2015-01-29 17:10:49 -08:00
// Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved.
#import "RCTExport.h"
#import <dlfcn.h>
#import <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
#import <mach-o/getsect.h>
#import <mach-o/dyld.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <objc/message.h>
#import "RCTConvert.h"
#import "RCTModuleMethod.h"
#import "RCTUtils.h"
static NSDictionary *_methodsByModule;
@interface _RCTExportLoader : NSObject
@implementation _RCTExportLoader
+ (NSString *)methodNameForSelector:(SEL)selector
NSString *methodName = NSStringFromSelector(selector);
NSRange colonRange = [methodName rangeOfString:@":"];
if (colonRange.location != NSNotFound) {
methodName = [methodName substringToIndex:colonRange.location];
return methodName;
+ (NSIndexSet *)blockArgumentIndexesForMethod:(Method)method
unsigned int argumentCount = method_getNumberOfArguments(method);
NSMutableIndexSet *blockArgumentIndexes = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
static const char *blockType = @encode(typeof(^{}));
for (unsigned int i = 2; i < argumentCount; i++) {
char *type = method_copyArgumentType(method, i);
if (!strcmp(type, blockType)) {
[blockArgumentIndexes addIndex:i - 2];
return [blockArgumentIndexes copy];
+ (void)load
static uint32_t _exportsLoaded = 0;
if (OSAtomicTestAndSetBarrier(1, &_exportsLoaded)) {
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint64_t RCTExportValue;
typedef struct section_64 RCTExportSection;
#define RCTGetSectByNameFromHeader getsectbynamefromheader_64
typedef uint32_t RCTExportValue;
typedef struct section RCTExportSection;
#define RCTGetSectByNameFromHeader getsectbynamefromheader
Dl_info info;
dladdr(&RCTExportedMethodsByModule, &info);
const RCTExportValue mach_header = (RCTExportValue)info.dli_fbase;
const RCTExportSection *section = RCTGetSectByNameFromHeader((void *)mach_header, _RCTExportSegmentName, _RCTExportSectionName);
if (section == NULL) {
NSMutableDictionary *methodsByModule = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSCharacterSet *plusMinusCharacterSet = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"+-"];
for (RCTExportValue addr = section->offset;
addr < section->offset + section->size;
addr += sizeof(RCTExportEntry)) {
RCTExportEntry *entry = (RCTExportEntry *)(mach_header + addr);
NSScanner *scanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:@(entry->func)];
NSString *plusMinus;
if (![scanner scanCharactersFromSet:plusMinusCharacterSet intoString:&plusMinus]) continue;
if (![scanner scanString:@"[" intoString:NULL]) continue;
NSString *className;
if (![scanner scanUpToString:@" " intoString:&className]) continue;
[scanner scanString:@" " intoString:NULL];
NSString *selectorName;
if (![scanner scanUpToString:@"]" intoString:&selectorName]) continue;
Class class = NSClassFromString(className);
if (class == Nil) continue;
SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(selectorName);
Method method = ([plusMinus characterAtIndex:0] == '+' ? class_getClassMethod : class_getInstanceMethod)(class, selector);
if (method == nil) continue;
NSString *JSMethodName = strlen(entry->js_name) ? @(entry->js_name) : [self methodNameForSelector:selector];
RCTModuleMethod *moduleMethod =
[[RCTModuleMethod alloc] initWithSelector:selector
arity:method_getNumberOfArguments(method) - 2
blockArgumentIndexes:[self blockArgumentIndexesForMethod:method]];
// TODO: store these by class name, not module name, then we don't need to call moduleName here
NSString *moduleName = [class respondsToSelector:@selector(moduleName)] ? [class moduleName] : className;
NSArray *moduleMap = methodsByModule[moduleName];
methodsByModule[moduleName] = (moduleMap != nil) ? [moduleMap arrayByAddingObject:moduleMethod] : @[moduleMethod];
_methodsByModule = [methodsByModule copy];
NSDictionary *RCTExportedMethodsByModule(void)
return _methodsByModule;
NSString *RCTExportedModuleNameAtSortedIndex(NSUInteger index)
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
static NSArray *sortedModuleNames;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sortedModuleNames = [RCTExportedMethodsByModule().allKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)];
return sortedModuleNames[index];
static NSString *RCTGuessTypeEncoding(id target, NSString *key, id value, NSString *encoding)
// TODO (#5906496): handle more cases
if ([key rangeOfString:@"color" options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location != NSNotFound) {
if ([target isKindOfClass:[CALayer class]]) {
return @(@encode(CGColorRef));
} else {
return @"@\"UIColor\"";
return nil;
static NSDictionary *RCTConvertValue(id value, NSString *encoding)
static NSDictionary *converters = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
id (^numberConvert)(id) = ^(id val){
return [RCTConvert NSNumber:val];
id (^boolConvert)(id) = ^(id val){
return @([RCTConvert BOOL:val]);
// TODO (#5906496): add the rest of RCTConvert here
converters =
@(@encode(char)): boolConvert,
@(@encode(int)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(short)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(long)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(long long)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(unsigned char)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(unsigned int)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(unsigned short)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(unsigned long)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(unsigned long long)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(float)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(double)): numberConvert,
@(@encode(bool)): boolConvert,
@(@encode(UIEdgeInsets)): ^(id val) {
return [NSValue valueWithUIEdgeInsets:[RCTConvert UIEdgeInsets:val]];
@(@encode(CGPoint)): ^(id val) {
return [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:[RCTConvert CGPoint:val]];
@(@encode(CGSize)): ^(id val) {
