCTDeviceEventEmitter = require ( 'RCTDeviceEventEmitter' ) ;
const {
IntentAndroid ,
LinkingManager : LinkingManagerIOS
} = require ( 'NativeModules' ) ;
const LinkingManager = Platform . OS === 'android' ? IntentAndroid : LinkingManagerIOS ;
const invariant = require ( 'invariant' ) ;
const Map = require ( 'Map' ) ;
const _notifHandlers = new Map ( ) ;
const DEVICE _NOTIF _EVENT = 'openURL' ;
/ * *
* ` Linking ` gives you a general interface to interact with both incoming
* and outgoing app links .
* # # # Basic Usage
* # # # # Handling deep links
* If your app was launched from an external url registered to your app you can
* access and handle it from any component you want with
* ` ` `
* componentDidMount ( ) {
* var url = Linking . getInitialURL ( ) . then ( url ) => {
* if ( url ) {
* console . log ( 'Initial url is: ' + url ) ;
* }
* } ) . catch ( err => console . error ( 'An error occurred' , err ) ) ;
* }
* ` ` `
* NOTE : For instructions on how to add support for deep linking on Android ,
* refer [ Enabling Deep Links for App Content - Add Intent Filters for Your Deep Links ] ( http : //developer.android.com/training/app-indexing/deep-linking.html#adding-filters).
* NOTE : For iOS , in case you also want to listen to incoming app links during your app ' s
* execution you ' ll need to add the following lines to you ` *AppDelegate.m ` :
* ` ` `
2016-02-10 08:37:58 -08:00
* # import "RCTLinkingManager.h"
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* - ( BOOL ) application : ( UIApplication * ) application openURL : ( NSURL * ) url
* sourceApplication : ( NSString * ) sourceApplication annotation : ( id ) annotation
* {
2016-02-10 08:37:58 -08:00
* return [ RCTLinkingManager application : application openURL : url
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* sourceApplication : sourceApplication annotation : annotation ] ;
* }
* // Only if your app is using [Universal Links](https://developer.apple.com/library/prerelease/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/AppSearch/UniversalLinks.html).
* - ( BOOL ) application : ( UIApplication * ) application continueUserActivity : ( NSUserActivity * ) userActivity
* restorationHandler : ( void ( ^ ) ( NSArray * _Nullable ) ) restorationHandler
* {
2016-02-10 08:37:58 -08:00
* return [ RCTLinkingManager application : application
2016-01-26 14:34:00 -08:00
* continueUserActivity : userActivity
* restorationHandler : restorationHandler ] ;
* }
* ` ` `
* And then on your React component you ' ll be able to listen to the events on
* ` Linking ` as follows
* ` ` `
* componentDidMount ( ) {
* Linking . addEventListener ( 'url' , this . _handleOpenURL ) ;
* } ,
* componentWillUnmount ( ) {
* Linking . removeEventListener ( 'url' , this . _handleOpenURL ) ;
* } ,
* _handleOpenURL ( event ) {
* console . log ( event . url ) ;
* }
* ` ` `
* Note that this is only supported on iOS .
* # # # # Opening external links
* To start the corresponding activity for a link ( web URL , email , contact etc . ) , call
* ` ` `
* Linking . openURL ( url ) . catch ( err => console . error ( 'An error occurred' , err ) ) ;
* ` ` `
* If you want to check if any installed app can handle a given URL beforehand you can call
* ` ` `
* Linking . canOpenURL ( url ) . then ( supported => {
* if ( ! supported ) {
* console . log ( 'Can\'t handle url: ' + url ) ;
* } else {
* return Linking . openURL ( url ) ;
* }
* } ) . catch ( err => console . error ( 'An error occurred' , err ) ) ;
* ` ` `
* /
class Linking {
/ * *
* Add a handler to Linking changes by listening to the ` url ` event type
* and providing the handler
* @ platform ios
* /
static addEventListener ( type : string , handler : Function ) {
if ( Platform . OS === 'android' ) {
console . warn ( 'Linking.addEventListener is not supported on Android' ) ;
} else {
invariant (
type === 'url' ,
'Linking only supports `url` events'
) ;
var listener = RCTDeviceEventEmitter . addListener (
) ;
_notifHandlers . set ( handler , listener ) ;
/ * *
* Remove a handler by passing the ` url ` event type and the handler
* @ platform ios
* /
static removeEventListener ( type : string , handler : Function ) {
if ( Platform . OS === 'android' ) {
console . warn ( 'Linking.removeEventListener is not supported on Android' ) ;
} else {
invariant (
type === 'url' ,
'Linking only supports `url` events'
) ;
var listener = _notifHandlers . get ( handler ) ;
if ( ! listener ) {
return ;
listener . remove ( ) ;
_notifHandlers . delete ( handler ) ;
/ * *
* Try to open the given ` url ` with any of the installed apps .
* You can use other URLs , like a location ( e . g . "geo:37.484847,-122.148386" ) , a contact ,
* or any other URL that can be opened with the installed apps .
* NOTE : This method will fail if the system doesn ' t know how to open the specified URL .
* If you 're passing in a non-http(s) URL, it' s best to check { @ code canOpenURL } first .
* NOTE : For web URLs , the protocol ( "http://" , "https://" ) must be set accordingly !
* /
static openURL ( url : string ) : Promise < boolean > {
this . _validateURL ( url ) ;
return LinkingManager . openURL ( url ) ;
/ * *
* Determine whether or not an installed app can handle a given URL .
* NOTE : For web URLs , the protocol ( "http://" , "https://" ) must be set accordingly !
* NOTE : As of iOS 9 , your app needs to provide the ` LSApplicationQueriesSchemes ` key
* inside ` Info.plist ` .
* @ param URL the URL to open
* /
static canOpenURL ( url : string ) : Promise < boolean > {
this . _validateURL ( url ) ;
return LinkingManager . canOpenURL ( url ) ;
/ * *
* If the app launch was triggered by an app link with ,
* it will give the link url , otherwise it will give ` null `
* NOTE : To support deep linking on Android , refer http : //developer.android.com/training/app-indexing/deep-linking.html#handling-intents
* /
static getInitialURL ( ) : Promise < ? string > {
if ( Platform . OS === 'android' ) {
return IntentAndroid . getInitialURL ( ) ;
} else {
return Promise . resolve ( LinkingManagerIOS . initialURL ) ;
static _validateURL ( url : string ) {
invariant (
typeof url === 'string' ,
'Invalid URL: should be a string. Was: ' + url
) ;
invariant (
url ,
'Invalid URL: cannot be empty'
) ;
module . exports = Linking ;