return [NSValue valueWithCGSize:[RCTConvert CGSize:val]];
@(@encode(CGRect)): ^(id val) {
return [NSValue valueWithCGRect:[RCTConvert CGRect:val]];
@(@encode(CGColorRef)): ^(id val) {
return (id)[RCTConvert CGColor:val];
@(@encode(CGAffineTransform)): ^(id val) {
return [NSValue valueWithCGAffineTransform:[RCTConvert CGAffineTransform:val]];
@(@encode(CATransform3D)): ^(id val) {
return [NSValue valueWithCATransform3D:[RCTConvert CATransform3D:val]];
@"@\"NSString\"": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert NSString:val];
@"@\"NSURL\"": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert NSURL:val];
@"@\"UIColor\"": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert UIColor:val];
@"@\"UIImage\"": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert UIImage:val];
@"@\"NSDate\"": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert NSDate:val];
@"@\"NSTimeZone\"": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert NSTimeZone:val];
// Handle null values
if (value == [NSNull null] && ![encoding isEqualToString:@"@\"NSNull\""]) {
return nil;
// Convert value
id (^converter)(id) = converters[encoding];
return converter ? converter(value) : value;
BOOL RCTSetProperty(id target, NSString *keypath, id value)
// Split keypath
NSArray *parts = [keypath componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
NSString *key = [parts lastObject];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < parts.count - 1; i++) {
target = [target valueForKey:parts[i]];
if (!target) {
return NO;
// Check target class for property definition
NSString *encoding = nil;
objc_property_t property = class_getProperty([target class], [key UTF8String]);
if (property) {
// Get type info
char *typeEncoding = property_copyAttributeValue(property, "T");
encoding = @(typeEncoding);
} else {
// Check if setter exists
SEL setter = NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"set%@%@:",
[[key substringToIndex:1] uppercaseString],
[key substringFromIndex:1]]);
if (![target respondsToSelector:setter]) {
return NO;
// Get type of first method argument
Method method = class_getInstanceMethod([target class], setter);
char *typeEncoding = method_copyArgumentType(method, 2);
if (typeEncoding) {
encoding = @(typeEncoding);
if (encoding.length == 0 || [encoding isEqualToString:@(@encode(id))]) {
// Not enough info about the type encoding to be useful, so
// try to guess the type from the value and property name
encoding = RCTGuessTypeEncoding(target, key, value, encoding);
// Special case for numeric encodings, which may be enums
if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] &&
[@"iIsSlLqQ" containsString:[encoding substringToIndex:1]]) {
* NOTE: the property names below may seem weird, but it's
* because they are tested as case-sensitive suffixes, so
* "apitalizationType" will match any of the following
* - capitalizationType
* - autocapitalizationType
* - autoCapitalizationType
* - titleCapitalizationType
* - etc.
static NSDictionary *converters = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
converters =
@"apitalizationType": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert UITextAutocapitalizationType:val];
@"eyboardType": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert UIKeyboardType:val];
@"extAlignment": ^(id val) {
return [RCTConvert NSTextAlignment:val];
for (NSString *subkey in converters) {
if ([key hasSuffix:subkey]) {
NSInteger (^converter)(NSString *) = converters[subkey];
value = @(converter(value));
// Another nasty special case
if ([target isKindOfClass:[UITextField class]]) {
static NSDictionary *specialCases = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
specialCases = @{
@"autocapitalizationType": ^(UITextField *f, NSInteger v){ f.autocapitalizationType = v; },
@"autocorrectionType": ^(UITextField *f, NSInteger v){ f.autocorrectionType = v; },
@"spellCheckingType": ^(UITextField *f, NSInteger v){ f.spellCheckingType = v; },
@"keyboardType": ^(UITextField *f, NSInteger v){ f.keyboardType = v; },
@"keyboardAppearance": ^(UITextField *f, NSInteger v){ f.keyboardAppearance = v; },
@"returnKeyType": ^(UITextField *f, NSInteger v){ f.returnKeyType = v; },
@"enablesReturnKeyAutomatically": ^(UITextField *f, NSInteger v){ f.enablesReturnKeyAutomatically = !!v; },
@"secureTextEntry": ^(UITextField *f, NSInteger v){ f.secureTextEntry = !!v; }};
void (^block)(UITextField *f, NSInteger v) = specialCases[key];
if (block)
block(target, [value integerValue]);
return YES;
// Set converted value
[target setValue:RCTConvertValue(value, encoding) forKey:key];
return YES;
2015-02-03 16:15:20 -08:00
BOOL RCTCopyProperty(id target, id source, NSString *keypath)
// Split keypath
NSArray *parts = [keypath componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
NSString *key = [parts lastObject];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < parts.count - 1; i++) {
source = [source valueForKey:parts[i]];
target = [target valueForKey:parts[i]];
if (!source || !target) {
return NO;
// Check class for property definition
if (!class_getProperty([source class], [key UTF8String])) {
// Check if setter exists
SEL setter = NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:@"set%@%@:",
[[key substringToIndex:1] uppercaseString],
[key substringFromIndex:1]]);
if (![source respondsToSelector:setter]
|| ![target respondsToSelector:setter]) {
return NO;
[target setValue:[source valueForKey:key] forKey:key];
return YES;
2015-01-29 17:10:49 -08:00
BOOL RCTCallSetter(id target, SEL setter, id value)
// Get property name
NSString *propertyName = NSStringFromSelector(setter);
RCTCAssert([propertyName hasPrefix:@"set"] && [propertyName hasSuffix:@":"],
@"%@ is not a valid setter name", propertyName);
propertyName = [[[propertyName substringWithRange:(NSRange){3,1}] lowercaseString] stringByAppendingString:[propertyName substringWithRange:(NSRange){4,propertyName.length - 5}]];
// Set property
return RCTSetProperty(target, propertyName, value);